
Assign licenses to members

As a hub administrator, once you have set up a hub and invited people to it who are new to Fusion, you need to assign licenses to them. These steps continue from where you (or another administrator) left off in Invite people to a hub (new administrator). People need to have accepted their invitations before they can be assigned licenses.

Note: You do not have to have a Fusion license to do this. As long as you are an administrator, you can invite people to a hub and assign licenses to them.

Check that members have accepted their invitations

  1. Go to the Members and Roles tab in the Fusion web client, as described in Invite people to a hub (new administrator).

    Tip: To access the Admin page at any time in the Fusion web client, click your profile image at the top right, then click Admin.

    admin menu

  2. Inside Members and Roles, click the People tab to see whom you've invited.

    sent invitations

    On this page, you can see when people joined the hub and what their role is. People need to have the role of Team Member (or higher) to be able to create and save designs in Fusion.

  3. Optional: To make a person a hub administrator, click the role name in their row, and select Team Administrator from the drop-down menu that opens.

    change rold

    Do this if there are people with whom you want to share administrative tasks for the hub, such as assigning permissions to members, managing hub settings and security, and so on.

    Note: A hub used to be called a “team” in the Fusion environment. The word “hub” is still being incorporated into all aspects of the Fusion interface in place of “team.”

Assign licenses

Before you start

If you have a large number of people to assign licenses to, Autodesk account management supports importing a list of names from a file. Consider creating a comma-separated values (CSV) file of names, each on its own line and in this format:

First name Last name email address
John Smith
Second Person

People who have already been assigned a license will not be assigned a second one when you import the list.

Assign the licenses

  1. In the Fusion web client, click your profile image at the top right, then click My Account to open the Autodesk account management page.

    account menu

    Alternatively, in a browser, navigate to

  2. In the account page, under User Management, click By Product.

    by product

    This opens a list of products with licenses you can assign.


  3. In the User Management by Product list, click Fusion to open current license assignment information.


    This shows the number of licenses (seats) available, the total number of licenses, and, under Assigned users, people who have had licenses assigned to them so far (if any).

  4. Click Assign users to open the Assign users dialog.

    assign users

  5. In the Assign users dialog, add people in either of these ways:

    • In the Assign tab, enter names or email addresses; as you do this, matching names of people who accepted their hub invitations will be shown below the text box.

      assign users

    • Alternatively, in the Import to assign tab, import a comma-separated values (CSV) list of people.

  6. Click Assign.

    The licenses page now includes the people to whom you assigned licenses.


    Tip: Under User Management, you can also assign licenses by user, or create groups of users for bulk license assignment.

    by user or group

Once licenses are assigned, you can optionally Create a project for the people in your hub to work in, or let them do it themselves. It all depends on your organization and how you want to distribute responsibilities.

For more information on setting up Fusion hubs, see this Autodesk blog post.

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