AttributeFilename Class Reference

AttributeFilename Class Reference

#include <node.h>

Class Description

Similar to AttributeInstance<String> but it provides a button on the interface where the user can browse for a filename.

+ Examples:

Definition at line 1126 of file node.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for AttributeFilename:

Public Member Functions

 AttributeFilename (Node *pOwner, const QString &sID, bool bMustExists=true)
AttributeWidgetCreateEditorWidget (QWidget *pParent, int iWidth)
 This function creates and returns the address of a QWidget object. More...
unsigned int ParameterCount (void) const
QString ParameterName (unsigned int iIndex) const
 Returns the name of a parameter with a given index. More...
QString ParameterValue (unsigned int iIndex) const
 Returns the value of parameter with a given index. More...
void SetParameterValue (const QString &sName, const QString &sValue)
 Set the value of a parameter. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AttributeInstance< type >
 AttributeInstance (Node *pOwner, const QString &sID)
 Standard constructor. You have to specify the name of the attribute which will be used in the user interface. More...
 AttributeInstance (Node *pOwner, const QString &sID, const type &cValue)
 Using this constructor you can also specify the initial value of the attribute with its name. More...
 AttributeInstance (const AttributeInstance< type > &o)
virtual ~AttributeInstance (void)
const typeValue (void) const
 Returns the value of the attribute. More...
virtual void SetValue (type cValue, bool bInternal=false)
 Set the value of the attribute to cValue. More...
void UpdateTargets (void)
void Serialize (Stream &s)
 Serialize the value of the attribute into a stream. More...
void AddTarget (Attribute &cTarget, bool bInternal=false)
 Connection management. More...
virtual QString AsString (bool bLocalized=false) const
 Returns the value of the attribute as a string. More...
virtual void SetFromString (const QString &sValue, bool bInternal=true, bool=false)
 Sets the value of the attribute as a string. More...
Attribute::AttributeType Type (void) const
 Returns the type of the attribute. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Attribute
unsigned int TargetCount (void) const
 Returns the number of attributes currently linked to this attribute as target. More...
AttributeTarget (unsigned int iIndex) const
 Returns the target with the given index. If iIndex is greater than the number of targets, returns 0;. More...
AttributeSource (void) const
 Returns the source attribute, or 0 if there is no source. More...
bool operator== (const Attribute &cAttribute) const
 This is a special operator, it does NOT compare the value of the attribute. See Node::OnNodeEvent for details. More...
bool operator!= (const Attribute &cAttribute) const
 This is a special operator, it does NOT compare the value of the attribute. See Node::OnNodeEvent for details. More...
QString ID (void) const
 Returns the unique ID (within this node) of the attribute. More...
QString Name (void) const
 Returns the name of the attribute. More...
void SetName (const QString &sName)
 Sets the name of the attribute. More...
QString Category (void) const
 Returns the category of the attribute. More...
void SetCategory (const QString &sCategory, bool bSeparator=false)
 Sets the category of the attribute. This value will be used in the user interface to determine which attribute group to be used. More...
bool Separator (void) const
 Returns the separator state of the widget. More...
void SetSeparator (bool bSeparator)
 Call this with true to display a separator line below this widget. More...
bool Const (void) const
 Gets the constant status of the attribute. Default value is false. If this is set to true the attribute will not be editable by the user on the interface. More...
void SetConst (bool bConst)
 Sets the constant status of the attribute. Default value is false. If this is set to true the attribute will not be editable by the user on the interface. More...
bool InstantEdit (void) const
 Returns true, if the attribute edition should be instant, i.e. the attribute should change every time the user makes any changes to the widget. Default is false. More...
void SetInstantEdit (bool bOn)
 If bOn is true, editing the attribute on the UI will be instant, i.e. More...
bool Visible (void) const
 Returns true if the property is visible. More...
void SetVisible (bool bVisible)
 Sets the visible status of the property. More...
QString ToolTip (void) const
 Gets the tooltip text to be used on the user interface, this is optional. More...
void SetToolTip (const QString &sToolTip)
 Sets the tooltip text to be used on the user interface, this is optional. More...
unsigned int Size (void) const
 Returns the size of the attribute value in bytes. More...
float LabelWidth (void) const
 Returns the width of label relative to the full width of the line. More...
void SetLabelWidth (float fLabelWidth)
 Set the width of label. More...
int Index (void) const
 Returns the attribute index;. More...
void SetIndex (int iIndex)
 Sets the attribute index;. More...
NodeOwner (void) const
 Gets the address of the Node which contains this attribute. More...
virtual ~Attribute (void)
virtual void StartEvent (NodeEventType cType) const
void SetOwner (Node *pOwner)
 This function sets the owner of the attribute. More...
void LogTargets (void)
void LogSource (void)
void CheckValidity (void)
void ClearTargets (void)
 Removes all outgoing connections from the attribute. More...
void ClearSource (void)
 Removes the incoming connection for this attribute. More...
void Connect (Attribute &cSource, bool bInternal=false)
 Connect this attribute to another one. More...
virtual const ClassDescTargetType (void) const
 This is valid only for pointer attributes (See AttributePointer). Returns the type of the pointer. More...
virtual void SetPointerValue (Node *pValue, bool bLink=true)
 This is valid only for pointer attributes (See AttributePointer). More...
virtual NodePointerValue (void) const
 This is valid only for pointer attributes (See AttributePointer). More...
virtual bool ValidatePointerValue (const Node *pValue)
 Validate a possible value for the pointer, returns true if the value is acceptable. More...

Public Attributes

bool m_bMustExists
QString m_sFilter
QString m_sPath
QString m_sSelectedFilter
- Public Attributes inherited from AttributeInstance< type >
type m_cValue

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Attribute
enum  AttributeType {
  typeUnknown, typeInt, typeFloat, typeBool,
  typeString, typePointer, typeColor, typeVector,
  typeEnum, typeWatch
 Type of the attribute. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AttributeInstance< type >
 AttributeInstance (Node *pOwner, const QString &sName, bool bInstall)
 Protected constructor, do not use it. You have to specify the name of the attribute which will be used in the user interface. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Attribute
 Attribute (Node *pOwner, const QString &sID)
 Attribute (Node *pOwner, bool bInstall)
void Uninstall (void)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Attribute
int m_iSize
Store< Attribute * > m_aTargets
QString m_sName
bool m_bSeparator
QString m_sCategory
QString m_sToolTip
float m_fLabelWidth
bool m_bConst
bool m_bVisible
int m_iIndex
bool m_bInstantEdit
QString m_sID

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AttributeFilename ( Node pOwner,
const QString sID,
bool  bMustExists = true 

Member Function Documentation

AttributeWidget* CreateEditorWidget ( QWidget pParent,
int  iWidth 

This function creates and returns the address of a QWidget object.

The object then can be used in the interface to give the user control over the attribute value. Mudbox calls this function for every attribute in a node when it displays a properties dialog box for it. You must override it if you implement a new kind of attribute and want a special interface.

Reimplemented from AttributeInstance< type >.

Reimplemented in AttributeTextureFilename.

unsigned int ParameterCount ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from Attribute.

QString ParameterName ( unsigned int  iIndex) const

Returns the name of a parameter with a given index.

Reimplemented from Attribute.

QString ParameterValue ( unsigned int  iIndex) const

Returns the value of parameter with a given index.

Reimplemented from Attribute.

void SetParameterValue ( const QString sName,
const QString sValue 

Set the value of a parameter.

Reimplemented from Attribute.

Member Data Documentation

bool m_bMustExists

Definition at line 1138 of file node.h.

QString m_sFilter

Definition at line 1139 of file node.h.

QString m_sPath

Definition at line 1140 of file node.h.

QString m_sSelectedFilter

Definition at line 1141 of file node.h.

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