Open the specified file. Returns the name of the opened file.
This flag is obsolete, and has been replaced by the loadReferenceDepth flag. When used with the -open flag, determines if the -deferReference flag is respected when reading in the file. If true is passed, all of the references are loaded. If false is passed, the -deferReference flag is respected.
This flag is obsolete and has been replaced witht the loadReferenceDepth flag. When used with the -open flag, no references will be loaded. When used with -import, -reference or -loadReference flags, will load the top-most reference only.
Used to specify which references should be loaded. Valid types are all, noneand topOnly, which will load all references, no references and top-level references only, respectively. Must be used with the -open, -import, -reference or -loadReference flags. When noneis used with -loadReference, only path validation is performed. This can be used to replace a reference without triggering reload. Not using loadReferenceDepth will load references in the same loaded or unloaded state that they were in when the file was saved. Additionally, the -loadReference flag supports a fourth type, asPrefs. This will force any nested references to be loaded according to the state (if any) stored in the current scene file, rather than according to the state saved in the reference file itself.
Force an action to take place. (new, open, save, remove reference, unload reference) Used with removeReference to force remove reference namespace even if it has contents. Cannot be used with removeReference if the reference resides in the root namespace. Used with unloadReference to force unload reference even if the reference node is locked, without prompting a dialog that warns user about the lost of edits.
Used to control the return value in open, import, loadReference, and reference operations. It will force file command to return a list of new nodes added to the current scene.
Set the type of this file. By default this can be any one of: mayaAscii, mayaBinary, mel, OBJ, directory, plug-in, audio, move, EPS, Adobe(R) Illustrator(R), imageplug-ins may define their own types as well.Return a string array of file types that match this file.
Derived from mel command maya.cmds.file