
playblast(*args, **kwargs)

This command playblasts the current playback range. Sound is optional. Note that the playblast command registers a condition called playblastingso that users can monitor whether playblasting is occurring. You may monitor the condition using the API (MConditionMessage) or a script (scriptJob and condition commands).

Long name (short name) Argument Types Properties
activeEditor (ae) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
This flag will return the current model editor that would be used for playblast. It does not invoke playblast itself.
cameraSetup (cs) unicode, unicode ../../../_images/create.gif

Information about camera setup. The first string defines a camera setup MEL procedure. The camera setup procedure will be invoked before executing a playblast. The second string argument which is used as a camera identifier and is appended to the root file name to specify the final output file name(s). The command will fail there is not a pair of strings supplied to the argument.

clearCache (cc) bool ../../../_images/create.gif

When true, all previous temporary playblast files will be deleted before the new playblast files are created. Any playblast files that were explicitly given a name by the user will not be deleted. All remaining temporary playblast files will be deleted when the application quits regardless of whether this flag was set.

codecOptions (co) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Brings up the OS specific dialog for setting playblast codec options, and does not run the playblast.
combineSound (csd) bool ../../../_images/create.gif

Combine the trax sounds into a single track. This might force a resampling of the sound if the sound paramters don’t match up. Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

completeFilename (cf) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif

When set, this string specifies the exact name of the output image. In contrast with the -f/filename flag, -cf/completeFilename does not append any frame number or extension string at the end of the filename. Additionally, playblast will not delete the image from disk after it is displayed. This flag should not be used in conjunction with -f/filename.

compression (c) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif

Specify the compression to use for the movie file. To determine which settings are available on your system, use the playblast -options command. This will display a system-specific dialog with supported compression formats. When the ‘format’ flag is ‘image’, this flag is used to pass in the desired image format. If the format is ‘image’ and the compression flag is ommitted, the output format specified via the Render Globals preference (see -format) will be used. If compression is set to ‘none’, the iff image format will be used.

endTime (et) time ../../../_images/create.gif
Specify the end time of the playblast. Default is the end time of the playback range displayed in the Time Slider. Overridden by -frame.
filename (f) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif

The filename to use for the output of this playblast. If the file already exists, a confirmation box will be displayed if playblast is performed interactively. If playblast is executed from the command line and the file already exists, it will abort.

forceOverwrite (fo) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Overwrite existing playblast files which may have the the same name as the one specified with the -fflag
format (fmt) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif

The format for the playblast output. ValueDescriptionmovieThis option selects a platform-specific default movie format.On Linux and Mac OSX the default movie format is Quicktime.On Windows the default movie format is Audio Video Interleave. aviSet the format to Audio Video Interleave (Windows only)qtSet the format to QuickTime (all platforms).avfoundationWrite movie by AVFoundation (Mac only).imageOutputs a sequence of image files.The image format will be the Output Format specified using Window RenderEditors RenderSettings CommonTab. The resulting files use the value of the -fflag as a prefix, with an appended frame number, as in myFile.0007.iffiffSame as imageThe default value of the -fmt/format flag is movie. Depending on the selected format, a platform-specific default application will be used to view results. For image sequences, the default application is fcheck. For movies, the default application is Windows Media Player (on Windows), Quicktime Player (on Mac OSX), and Lqtplay (on Linux). Users can specify different applications via Maya’s application preferences.

frame (fr) time ../../../_images/create.gif

List of frames to blast. One frame specified per flag. The frames can be specifed in any order but will be output in an ordered sequence. When specified this flag will override any start/end range

framePadding (fp) int ../../../_images/create.gif
Number of zeros used to pad file name. Typically set to 4 to support fcheck.
height (h) int ../../../_images/create.gif

Height of the final image. This value will be clamped if larger than the width of the active window.Windows: If not using fcheck, the width and height must each be divisible by 4.

indexFromZero (ifz) bool ../../../_images/create.gif

Output frames starting with file.0000.ext and incrementing by one. Typically frames use the Maya time as their frame number. This option can only be used for frame based output formats.

offScreen (os) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
When set, this toggle allow playblast to use an offscreen buffer to render the view. This allows playblast to work when the application is iconified, or obscured.
options (o) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Brings up a dialog for setting playblast options, and does not run the playblast.
percent (p) int ../../../_images/create.gif

Percentage of current view size to use during blasting. Accepted values are integers between 10 and 100. All other values are clamped to be within this range. A value of 25 means 1/4 of the current view size; a value of 50 means half the current view size; a value of 100 means full size. (Default is 50.)

quality (qlt) int ../../../_images/create.gif
Specify the compression quality factor to use for the movie file. Value should be in the 0-100 range
rawFrameNumbers (rfn) bool ../../../_images/create.gif

Playblast typically numbers its frames sequentially, starting at zero. This flag will override the default action and frames will be numbered using the actual frames specified by the -frame or -startFrame/-endFrame flags.

replaceAudioOnly (rao) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
When set, this string dictates that only the audio will be replaced when the scene is re-playblasted.
replaceEndTime (ret) time ../../../_images/create.gif

Specify the end time of a replayblast of an existing playblast. Default is the start time of the playback range displayed in the Time Slider. Overridden by -frame.

replaceFilename (rf) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
When set, this string specifies the name of an input playblast file which will have frames replaced according to the replace start and end times.
replaceStartTime (rst) time ../../../_images/create.gif

Specify the start time of a replayblast of an existing playblast. Default is the start time of the playback range displayed in the Time Slider. Overridden by -frame.

sequenceTime (sqt) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Use sequence time
showOrnaments (orn) bool ../../../_images/create.gif
Sets whether or not model view ornaments (e.g. the axis icon) should be displayed
sound (s) unicode ../../../_images/create.gif
Specify the sound node to be used during playblast
startTime (st) time ../../../_images/create.gif
Specify the start time of the playblast. Default is the start time of the playback range displayed in the Time Slider. Overridden by -frame.
useTraxSounds (uts) bool  
viewer (v) bool ../../../_images/create.gif

Specify whether a viewer should be launched for the playblast. Default is true. Runs fcheckwhen -fmt is image. The player for movie files depends on the OS: Windows uses Microsoft Media Player, Irix uses movieplayer, OSX uses QuickTime.

width (w) int ../../../_images/create.gif

Width of the final image. This value will be clamped if larger than the width of the active window.Windows: If not using fcheck, the width and height must each be divisible by 4.

widthHeight (wh) int, int ../../../_images/create.gif

Final image’s width and height. Values larger than the dimensions of the active window are clamped. A width and height of 0 means to use the window’s current size.Windows: If not using fcheck, the width and height must each be divisible by 4.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.playblast


import pymel.core as pm

# Run movieplayer on the currently playblasted range
# (including sound) and save the movie to a file.
pm.playblast( s="ohNo", f="" )
# Result: u'/Volumes/newhome/chad/Documents/maya/projects/default/' #

# Run movieplayer on the currently playblasted range
# (at 60% of the size of the current view), and
# save the movie to file "" and don't
# launch any viewing program.
pm.playblast( p=60, s="ohNo", f="", v=False )

# Output frames 2, 3, 8 as images and launch the viewer;
pm.playblast( frame=[8,3,2], format="image", viewer=True )

# Output an image sequence in 'gif' format
playblast -format 'image' -compression 'gif'

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