Part faces and bodies
Topics in this section
Split faces, trim solids, and split solids
Split part faces to add draft, trim a part and remove one side, or split a part into two solid bodies.
Physical properties of solid body
You can calculate physical properties for one or more selected solid bodies to verify your design intent.
Combine command
Use Combine to perform a join, cut, or intersect operation on selected solid bodies.
Move Bodies command
Adjust the position of multiple solid bodies that you are working with.
Replace Face command
Design changes can require you to replace a part face with a sculptured surface or work planes.
Delete Face command
Converts a part into a surface, creating delete face feature that you can modify.
Thickened faces and offset surfaces
Adds or removes thickness from parts, and creates offset surfaces from part surfaces.
Text embosses and decal features
Include text on a part face.
Shape description for solid bodies
Commands to extend, trim, and sculpt solid body
Construction surfaces
Use a construction surface as a termination face for other features, or as a split tool to create a multi-body part.
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