

The Multiple FireFlow run option in InfoWater Pro provides you with a powerful capability to study water distribution system performance under the condition when multiple fire hydrants are opened simultaneously. You can define multiple fire demands over a period of time. The Multiple Fire Flow option will simulate the corresponding hydraulic performance over the entire extended time period. The option also computes the available flow at the given fire nodes to maintain a user-specified system residual pressure throughout the fire period.  

Residual Pressure

The minimum residual pressure, usually 20 psi, targeted at each hydrant (junction node) in the modeled fireflow set. InfoWater Pro will calculate the maximum flow available at the hydrant while maintaining the user-specified residual pressure.

Select Time

The hydraulic time period at which fire flows will be calculated.  A hydraulic simulation will be performed for all timesteps up to and including the specified time period where fire flow simulation will be performed. Click Select Time to launch the Select Time dialog box.

Left click on the Status bar and move the bar to specify the Fire Flow time step. Click OK to save and exit. Click Cancel to cancel and exit from the Select Time dialog box.

Fire Duration

Fire demand duration is defined in minutes. Only a positive and non-zero duration is accepted. Fire duration can be optionally disabled by un-checking the Fire Duration checkbox.  Under this condition, multiple fire run will run from the simulation start time and terminate at the defined fire time instant.


Selected Fire flow junction ID.


The field shows the junction Description derived from the junction information data.

Add Junctions

This button allows you to select a series of junction nodes as fire junctions. Added junctions will be appended to the junction list table.


This button allows you to select individual junction node as fire junction. Added junction will be added to the current table row. If an existing junction has already been defined at this row, the newly selected junction will replace the previously defined junction.


This button removes all defined junction nodes highlighted in the fire node table.

Clear All

This button removes all defined junction nodes from the fire node table.  A confirmation dialog box will first be provided to prevent accidental deletion.

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