
// Copyright (c) 2010 Autodesk, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
// CREATED: August 2010
#if defined(JAMBUILD)
#include <Mudbox/mudbox.h>
#include "../../include/Mudbox/mudbox.h"
#include "../../include/MapExtractor/MapExtractorInterface.h"
#include "PtexLayout.h"
#include "ptex/Ptexture.h"
using namespace mudbox;
// This class is responsible to utilize the result of the map extraction for each reference points. In case of a ptex exraction, this means writing the data into a ptex file.
// There will be a separated instance of this class during the extraction process for each enabled Sampler (one for displacement, one for ambient occlusion etc..).
// The main function in this class must be thread safe, which makes the things a bit more complicated. The extraction process uses multiple threads.
class PtexUtilizer : public Utilizer
// The following structure holds data for a single base level face.
struct FaceData
FaceData( unsigned int iWidth, unsigned int iHeight, unsigned int iChannelCount );
QVector<float> m_aData;
unsigned int m_iSamplesLeft;
unsigned int m_iWidth;
unsigned int m_iHeight;
enum Format
PtexUtilizer( void );
// Catch general events happening with attributes.
void OnNodeEvent( const Attribute &, NodeEventType );
// This function must return a string which represents the extraction type. This will appear on the UI.
QString MapTypeName( void ) const { return QObject::tr("Ptex"); };
// This function lets the class decide which type of layout it wants to use. In this case we use out own layout class, PtexLayout.
virtual Layout *CreateLayout( void ) { return new PtexLayout; };
// This is the main function, this is called by the framework once for each reference point. This function must be thread safe.
virtual void StoreData( const Data &cData, const TargetLocation &cTarget, const SurfacePoint & );
// This function lets the class respond to some special events.
virtual void OnPhaseEvent( PhaseEventType );
// When the map extraction node is stored in a mud file, this function must seriaize the state of the object. This is never called during a map extraction operation.
virtual void Serialize( Stream & );
// Report valid only if we have a filename.
virtual bool IsValid( void ) { return !m_sFileName.Value().isEmpty() && Utilizer::IsValid(); };
// Set the format of the file written.
inline void SetFormat( Format eFormat ) { m_eFormat = eFormat; };
// In this function we store the address of the layout object to be accessed it in the future.
virtual void Prepare( Layout *, class Sampler * );
// This function is called to initialize the user interface for the utilizer.
QWidget *UserInterface( void );
// This function writes the metadata for the mesh to an open ptex file.
static void WriteMeshData( PtexWriter *pWriter, const Mesh *pMesh );
// This function creates and opens a new ptx file for the given mesh.
void OpenFile( const Mesh *pMesh );
// This function closes the lastly opened ptx file.
void CloseFile( void );
// The mesh which is currently being processed.
const Mesh *m_pMesh;
// The PtexWriter object which is being used for the current mesh.
class PtexWriter *m_pWriter;
// Number of faces written to the ptex file.
unsigned int m_iPtexFaceCount;
// Array of the faces in the current mesh.
// Number of channels which must be written to the file for each pixel.
int m_iChannelCount;
// Format of the data.
aenum m_eFormat;
// Name of the file which is produced.
afilename m_sFileName;
// This attribute controls if the mesh topology data should be written to the file or not. This should always be true, added mainly for demonstration purposes.
abool m_bIncludeMeshData;
// Number of faces processed.
unsigned int m_iFacesProcessed;
// Pointer to the current layout, this is used only when the target mesh is nsided.
const PtexLayout *m_pLayout;
// This member variable contains the default path for the generated texture files.
astring m_sFilePath;