Decrease detail with the Reduce tool

Sometimes when you sculpt a mesh, you may want to reduce the tessellation in areas where you don't need high resolution. Reducing tessellation is a way you can bring down the file size.

Use the Reduce tool to diminish dense areas of your mesh where dense tessellation is not required.

  1. Load a mesh.
  2. In the Sculpting Tool properties, activate the Tessellation option in the Tessellation section to triangulate your mesh.
  3. Ensure that your mesh does not have any sculpt layers, subdivision levels, non-manifold edges, or a PTEX setup . If the mesh is unsuitable for triangulation, Mudbox creates a triangulated copy that you can work on when you select the Reduce tool and click the mesh. (You can also click Mesh > Generate Tessellation Mesh.)
  4. Select Reduce and stroke the mesh.
  5. Note: You can switch between Reduce and Refine by holding Ctrl while you work on the mesh.
  6. When you have finished sculpting, you may want retopologize your mesh to convert it from triangles back to quads. See Retopologize a mesh.
Note: The Falloff Type set for the current sculpting tool also affects Tessellation behavior.
Note: If you experience problems when collapsing edges on a tessellated mesh, delete UVs from your model beforehand.

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