
Database Editor

The Database (DB) Editor provides a means to view all the DB Tables. Any number of DB Tables can be open for inspection, modification and/or data edit. All the data corresponding to the InfoWater Project may be accessed through these DB Tables.

All the InfoWater project data including data related to the different InfoWater Pro data elements such as pipes, junctions, tanks, reservoirs, pumps and valves are stored in the DB Tables. The DB Editor allows you to open any InfoWater Pro database and edit/modify or delete user input fields (except ID). To access the DB Tables, from the InfoWater Control Center →  InfoWater button →  Edit menu, select DB Editor to see the Open Table dialog box below.

From the Open Table dialog box, you can see that InfoWater Pro stores database tables in nine separate folders. After selecting the desired table from under the relevant folder, you have the option of choosing a display scope found at the bottom of the dialog box to open the desired records of the database. Once this is done, click OK to open the database table.

Data Scope - Use this section to specify the view selection of the DB Table. Choose from the following options:

  • Entire Table - Use this to open the entire table. Data pertaining to all the elements will be displayed.
  • Domain - If a domain has already been created, use this option to display data relating to elements in the domain.
  • User Selection - Use this to select the elements that you want to see data for. Choose this radial button, and then click on the Select icon. Select all the elements that you want to see data for and then right click to open the DB Table.
  • DB Query - Use this option to create a query to view only those elements that satisfy your query. Click on the Query Builder button to create your query. Refer to the section on DB Query Methodology for details on creating DB queries.
  • Selection Set - Select a predefined selection set. 
  • Element ID - Enter an element ID or a list of element IDs separated by commas or use the Select button to select elements from the map display.
  • Sort Alphabetically - Sorts the list of elements alphabetically.
  • Edit Active Elements Only - If selected this option displays only active elements. Inactive elements will not be displayed.
  • Desired Data Set - This field is context sensitive (e.g., Demand Set) and works only with element hydraulic data, extended modeling data, control data, water quality data, pattern & curve data, and SCADA settings. The name will change depending on the data selected. It allows the display and selection of DB tables from the list of data sets available for editing. The default is the current active data set but any data set may be selected for editing. Click on the Browse button to edit/create/delete a particular data set in a dataset dialog box. 
  • OK - The OK completes the selection process and opens the DB Editor.
  • Cancel - The Cancel button ends all operations and closes the Open Table dialog box.

DB Editor

The DB Editor allows you to:

  • View Data - View (including custom format) modeling data tables.
  • Add/Delete/Modify data - Click on any field to change it. The fields that cannot be edited are colored in gray.
  • Add/Delete Custom Fields - Customize data tables by adding user-defined fields. 
  • Perform Block Edits - Allows you to edit table data values, one record at a time or numerous records simultaneously. The Block Editor is a powerful tool when using to perform block edits.
  • Edit Field Properties - Allows you to create a field name display alias. The field names are fixed by the data base but the field names can supplied with an alias that will display in the Model Explorer - Attribute Tab and other places where the data fields are referenced. In addition, a help string may be added that will display when the cursor is pointed to the data field. 

Once a table has been opened, the following dialog box will appear:

DB Editor Menu

    • New - Click New to bring up the DB Tables dialog box, where you can choose the type of table you want to see.

    • Close - Use this to close the Active DB Table open in the DB Editor.

    • Close All - Use this to close all the open DB Tables in the DB Editor.

    • Exit - Use this to close out of your InfoWater Pro DB Editor.

    • Select Box - Use the select box to toggle between the presently open DB Tables.

DB Editor Toolbar

  •   Open Table - Opens the database table for editing in the DB Editor.

  •   Save Table -Saves any modifications to the current table.

  •   Print Table - Prints the contents of the current table.

  •   Format All - Specifies the minimum width of columns (in screen pixels), the row header scale (the height of the rows), and the column header scale (the height of the column header row).

  •   Format Column - Align data display in the column as left justified, centered, or right justified. Specify inclusion of a comma for large numbers (1,234,567.00) or turn off comma display (1234567.00), and enter the display precision of the data. Data entered with higher precision will be rounded up or down.

  •   Set Column Width - Use this to set the column width in your DB Editor.

  •   Change Font - Sets the font used to display information in the DB Editor. 

  •   Sort Ascending - Sorts the table rows in ascending order of values in the current (highlighted) column.

  •   Sort Descending - Sorts the table rows in descending order of values in the current (highlighted) column.

  •   Block Editing - Edit the values of all selected cells in a single column with a single operation. You have 6 operation options when block editing.

  •   Field Calculator - Use this to perform calculations based on existing data. 

  •   Field Statistics - Gives statistics on the highlighted field, including the maximum value, minimum value, sum, mean and median. 

  •   Check ID - Check the ID values of the current field.

  •   Insert Row - Inserts one or more rows into the current table after the currently selected row. You are prompted to enter the identifier of the new row.

  •   Append Row - Adds one or more rows at the bottom of the current table. You are prompted to enter the identifier of the new row. For patterns and curves you may enter numerous rows. The values for the new row(s) are taken from the values of the currently selected row.

  •   Delete Row - Use this to delete rows from your InfoWater Pro Tables.

  •   Zoom to - Right clicking on a single element provides the option to zoom to element in the map and in the Attribute Browser.

  •   Append to Domain - Selecting several elements allows for the options to append items to domain.

  •  Save to Selection Set - Selecting several elements allows for the options to create selection set.


Rows may be inserted, appended, and deleted only from the Extended Modeling data, Control Data, Water Quality Data,  Pattern & Curve Data, SCADA Settings, and Advanced Application Data tables.

Table Records

  • Table Record Number - A sequential counter of table records. Used for visual reference only. Column header shows the scenario data base name.

  • Save Status - Indicates whether or not a record has been modified.  Any records that have been modified will be marked with a red check. To save any modifications, choose the Save button at the top of the table record display.

  • ID - InfoWater Pro component identifier used for reference by other InfoWater Pro functions and used for modeling. The contents of this field cannot be edited from the DB Editor.

  • Table Fields - Fields specific to the current table. The field data type (Double), (Num), (Char), etc. is displayed directly below the field name as an indication of the acceptable data format for that field. Units are shown where applicable. Field order for fixed fields (those required by InfoWater Pro) cannot be changed. Field order for custom fields can be changed.

Additional properties

  • Empty numeric data will display as “0.00” (depending on user-specified decimal precision). Empty character data will display as empty data cells.

  • Selected records (rows), fields (columns), or individual data values (cells) will be highlighted in black.

  • Non-editable fields are displayed in gray. These fields are typically graphical/locational in nature and must be edited using other InfoWater Pro functions.

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