To Use Tow Length Analysis

Use a tow length analysis to determine if tow lengths are large enough for your manufacturing solution.

This illustration of a tow length analysis shows two corners where tow lengths are reduced so as not to extend beyond the ply boundary. The analysis shows that the tows in these corners are too small for manufacturing. (The solution might be to build out the ply in the corners to make room for tows of acceptable length.)

To adjust tow length analysis values:

  1. In the TruPlan browser, double-click your tow length analysis.

    The Analysis dialog box opens.

  2. Optional: Click the color swatches to set highlight colors; from top to bottom, these colors are used to indicate tow length compliance:
    • Too small (red in this case)
    • Acceptable (green in this case)
  3. Set Minimum Tow Length.

    This is the minimum value allowable for your manufacturing solution. This is typically the distance between the roller and cutter of the machine. Autodesk recommends a value between 50 and 100 mm.