The Connections Summary Results shows a summary of how each Connections in the current phase performed.
For phases containing only Baseflow or Input Hydrographs filtering will not be available.
When the All Items radio button is selected, the summary shows the maximum flow rates entering and leaving together with details of the volumes for each of the Connections in the Phase for the current storm/event is highlighted on the Storm Selector on the Status Bar. The Select Filter drop down filters the results to show All Items or a selected Flow Paths.
When the All Storms radio button is selected, the summary shows the maximum flow rates in and out of the Connections selected in the Select Item drop down, together with details of the volumes for each of the storms run. This is of most interest when Rainfall with multiple storms is selected on the Analysis Criteria.
For phases containing only Baseflow or Input Hydrographs critical rank by option will not be available.
The Critical Rank By dropdown allows the selection of a specific property in the summary that will determine the critical storm (see below).
For ARR 19 Rainfall the critical rank by option is used to determine which of the 10 temporal patterns run for an AEP / Increase Rainfall / Storm Duration set has the value which is the first temporal pattern above the mean (average) over the 10 results for the given property.
For example, if the property we are looking at is Max Velocity, and the table below represents the values for the given temporal pattern
Temporal Patterns | ||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Max Velocity | 5.5 | 6.2 | 3.1 | 4.5 | 2.6 | 1.5 | 4.87 | 3.65 | 1.56 | 5.56 |
mean = (5.5 + 6.2 + 3.1 + 4.5 + 2.6 + 1.5 + 4.87 + 3.65 + 1.56 + 5.56) / 10 =3.904
The first temporal pattern above the mean is Temporal Pattern 4 (4.5), which will then be used for the critical by comparisons as described below.
When pressed, the Critical Storm toggle button will display the critical storm in the following ways:
The critical storm for a Connection is defined to be that storm that has the largest value for the selected Critical Rank By property.
When pressed, the Critical by Return Period toggle button will display the critical storm for the return period / increase rainfall grouping from the currently selected storm.
The return period / increase rainfall groupings are as follows for the given rainfall sets:
FEH / FSR / Chinese Design - grouped by Return Period and Increase Rainfall from the current storm. e.g if the current storm is FEH: 5 years: +30%: 120mins Winter - then the critical storm will be identified from all the results for FEH 5year + 30% storm duration range.
ARR - grouped by AEP and Increase Rainfall from the current storm. e.g if the current storm is ARR: 50 %: +30%: 120mins - then the critical storm will be identified from all the results for ARR 5% + 30% storm duration range.
Desbordes / Known / User Defined - grouped by Increase Rainfall from the current storm. e.g if the current storm is Desbordes: 5 years: +10%: 15mins - then the critical storm will be identified from all the results for Desbordes +10% storm duration range.
SCS - no grouping. All SCS results are considered.
The critical storm for a Connection is defined to be that storm that has the largest value for the selected Critical Rank By property.
Fields can be turned on or off using the Spreadsheet Preferences form that is accessed from the toolbar at the top of the form. The full set of columns available are shown and can be turned on or off using the check boxes. These settings will be remembered between sessions.
If the results of the analysis are showing issues for the current storm, or one of the storms if showing critical/all storms, a message will be shown at the top of the form. More information can be found in the Simulation Health section.
Additionally, the simulation health warning hyperlink can be clicked to display the Simulation Health Warnings for the current phase.
Connections Type - The connection type is shown for reference, full descriptions of each connection type can be found on the Connections page.
From - The US item (Junction or Stormwater Control) is shown for reference.
To - The DS item (Junction or Stormwater Control) is shown for reference.
Upstream Cover Elevation - The cover elevation at the US end of the connection.
Max US Water Elevation - The maximum water elevation (above datum) reached in the upstream item for the selected or displayed rainfall event. Note: if abstract connections (No Delay, Lagged Flow) are connected to a simple junction then this will be left blank).
Max Flow Depth - The maximum water depth (above invert elevation) reached in the connection for the selected or displayed rainfall event. Note: if abstract connections (No Delay, Lagged Flow) then this will be left blank).
Discharge Volume - The total volume of water discharged through the connection.
Max Velocity - The maximum velocity through the item for the selected or displayed rainfall event
Flow/Capacity - Only shown for Pipes or Channels. The ratio of the maximum inflow to the pipe capacity. The Pipe Capacity is calculated using either the Manning's n or Colebrook-White equation and is based on pipe full conditions. If the ratio is less than 1 then the pipe is capable of taking all the flow. If the ratio is above 1, the pipe capacity is being exceeded and surcharging or flooding may occur.
Max Flow - The maximum flow through the item for the selected or displayed rainfall event.
Status - Based on the elevation in the upstream Junction /stormwater control. See here for an explanation of the status for an upstream Junctions Summary or Stormwater Controls Summary.
The capacity exceeded button toggles the highlighting of any connections where the Flow/Capacity figure is > 1