
Updating model patterns from Info360

Demand Patterns from Mass Balance and Analytics in Info360 can be associated with InfoWater Pro patterns in the Pattern tab of the Live Data Adapter. Once this mapping between Info360 and model patterns is established, the Info360 data will be used in place of the model patterns for the following two run types:

  • SCADA Runs
  • Real-time simulations in Info360 using Incident Manager

To import your Demand Pattern into Info360:

  1. Click on your LDA icon from InfoWater Pro ribbon.
  2. Go to Pattern tab in your Live Data Adapter - Sensor Configuration dialog box (see below).
  3. Click on the New Pattern button.
  4. Fill out your Pattern form.
    • Info360 Pattern: Select the desired Info360 Insight pattern from the drop-down menu list of available hourly or 15-minute patterns. 
    • Info360 Pattern Duration: The duration is populated based on the selected Info360 Pattern. 
    • Normalize Info360 Pattern Data: When this option is checked, the Info360 pattern data will be scaled down or up so that the average value is equal to one. This is achieved by dividing each Pattern value by the average value.

      You can use the Preview tool to ensure the incoming data looks correct before applying it in a SCADA Run.

    • Use Direct Data for SCADA Event: When this option is checked, Info360 will return direct data for the date range in the currently active SCADA Event. The sensor used in the Pattern will be queried directly rather than the aggregated pattern data visible in Info360.
      Note: This option only supports Info360 Patterns based on one sensor. If more than one are assigned to the Pattern in Info360, only the first one will be used.
    • InfoWater Pro Pattern: Choose your InfoWater Pro Pattern from your pre-populated drop-down menu list.
    • Scale Demand to Match Info360: When this option is checked, InfoWater Pro will scale all Junction demand associated with the specified Pattern to add up to one, so it can be multiplied with the direct Info360 flow rate data. This is meant to be used when the Info360 Pattern is providing direct consumption in a unit that matches the model, such as gallons per minute. If the incoming data peaks at 1000 gpm at 7:00, the sum of all junction demands from that pattern will equal 1000 gpm at that time.
      Note: This option should not be used at the same time as Normalize Info360 Pattern Data.

  5. Click OK.

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