
UDF Interface

InfoWater Pro UDF is the ultimate approach to help you develop the most effective unidirectional flushing program for cleaning your water mains, restoring hydraulic capacity and enhancing water quality. Unidirectional flushing entails opening and closing valves and operating hydrants to create a one-way flow in the water mains. A well thought-out flushing program must be developed to ensure adequate velocities with minimum water volume to completely flush the system of sediments, mineral deposits, and stagnant water. InfoWater Pro UDF analyzes user-defined sequences on a per zone basis. Each sequence reflects a length of pipe, numerous valves which need to be opened or closed, and a flush hydrant. Zones may represent a pressure district, subdivision, new development, etc. and may have different requirements. Each zone may have several sequences. Individual sequences or batch sequences for each zone can be run and results, such as pipe flow and velocity, static and residual pressure for flowing hydrant, and minimum system pressure are presented both in tabular form and graphically. They can also be imported into Excel.

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