If true, and reparentOtherChildren is set, and there is an error in
reparenting, then raise an Exception (no rollback is performed);
otherwise, ignore the failed reparent, and continue
reparentOtherChildren :bool
If True, then if any transforms in this namespace have children NOT
in this namespace, then will attempt to reparent these children
under world (errors during these reparenting attempts is controlled
by haltOnError)
List the namespaces contained within this namespace.
recursive :bool
Set to True to enable recursive search of sub (and sub-sub, etc)
internal :bool
By default, this command filters out certain automatically created
maya namespaces (ie, :UI, :shared); set to True to show these
internal namespaces as well
Set to True to enable recursive search of sub (and sub-sub, etc)
internal :bool
By default, this command filters out nodes in certain automatically
created maya namespaces (ie, :UI, :shared); set to True to show
these internal namespaces as well
If true, and reparentOtherChildren is set, and there is an error in
reparenting, then raise an Exception (no rollback is performed);
otherwise, ignore the failed reparent, and continue
reparentOtherChildren :bool
If True, then if any transforms in this namespace have children NOT
in this namespace, then will attempt to reparent these children
under world (errors during these reparenting attempts is controlled
by haltOnError)