The Quick Start tutorial is designed for first-time users of InfoWater Pro Criticality Assessment Manager (CAM) and provides a guided tour to core commands and functions used to create and execute each of the InfoWater Pro CAM modules. The Quick Start tutorial will help first-time users become familiar with the core set of InfoWater Pro CAM features and should be used as a launching point to a more comprehensive understanding of the program. The estimated time to complete the Quick Start tutorial is approximately one hour. The Quick Start tutorial will help first-time users become familiar with the following:
- Running a single valve assessment and reviewing results.
- Running multiple valve assessments and reviewing results.
During the Quick Start tutorial, you will modify an existing project called “SampleVCM”. This project can be downloaded from Quick Start Tutorial Example files. The “SampleVCM” model schematic is shown below. The model consists of the following components:
- One reservoir (storage node 101)
- One tank (storage node 103)
- Two pumps located at the water treatment plant and numbered 200 and 210
- One throttle valve located at node 300
- Sixty pipes
- Forty-six junction nodes
- One reference file containing the parcel and street layout (not shown in the illustration below)
During the tutorial, you will be guided through:
- Opening InfoWater Pro Criticality Assessment Manager.
- Running a simulation.
- Choosing each output report tab and reviewing results.
The first step is to open the InfoWater Pro project.
From the Start menu, select Programs, choose the InfoWater Pro version 2.0 or higher program group, and then choose InfoWater Pro.
- In the ArcGIS Pro window, select an Existing Map option in the Start Using ArcGIS Pro area, and then click on the OK button. If the ArcGIS Pro window is not shown, simply choose Open command from the File menu. On the Open dialog box, navigate to the directory containing the “SampleVCM” project and choose that file.
- Locate your sample model file SampleVCM Exercise 1 Solution.aprx.
Note: If you have not previously downloaded the Example files, you can do so from Quick Start Tutorial Example files.
- Click on the red down arrow
icon to initialize InfoWater Pro. When initialized, the icons on the InfoWater Pro toolbars will be enabled for use.
- Before continuing, save the “SampleVCM” project to a new project name. If you wish to restart the tutorial, the original project will be available. Choose the Save As command from the File menu. On the dialog box, enter the new project name “Tutorial”. This becomes the active project.
Click on the Add Data
icon found under ArcGIS Pro's standard toolbar. In the Add Data dialog box, navigate to the directory containing the following ESRI shapefile and select the file: parcel.shp. You are now ready to begin the first exercise.
Note: If you have not previously downloaded the Example files, you can do so from Quick Start Tutorial Example files.
Exercise 1: Single Valve Assessment
In this exercise, you will choose a single valve for assessment and evaluate the impact on the network of isolating the valve at 8:00 am.
- The first step is to define all closeable links and valves in the network as a Selection Set. You will use the Domain Manager to do this. The closeable links in the model are Links 30, 38, 50, 56, 58, 72, 90, 900, 98 and Valve 300. To identify these, use InfoWater Pro ribbon, then select View, ID Labeling, and then Pipe. Pipe ID labels will be displayed against each link. Valve 300 can be identified by using the InfoWater Pro ribbon, and then select View, ID Labeling, Node. The closeable links and valves are highlighted in the diagram above.
- Using the
InfoWater Pro ribbon, select
Domain Manager
. From the Domain Manager dialog box, select the Map Selection radio button, and click on the Add
button and then Close the dialog box.
- Use the cursor to highlight Links 30, 38, 50, 56, 58, 72, 90, 900, and 98 and Valve 300. Links and valves will be highlighted in red as they are added to the domain.
- The next step is to save the highlighted links and valves as a Selection Set. To do this, first go to InfoWater Pro ribbon, click on the Domain Manager
button. From the Domain Manager dialog box, select the Selection Set radio button, and click on the Browse
button. This will activate the Selection Set dialog box.
- With the Selection Set dialog box open, click on the
button to create a new Selection Set. In the New Selection Set dialog box, enter the following ID and description and click on the OK button.
- Click on the Close button to close the Selection Set dialog box and return to the Domain Manager dialog box.
- Now save the current Domain into the Selection Set Close_Element. To do this, select the Save button from the Domain Manager dialog box, then highlight Close Element from the available list of Selection Sets. Click on the Save button to save the Domain and close the Selection Set dialog box. From the Domain Manager dialog box, click Close to return to InfoWater Pro. All closeable links and valves are now saved in the Close Element Selection Set.
- To start the criticality assessment, go to InfoWater Pro ribbon and then click on the Apps
button. With the App Manager dialog box open, select InfoWater Pro Criticality Assessment Manager from the list. This will load the InfoWater Pro Criticality Assessment Manager dialog box as shown below.
- Set the Assessment Data by first selecting the Closeable Element Selection Set created in Steps 1-7. Click on the
Selection Set
icon to open the Selection Set dialog box. Highlight the Close Element Selection Set and click on the OK button.
- Choose valve 300 by clicking on the selection icon adjacent to the User Selected Assessing Valve Elements box. Click on Valve 300 (which is found in the lower left-hand corner of SampleVCM project). Once this valve is selected, right mouse click and select the Enter command.
- With the Criticality Assessment Manager dialog box open, set user options by clicking on the Include Pound Nodes as Isolated checkbox in the Options Section.
- Set the hydraulic assessment criteria in Assessment Criteria Data. For this exercise, set Assessment Clock Time (hrs) as 8:00 am. In the Assessment Pressure Threshold Section, enter "20" as “Low Pressure Threshold (psi)” and "0" as “No Water Threshold (psi)” and "5" as the Maximum Velocity threshold. InfoWater Pro CAM will conduct the hydraulic assessment at 8:00 am and identify all junctions receiving less than 20 psi pressure and 0 psi pressure.
- Click on the Run button to run the valve criticality assessment.
- The InfoWater Pro CAM results tab will appear automatically.
- First you will examine the results for the Upstream Pound. This is the pound formed by closing the Assessed Valve (Valve 300), which lies to the right of Valve 300.
- Click on the Affected Total Demand toggle button and then click on the Upstream Pound toggle button. InfoWater Pro CAM should report that a total demand of 247.80 gpm cannot be supplied when the Upstream Pound is closed. This represents the total instantaneous demand at 8:00 am for the isolated demand junctions. InfoWater Pro also reports that there are demand junctions receiving Low Pressure or No Water when the Upstream Pound is closed. The total demand for Low Pressure junctions is 277.20 gpm at 8:00 am. The total demand for No Water Junctions is 42.00 gpm.
- Click on the Affected Category Demand toggle button and browse the Demand Category drop-down box. InfoWater Pro should report that the Base Demand for Isolated Junctions is 165.20 in Demand Category 1. In the exercise, the units of base demand are average daily demand in gpm.
- View the isolated junctions by clicking on the Isolated Junction toggle button. InfoWater Pro reports that 12 junctions are isolated. Pick a suitable color for map display. Click on the Pound Colors, Upstream, Map icon and a color chart will appear. Choose the red rectangle and select OK. Next highlight the isolated junctions in Map Display by clicking on the Color Map button. The isolated junctions will be displayed in red.
- Identify the Low Pressure junctions by clicking the Low Pressure Junctions toggle button. InfoWater Pro states that 8 junctions will receive less than the target pressure of 20 psi when the Upstream Pound is isolated. Click on the Pound Colors, Upstream, Map icon, choose the yellow rectangle, and select OK. Then highlight Low Pressure junctions in InfoWater Pro by clicking on the Color Map button. Low Pressure Junctions will be displayed in yellow.
- Next identify the No Water junctions by selecting the No Water toggle button. One junction (Junction 67) will receive less than the No Water threshold at 8:00 am. Color this junction red by clicking on the Pound Colors, Upstream, Map icon and choosing the red rectangle. Then select OK. Next, click on the Color Map button. Low Pressure Junctions will be displayed in red.
- To view these results, close the Valve Criticality Modeling Reports screen by clicking on the Close button. Then close the CAM Add-On by clicking on the Close button. You should see InfoWater Pro results for the Upstream Pound with red Isolated Junctions, yellow Low Pressure Junctions, and red No Water Junctions.
- Next you will examine results for the Downstream Pound. The Downstream Pound is formed by closing the Assessed Valve (Valve 300), which lies to the left of Valve 300.
- Ensure the Affected Total Demand toggle button is selected. Then click on the Downstream Pound toggle button. InfoWater Pro CAM should report that a total demand of 361.20 gpm cannot be supplied when the Downstream Pound is closed. No demand nodes receive Low Pressure or No Water when the Downstream Pound is isolated. To view these results, first click on the Reset Map button to return the InfoWater Pro elements to their original status.
- View the isolated junctions by clicking on the Isolated Junction button whilst ensuring that the Downstream Pound toggle button is activated. InfoWater Pro reports that 10 junctions are isolated.
- Click on the Pound Colors, Downstream, Map icon, choose the red rectangle, and select OK. Next highlight the isolated junctions in Map Display by clicking on the Color Map button . The isolated junctions will be displayed in red.
- To identify the elements closed to form the Downstream Pound, click on the Closed Elements toggle button. InfoWater Pro should report that 3 elements have been closed to form the pound. These are pipes 56, 58 and 72. To identify these in InfoWater Pro, first select the Pound Colors, Downstream, Map icon, choose the yellow rectangle, and select OK. Next highlight the closed elements by clicking on the Color Map button. The closed pipes will be displayed in yellow.
- To view results for the Downstream Pound, close the Valve Criticality Modeling Reports screen by clicking on the Close button. Then close the CAM Add-On by clicking on the Close button. You should see 10 red Isolated Junctions, and 3 yellow pipes. Note that Junction 65 is downstream of a closed element, but as this is hydraulically disconnected from the source nodes, Junction 65 is flagged as an Isolated Junction (and not a No Water Junction).
- Finally, review the results for the Combined Pound. This is the pound formed by shutting closeable elements either side of the Assessed Valve (Valve 300). The Combined Pound identifies the area affected if a Utility wished to shut both the Upstream Pound and the Downstream Pound, but could not close Valve 300.
- Click on the Combined Pound toggle button. Then select the Affected Total Demand toggle button. InfoWater Pro should report that a total demand of 609.00 gpm cannot be supplied when the Combined Pound is closed. Note that no demand nodes receive Low Pressure or No Water when the Combined Pound is isolated.
- Then click on the Isolated Junction button for the Combined Pound to view these results. Click on the Reset Map button. Click on the Pound Colors, Downstream, Map icon, choose the red rectangle, and select OK. Highlight the isolated junctions by clicking on the Color Map button and the isolated junctions will be displayed in red.
InfoWater Pro reports that 22 junctions are isolated in the Combined Pound. You will see that the impact of failing to isolate the Downstream Pound more than doubles the number of junction nodes (and potentially customers) affected. In this case, the number of junctions that are isolated increases from 10 to 22. If the water utility wanted to shut the Upstream Pound but could not close Valve 300, the additional impact would be much less. Although the number of isolated junctions increases from 12 to 22, there are 9 junctions that would have received Low Pressure or No Water. You have now finished the first exercise. Click on the Reset Map button to return the InfoWater Pro elements to their original status.
Exercise 2: Multiple Valves Assessment
In this exercise, you will select multiple valves for assessment and evaluate their impact on the network at a run time of 8:00 am. The multiple valves for assessment are Valve 300 and Junctions 17 and 75.
- First define the Assessing Valves as a Selection Set. You will use the Domain Manager to do this. The Assessing Valves in the model are Valve 300 and Junctions 17 and 35. To identify these, use the InfoWater Pro button, then select View, ID Labeling, Node. The Assessing Valves are highlighted in the diagram above.
- Using the
InfoWater Pro ribbon, select
Domain Manager
. From the Domain Manager dialog box, select the Map Selection radio button, and click on the Add
button and then Close the dialog box.
Use the cursor to highlight Valve 300 and Junctions 17 and 75, which will be highlighted in red as they are added to the domain.
Save the highlighted elements as a Selection Set using InfoWater Pro button, then select Tools and Domain Manager. From the Domain Manager dialog box, select the Selection Set radio button, and click on the Browse
button. This will activate the Selection Set dialog box.
With the Selection Set dialog box open, click on the New
button to create a new Selection Set. In the New Selection Set dialog box, enter the following ID and description and click on the OK button.
Click on the OK button to close the Selection Set dialog box and return to the Domain Manager dialog box.
Now save the current Domain into the Selection Set Assessing_Valve. To do this, select the Save button from the Domain Manager dialog box, and then highlight Assessing_Valve from the available list of Selection Sets. Click the OK button to save the Domain and close the Selection Set dialog box. From the Domain Manager dialog box, click on the Close button to return to InfoWater Pro. All assessing valves are now saved in the Assessing_Valve Selection Set.
Start the criticality assessment by clicking on the InfoWater Pro ribbon and choosing Apps
from the InfoWater Pro ribbon. With the App Manager dialog box open, select Criticality Assessment Manager from the list of applications. The following dialog box should appear:
Set the Assessment Data by firstly checking the Apply Assessing Valves From Selection Set box and choosing the Assessing_Valve Selection Set using the drop-down selection box or the adjacent icon.
Then pick the Closeable Element Selection Set created in Exercise 1. Click on the Selection Set
icon to open the Selection Set dialog box. Highlight the Close_Element Selection Set and click on the OK button.
With the Criticality Assessment Manager dialog box open, set user options by clicking on the Include Pound Nodes as Isolated checkbox in the Options Section and by clicking on the Show Results Automatically checkbox in the Assessment Criteria Data section.
Set the hydraulic assessment criteria in Assessment Criteria Data. For this exercise, set Assessment Clock Time (hrs) as 8:00 am. In the Assessment Pressure Threshold Section, enter "20" as “Low Pressure Threshold (psi)” and "0" as “No Water Threshold (psi)” and "5" as the Maximum Velocity threshold. InfoWater Pro will conduct the hydraulic assessment at 8:00 am and identify all junctions receiving less than 20 psi pressure and 0 psi pressure.
Click on the Run button to run the multiple valves criticality assessment.
The Message Board will display information on run progress and the InfoWater Pro CAM results tab will appear automatically.
Use the Output Report Menu to view the results of your multiple valves assessment.
When finished, click on the Reset Map button to return the InfoWater Pro elements to their original state.
Click Close to close InfoWater Pro CAM and return to InfoWater Pro Analyzer. Congratulations! You have now completed the Quick Start Tutorial of InfoWater Pro CAM.