
Fireflow - Input Data

This view is used to define the design groups to be used in the optimization analysis. In addition, you have the ability to define the design actions, the cost data, and the system constraints. Finally, you have the ability to define options controlling the optimization run such as the convergence criteria, and advanced genetic algorithm (GA) options. Click any topic for more information.

Pipe Groups

Pipe groups are used to define the design groups to be used in the optimization analysis. In addition, you have the ability to define the design actions, the cost data, and the system constraints. Finally, you have the ability to define options controlling the optimization run such as the convergence criteria, and advanced GA option.

You have the ability to define the pipe groups to be used in the optimization analysis. In addition, the user can modify any pipe group previously identified, set ranges of acceptable pipe diameters for each pipe group, assign applicable cost codes and actions for each pipe group, and specify whether or not each pipe group will be forced to undergo some form of rehabilitation.

Each pipe can only belong to one pipe group within a single data field column (e.g., pipe no. 10 cannot belong to both pipe group 1 and pipe group 2).

The user can create as many data field columns as desired to evaluate different pipe grouping options (various improvement alternatives). Only pipes that are candidate for design or rehabilitation need to be associated with a pipe group ID. Pipes that do not belong to a particular group will remain unaffected (their condition unchanged) by the optimization process.

Each pipe group can have only one cost code. Therefore, it is recommended that the user determine areas of similar costs (e.g., pipes in an urban area with heavy traffic will normally have different costs than pipes in a rural area with no traffic and no paved roads) as a basis for selecting pipe groups.

Finally, Designer will determine a single new diameter for all pipes within any particular pipe group that are being resized (designed), paralleled, or replaced. If individual diameters are desired for pipes that are being resized (designed), paralleled, or replaced then they must be placed in separate pipe groups.

Pump Group

Pump groups are used to define the design groups to be used in the optimization analysis. In addition, you have the ability to define the design actions, the cost data and the system constraints. Finally, you have the ability to define options controlling the optimization run such as the convergence criteria, and advanced GA options.

You have the ability to define the pump groups to be used in the optimization analysis. In addition, you can modify any pump group previously identified, set ranges of acceptable pump characteristic curves for each pump group, assign applicable cost codes and actions for each pump group, and specify whether or not each pump group will be forced to undergo some form of rehabilitation.

Each pump can only belong to one pump group within a single data field column (e.g., pump no. 10 cannot belong to both pump group 1 and pump group 2).

You can create as many data field columns as desired to evaluate different pump grouping options (various improvement alternatives). Only pumps that are candidate for design need to be associated with a pump group ID. Pumps that do not belong to a particular group will remain unaffected (their condition unchanged) by the optimization process.

Each pump group can have only one cost code. Therefore, it is recommended that the user determine areas of similar costs as a basis for selecting pump groups.

Finally, Designer will determine a single characteristic curve for all pumps within any particular pump group that are being designed. If individual characteristic curves are desired for pumps that are being designed then they must be placed in separate pump groups.

The pump diameter is taken from the current scenario settings of the pump as seen in the H2OMAP Water Modeling Database Table and Attribute Browser.

Tank Group

Tank groups are used to define the design groups to be used in the optimization analysis. In addition, you have the ability to define the design actions, the cost data and the system constraints. Finally, you have the ability to define options controlling the optimization run such as the convergence criteria, and advanced GA options.

You have the ability to define the tank groups to be used in the optimization analysis. In addition, you can modify any tank group previously identified, set ranges of acceptable tank diameters or curves for each tank group, assign applicable cost codes and actions for each tank group, and specify whether or not each tank group will be forced to undergo some form of rehabilitation.

Each tank can only belong to one tank group within a single data field column (e.g., tank no. 10 cannot belong to both tank group 1 and tank group 2).

You can create as many data field columns as desired to evaluate different tank grouping options (various improvement alternatives). Only tanks that are candidate for design need to be associated with a tank group ID. Tanks that do not belong to a particular group will remain unaffected (their condition unchanged) by the optimization process.

Each tank group can have only one cost code. Therefore, it is recommended that the user determine areas of similar costs (e.g., tanks in an urban area in a crowded area will normally have different costs than tanks in a rural area with more area) as a basis for selecting tank groups.

Finally, Designer will determine a single new diameter or depth-volume curve for all tanks within any particular tank group that are being designed. If individual diameters or depth-volume curves are desired for tanks that are being designed then they must be placed in separate tank groups.

Minimum and maximum tank levels are taken from the current scenario settings of the tank as seen in the H2OMAP Water Modeling Database Table and Attribute Browser.

Pipe Actions

The Pipe Action information is used to define possible improvements to be considered by Designer. Each possible improvement type is referred to as an “Action” and is selected through the Current Cost Matrix pull-down selection box. Selecting a different Action will display the corresponding cost data for that Action. Three actions, Action #1, Action #2 and Action #3, are predefined in Designer and can not be changed by the user.

These three Actions are evaluated using the same cost data. The remaining eight potential improvement actions can be customized by the user.

Note: Changes to any one of the cost tables for the three predefined Actions will be propagated through the remaining cost tables for the other two predefined Actions. This ensures that the cost tables for the three predefined Actions are identical.

For example, a Cost Code of “1” could be applied to all pipes being installed in urban areas with heavy traffic - in this case every candidate pipe size would have an entry in the cost matrix showing its nominal diameter, cost per unit length, internal diameter (equal to or different from the nominal diameter, depending on the situation), and roughness coefficient. This example is shown in the first eight rows of the Design Action Tab. If additional pipes were being considered to be new or rehabilitated in another area, say a rural area with no traffic, then another Cost Code should be identified. This could be Cost Code 2 and could also have the same eight diameters for pipes as Cost Code 1. However, the Unit Costs would be smaller numbers to reflect the smaller costs for construction in the area. In addition, the Pipe Groups in the Pipe Group Tab should have the appropriate Cost Code selected based on geographical location.

Pipe Constraints

Maximum velocity and hydraulic gradient constraints can be specified for pipes defined by the domain. The maximum values specified correspond to the upper bound (limit) for the velocity and hydraulic gradient (slope). The value specified in the “Maximum Allowable Velocity for (or Hydraulic Gradient) for Domain” box will be overwritten by any values entered in the Specific Pipe Constraint area.

Pump Actions

The Pump Action information is used to define possible improvements to be considered by Designer. Each possible improvement type is referred to as an “Action” and is selected through the Current Cost Matrix pull-down selection box. Selecting a different Action will display the corresponding cost data for that Action. No pump actions are predefined in Designer.  All improvement actions must be customized by the user.

Tank Actions

The Tank Action information is used to define possible improvements to be considered by Designer. Each possible improvement type is referred to as an “Action” and is selected through the Current Cost Matrix pull-down selection box. Selecting a different Action will display the corresponding cost data for that Action. No tank actions are predefined in Designer.  All improvement actions must be customized by the user.

Junction Constraints

A minimum pressure constraint (minimum permissible pressure) can be specified for all the junctions defined by the domain. The value specified in the “Minimum Pressure Requirement for Domain” box will be overwritten by any values entered in the Specific Junction Constraint area.



  • Insert Fire Node < - This button allows the user to input a fire hydrant ID through the graphical interface.

  • Update Fire Node < - This button allows the user to overwrite a specified fire hydrant ID via a user selection from the graphical interface.

  • Fire ID - This column will list each junction ID that is to be modeled as a fire hydrant.

  • Fire Flow - This value should be the fire flow demand (flow units) assigned to a given fire hydrant.

  • Fire Minimum Pressure - This value should be the lowest acceptable pressure for a given junction during the fireflow simulation.

  • Demand Set - This pulldown allows the user to specify which Demand Set will be used during the Designer simulation.

  • Tank Set - This pulldown allows the user to specify which Tank Set will be used during the Designer simulation.

  • Status Set - This pulldown allows the user to specify which Control Set (only the Initial Status tables are considered) will be used during the Designer simulation.

  • Clear All - This button will remove all listed fire hydrants from the operation data.

  • Set Rows - This option will set the number of total rows in the table.

  • Insert Rows - This button will allow the user to insert a row into the current table.

  • Delete Rows - This button will delete the highlighted row from the table.

  • Edit Demand Set - This button allows the user to create a unique data set to be used during the Designer simulation.

  • Edit Tank Set - This button allows the user to create a unique data set to be used during the Designer simulation.

  • Edit Status Set - This button allows the user to create a unique data set to be used during the Designer simulation.

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