
animView(*args, **kwargs)

This command allows you to specify the current view range within an animation editor. In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.

Long name (short name) Argument Types Properties
endTime (et) time  
End time to display within the editor
maxValue (max) float  
Upper value to display within the editor
minValue (min) float  
Lower value to display within the editor
nextView (nv) bool ../../../_images/edit.gif
Switches to the next view. Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.
previousView (pv) bool ../../../_images/edit.gif
Switches to the previous view.
startTime (st) time  
Start time to display within the editor

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.animView


import pymel.core as pm

# Look at the area between 0 and 5 seconds, and the range 0 - 100
pm.animView( 'graphView', startTime='0sec', endTime='5sec', minValue=0, maxValue=100 )

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