Real-Time Data Connection allows you to associate recorded data files (from pressure loggers or SCADA downloads) which can span a number of days. When conducting EPS simulations, you are able to compare a set of recorded data against simulated data. This feature is especially helpful during the calibration of a model, as it allows you to select a particular day to compare a model’s simulation results. An example may include a peak-demand day, to which a model is being calibrated. InfoWater Pro stores the date selected when associating the data so that a particular day can be selected for all locations to assist in the calibration process.
To run the Real-Time Data Connection, from the InfoWater Command Center - > Edit menu, select Real-Time Data Connection to display the following dialog box.
Model Element Type: Choose from Junction, Tank, or Pipe.
ID: Select the ID of the network element you wish to assign data to. This can be achieved in two ways:
- Search for a particular location’s ID using the Search function.
- Select the element directly from the map display.
Description (optional): Enter information relating to the data file. This field is useful for recording the identification of a data logger or a SCADA data acquisition point.
Log File: This specifies the data file location on your computer or network. Use the Browse button to locate the file.
Model Date: Allows you to specify which day of data they wish to use when comparing to simulation results. This date can be altered at any time.
Save: Saves the association between a model element and a data file to your project’s database.
Delete: Deletes the association between a data file, and a model element.
Close: Closes H2OMAP’s Real-Time Data Connection feature.
Log File Settings Tab
Meter Node: Refers to the location or identification tag of the data recording instrument.
Description: Description usually relating to the data recording instrumentation.
Comment: General Comment relating to the recording equipment.
Data Channel: Specifies Pressure or Flow data.
Start Date: The beginning of the data recording period.
End Date: The completion date of the data recording period.
Recording Interval: Specifies the amount of time between recorded data values. As a user of this feature, you must ensure that all data is at a constant time interval, or erroneous comparisons may be produced.
Total Records: Count of the number of data values contained within the file.
Value Unit: Select the unit in which the data has been recorded.
Data Calibration: If the recording equipment is known to have recorded incorrectly, through setup error or equipment fault, it is possible to adjust the data so that it accurately reflects the true data. The following features assist in calibrating the data to ensure correct comparisons are achieved:
- Time Offset (Interval): If the internal clock on a logger or on a SCADA system are known to be incorrect, you can adjust the time by a certain period so that the data is shifted along the time-scale.
- Value Offset: If there is an issue relating to the values where they are greater or less than what is expected by a constant difference, you can input this offset to correct the data.
- Value Scale: If the data is known to have been recorded at a factor of the actual data, you can input the factor to correct the data.
Content Snapshot: Provides a view of the data file that is about to be associated with a model element.
Real Time Data Connection Methodology
The Real-Time Data Connection allows you to associate recorded data files (from pressure loggers or SCADA downloads) which can span a number of days. When conducting EPS simulations, you are able to compare a set of recorded data against simulated data.
This feature is especially helpful during the calibration of a model, as it allows you to select a particular day to compare a model’s simulation results. An example may include a peak-demand day, to which a model is being calibrated. InfoWater Pro stores the date selected when associating the data so that a particular day can be selected for all locations to assist in the calibration process.
Methodology: To run the Real-Time Data Connection feature of InfoWater Pro do the following:
- Associating Data with the real Time Data Connection Feature
From the InfoWater Control Center - > InfoWater button - > Edit menu, select Real-Time Data Connection to launch the Real Time Data Connection dialog box:
Choose the Model Element Type.
Select the ID of the network element you wish to assign data to and enter an optional Description for the data element. Enter the Model Date and specify the Log File. Finally enter all the Log File Settings in the Real Time Data Connection dialog box.
- Comparing simulation data to recorded data:
To use data that has been associated with a particular model element, open the Graph Manager.
Create a graph, such as a Junction Graph for an element known to have Real-Time Data connected to it.
If you have selected a Junction, then select the Pressure Graph and click on the Import Data button.
If data has been associated through the Real-Time Data Connection, a prompt will appear asking if you wish to view the comparison data. Click Yes.
You will be presented with the Real-Time Data Connection dialog box. If you wish to view the data based on the settings contained in the file, click Apply. You can alter the Data Calibration settings, and then click Apply to view the data with these changes. Doing this will not alter the data contained in your data file.
The data that is contained within the file for the date that has been specified will be imported into the graph.
Conceptually, this is how the Real-Time Data Connection is used:
1) The data from the data loggers or SCADA are stored in a shared folder.
2) The model is set up with the Real-Time Data Connection linkages.
3) The hydraulic simulation is performed and the results of the simulation is compared against the data from the log files.
Data File Format: An example data file for the Real-Time Data Connection must adhere to a specific format as follows:
[CONFIGURATION]Description: n/aComment: n/aNode: n/aChannel: PressureDate Format: DD/MMTime: 25/02/98,23:00Interval: 5 minRecords: 2600
To assist the file creation process, you can cut and paste the above format into applications such as Microsoft Word or Excel, and create a data file from that.
Basic Procedures to use the Real-Time Data Connection tools:
Bring up the Real-Time Data Connection configuration dialog box and select the element to which the linkage shall be established. Specify the location of the logger or SCADA data file. Use ".\" if the log file resides in a folder parallel to the project H2O file. The log file does not have a data unit specified so you must provide the recording data unit. Verify and then save the connection settings.
Run the simulation and open an output graph on the element that has the Real-Time Data Connection linkage established.
Click Import Data, if a Real-Time Data Connection link was defined.
If the "Allow Editing on Data Connection Settings" was selected, the Real-Time Data Connection Dialog Box appears to allow you to specify the corresponding Simulation Date/Time, so the correct calibration data can be fetched. Data "scaling" controls can be made to adjust the data logger output to match the simulation output data.
Once you apply the new settings, the Report Manager will retrieve the calibration data from the specified data logger file and display the Real-Time Data in the graph window.