
Group Editing

The InfoWater Pro Group Editing tool allows you to assign values and settings to a group of elements on the fly. This is extremely useful when conducting Water Quality analysis, Fire-Flow Simulations, and other operational studies.

Using the Group Editing Tool in InfoWater Pro

The Group Editing tool is a time-saving tool that can be used for:

  • Specifying fire-flow values for a group of hydrants (see Fire-Flows).

  • Assigning pump/valve status for a group of pumps or valves (see Pump/Valve Status).

  • Specifying pipe status for a group of pipes (see Pipe Status).

  • Assigning controls to pumps/valves (see Pump/Valve Control).

  • Assigning controls to pipes (see Pipe Control).

  • Assigning Water Quality Source Concentrations to a group of nodes (see Quality Source).

  • Assigning Initial Quality Concentrations to a group of nodes (see Initial Quality).

  • Assigning Tank Reaction values to a group of tanks (see Tank Reaction).

  • Assigning Pipe Reaction values to a group of pipes (see Pipe Reaction).


To use the Group Editing tool, do the following:

Group Editing on Domain

  • Choose Domain Manager from the InfoWater Control Center →  InfoWater button →  Tools Menu.

  • Use the Domain Manager to select the elements that you want to include in your Domain for the group Editing process. 

  • Close out of the Domain Manager dialog box and click on Group Editing on Domain under the InfoWater Control Center →  InfoWater button →  Edit menu to launch the Group Editing on Domain dialog box.

  • Choose the appropriate tab depending on the type of group assignment you would like to perform and click Apply.

  • Once any of the elements selected for a group edit are populated with data, your inputted information will also appear in various database tables under the DB Editor.

Group Editing on Selection

  • Launch the Group Editing on Selection command from the InfoWater Control Center →  InfoWater button →  Edit menu.

  • Select the elements that you want to include in your group editing process and then right click and choose Enter.

  • Choose the appropriate tab depending on the type of group assignment you would like to perform, and click Apply.

  • Once any of the elements selected for a group edit are populated with data, your inputted information will also appear in various database tables under the DB Editor.

Group Editing (on Domain or Selection)

The Group Editing command allows you to specify modeling properties of multiple network components in a single operation.

To run the command, from the InfoWater Control Center →  InfoWater button →  Edit menu, select the Group Editing on Domain or Selection

Once any of the elements selected for a group edit are populated with data, your inputted information input will also appear in various database tables under the DB Editor.  For example, when a group of nodes are assigned a fireflow through the group edit, those nodes will be added to the Fireflow Demand database found under the DB Editor - Folder 4. Extended Modeling Data. For Group Editing on Selection, you will be prompted to select a group of data elements on map screen. Click Enter or right click to end the selection. Data elements selected will be highlighted in the selection color.

Desired Element Selection

Use this section to choose the desired element selection:

    •   Use this to Group Edit on Domain. A domain needs to be first created before applying this.

    •   Use this to manually select the elements to apply the changes to.  

    •   Click Select and use the square white cursor to draw a rectangle on the map view to select the elements that you want to Group Edit. Right click and select Enter to select or Cancel to exit group selection.

Applicable Attributes(s):

The Attributes to be group edited will depend upon the category selected. 

  • Apply - Use this to apply the changes you made.
  • Delete - Use this to delete the existing data.
  • Empty All - This will purge the entire related Table data. For instance, if you click Empty All when you are in the Fire-Flow tab of the Group Editing dialog box, all the fire flow data will be purged.
  • Edit Table - The group-editing elements can be edited individually using Table format.
  • Close - Use this to close out of the Group Editing dialog box.

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