Classes | |
class | MAddRemoveAttrEdit |
Class for describing edits involving attributes which are added or removed. More... | |
class | MAngle |
Manipulate Angular Data. More... | |
class | MArgDatabase |
Command argument list parser. More... | |
class | MArgList |
Create and retrieve argument lists. More... | |
class | MArgParser |
Command argument list parser. More... | |
class | MArrayDataBuilder |
Array builder for arrays in data blocks. More... | |
class | MArrayDataHandle |
Data block handle for array data. More... | |
class | MAtomic |
Methods for atomic operations. More... | |
class | MAttributeIndex |
The index information for an attribute specification. More... | |
class | MAttributePattern |
The pattern of an attribute tree that can be applied to nodes or node classes. More... | |
class | MAttributePatternArray |
Indexable Array of attribute patterns. More... | |
class | MAttributeSpec |
An attribute specification. More... | |
class | MAttributeSpecArray |
An attribute specification array. More... | |
class | MBoundingBox |
Implementation of a 3D bounding box. More... | |
class | MCacheFormatDescription |
Cache format description. More... | |
class | MCallbackIdArray |
Array of MCallbackId data type. More... | |
class | MCameraSetMessage |
CameraSet messages. More... | |
class | MColor |
A color math class. More... | |
class | MColorArray |
Array of MColor data type. More... | |
class | MCommandMessage |
Helper class to handle MEL output. More... | |
class | MCommandResult |
Result returned from executing a command. More... | |
class | MCommonSystemUtils |
OS functionality. More... | |
class | MComputation |
Interupt monitor for long computations. More... | |
class | MConditionMessage |
Condition change messages. More... | |
class | MConnectDisconnectAttrEdit |
Class for describing connection and disconnection edits. More... | |
class | MContainerMessage |
Container-related messages. More... | |
class | MCurveAttribute |
Create and manipulate curve attributes. More... | |
class | MDagMessage |
DAG messages. More... | |
class | MDagModifier |
Dependency graph modifier. More... | |
class | MDAGDrawOverrideInfo |
A data structure to store the per path draw override information. More... | |
class | MDagPath |
DAG Path. More... | |
class | MDagPathArray |
Indexable Array of DAG Paths. More... | |
class | MDataBlock |
Dependency node data block. More... | |
class | MDataHandle |
Data handle for information contained in a data block. More... | |
class | MDGContext |
Dependency graph (DG) context class. More... | |
class | MDGMessage |
Dependency graph messages. More... | |
class | MDGModifier |
Dependency graph modifier. More... | |
class | MDistance |
Manipulate Linear Data. More... | |
class | MDoubleArray |
Array of doubles data type. More... | |
class | MEdit |
Base class for representing information about edits. More... | |
class | MEulerRotation |
Euler Rotation Math. More... | |
class | MEvaluationManager |
Class for working with Maya's Evaluation Manager. More... | |
class | MEvaluationNode |
Provides access to Evaluation Manager node information. More... | |
class | MEvaluationNodeIterator |
Provides access to the Evaluation Manager node dirty plug list. More... | |
class | MEventMessage |
Event messages. More... | |
class | MExternalContentInfoTable |
This is a table of all the external content for a given MPxNode. More... | |
class | MExternalContentLocationTable |
This is a table of the all the external content locations for a given MPxNode. More... | |
class | MFcurveEdit |
Class for describing fcurve edits. More... | |
class | MFileIO |
I/O operations on scene files. More... | |
class | MFileObject |
Manipulate filenames and search paths. More... | |
class | MFloatArray |
Array of floats data type. More... | |
class | MFloatMatrix |
A matrix math class for 4x4 matrices of floats. More... | |
class | MFloatPoint |
Implementation of a point. More... | |
class | MFloatPointArray |
Array of MFloatPoint data type. More... | |
class | MFloatVector |
A vector math class for vectors of floats. More... | |
class | MFloatVectorArray |
Array of MFloatVectors data type. More... | |
class | MFn |
Function Set Type Identifiers. More... | |
class | MFnAmbientLight |
Manage Ambient Light dependency Nodes. More... | |
class | MFnAnisotropyShader |
Manage anisotropic shaders. More... | |
class | MFnAreaLight |
Manage Area Light dependency Nodes. More... | |
class | MFnArrayAttrsData |
Function set for multiple arrays of attributes for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnAssembly |
Function set for scene assembly. More... | |
class | MFnAttribute |
Dependency node attribute function set. More... | |
class | MFnBase |
Function Set Base Class. More... | |
class | MFnBlinnShader |
Manage Blinn shaders. More... | |
class | MFnCamera |
Function set for cameras. More... | |
class | MFnCameraSet |
Camera set node function set. More... | |
class | MFnComponent |
Base class for component function sets. More... | |
class | MFnComponentListData |
Component list function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnCompoundAttribute |
Compound attribute function set. More... | |
class | MFnContainerNode |
container function set More... | |
class | MFnDagNode |
DAG Node Function Set. More... | |
class | MFnData |
Parent class for dependency graph data function sets. More... | |
class | MFnDependencyNode |
Dependency node function set. More... | |
class | MFnDirectionalLight |
Manage Directional Light dependency nodes. More... | |
class | MFnDoubleArrayData |
double array function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnDoubleIndexedComponent |
Double indexed component function set. More... | |
class | MFnEnumAttribute |
Enumerated attribute function set. More... | |
class | MFnExpression |
Expression function set. More... | |
class | MFnFloatArrayData |
float array function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnGenericAttribute |
Generic attribute function set. More... | |
class | MFnGeometryData |
Geometry data function set. More... | |
class | MFnIntArrayData |
int array function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnLambertShader |
Manage Lambert shaders. More... | |
class | MFnLatticeData |
Lattice Data dependency graph type. More... | |
class | MFnLayeredShader |
Manage Layered shaders. More... | |
class | MFnLight |
Manage dependency graph nodes representing lights. More... | |
class | MFnLightDataAttribute |
Light data attribute function set. More... | |
class | MFnMatrixArrayData |
Matrix array function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnMatrixAttribute |
Matrix attribute function set. More... | |
class | MFnMatrixData |
Matrix function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnMesh |
Polygonal surface function set. More... | |
class | MFnMeshData |
Mesh function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnMessageAttribute |
Message attribute function set. More... | |
class | MFnNonAmbientLight |
Manage Non-ambient Light dependency Nodes. More... | |
class | MFnNonExtendedLight |
Manage Non-extended Light dependency Nodes. More... | |
class | MFnNumericAttribute |
Numeric attribute function set. More... | |
class | MFnNumericData |
Numeric data function set. More... | |
class | MFnNurbsCurve |
NURBS curve function set. More... | |
class | MFnNurbsCurveData |
Nurbs Curve function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnNurbsSurface |
NURBS surface function set. More... | |
class | MFnNurbsSurfaceData |
Nurbs Surface function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnPartition |
Function set for partitions of objects. More... | |
class | MFnPhongEShader |
Manage phongE shaders. More... | |
class | MFnPhongShader |
Manage Phong Shaders. More... | |
class | MFnPlugin |
Register and deregister plug-in services with Maya. More... | |
class | MFnPluginData |
User defined data function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnPointArrayData |
Point array function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnPointLight |
Manage Point Light dependency Nodes. More... | |
class | MFnReference |
Function set for querying information about file references. More... | |
class | MFnReflectShader |
Manage Reflective Surface Shaders. More... | |
class | MFnSet |
Function Set for Sets of Objects. More... | |
class | MFnSingleIndexedComponent |
Single indexed component function set. More... | |
class | MFnSphereData |
Sphere function set for dependency node data . More... | |
class | MFnSpotLight |
Manage Spot Light dependency Nodes. More... | |
class | MFnStringArrayData |
String array function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnStringData |
String function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnSubd |
Subdivision surface function set. More... | |
class | MFnSubdData |
Subdiv Surface function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnSubdNames |
Manipulate Subdivision Surface vertex, edge and face ids. More... | |
class | MFnToolContext |
Tool context function set. More... | |
class | MFnTransform |
Create and access transform nodes. More... | |
class | MFnTripleIndexedComponent |
Triple indexed component function set. More... | |
class | MFnTypedAttribute |
Typed attribute function set. More... | |
class | MFnUInt64ArrayData |
MUint64 array function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnUint64SingleIndexedComponent |
Single MUint64 indexed component function set. More... | |
class | MFnUnitAttribute |
Unit attribute Function set. More... | |
class | MFnVectorArrayData |
int array function set for dependency node data. More... | |
class | MFnVolumeLight |
Manage volume Light dependency Nodes. More... | |
class | MGlobal |
Static class providing common API global functions. More... | |
class | MIffFile |
Read file images stored on disk. More... | |
class | MIffTag |
Encapsulates IFF's 4 character block structure. More... | |
class | MImage |
Image manipulation. More... | |
class | MImageFileInfo |
Image manipulation. More... | |
class | MInt64Array |
Array of 64-bit integers data type. More... | |
class | MIntArray |
Array of integers data type. More... | |
class | MItCurveCV |
Iterator for NURBS curve CVs. More... | |
class | MItDag |
DAG Iterator. More... | |
class | MItDependencyGraph |
Dependency Graph Iterator. More... | |
class | MItDependencyNodes |
Dependency Node iterator. More... | |
class | MItEdits |
Edits iterator. More... | |
class | MIteratorType |
MIteratorType class. More... | |
class | MItGeometry |
Iterator class for geometry data. More... | |
class | MItInstancer |
Particle iterator. More... | |
class | MItMeshEdge |
Polygon edge iterator. More... | |
class | MItMeshFaceVertex |
Face vertex iterator. More... | |
class | MItMeshPolygon |
Polygon iterator. More... | |
class | MItMeshVertex |
Polygon vertex iterator. More... | |
class | MItSelectionList |
Iterate over the items in the selection list. More... | |
class | MItSubdEdge |
Subdiv edge iterator. More... | |
class | MItSubdFace |
Subdiv face iterator. More... | |
class | MItSubdVertex |
Subdiv vertex iterator. More... | |
class | MItSurfaceCV |
NURBS surface CV iterator. More... | |
class | MLockMessage |
Node and plug locking messages. More... | |
class | MMatrix |
A matrix math class for 4x4 matrices of doubles. More... | |
class | MMatrixArray |
Array of MMatrix data type. More... | |
class | MMeshIntersector |
Mesh intersector. More... | |
class | MPointOnMesh |
Mesh intersector result. More... | |
class | MMeshSmoothOptions |
Options for control of smooth mesh generation. More... | |
class | MMessage |
Message base class. More... | |
class | MModelMessage |
Scene messages. More... | |
class | MMutexLock |
Methods for managing locks on threads created with MThreadPool and MThreadAsync. More... | |
class | MNamespace |
Namespace. More... | |
class | MNodeClass |
A class for performing node class-level operations in the dependency graph. More... | |
class | MNodeMessage |
Dependency node messages. More... | |
class | MNurbsIntersector |
Nurbs intersector. More... | |
class | MObject |
Generic Class for Accessing Internal Maya Objects. More... | |
class | MObjectArray |
Array of MObjects data type. More... | |
class | MObjectHandle |
Generic Class for validating MObjects. More... | |
class | MObjectSetMessage |
Object Set Messages. More... | |
class | MAutoCLKernel |
Auto pointer for cl_kernel objects. More... | |
class | MAutoCLMem |
Auto pointer for cl_mem objects. More... | |
class | MAutoCLEvent |
AutoPtr for cl_event objects. More... | |
class | MOpenCLBuffer |
Convenience class which makes allocating, updating and releasing OpenCL buffers easy. More... | |
class | MOpenCLInfo |
Global OpenCL information used by Maya. More... | |
class | MPaintMessage |
Scene messages. More... | |
class | MParentingEdit |
Class for describing edits to parenting. More... | |
class | MPlane |
A plane equation. More... | |
class | MPlug |
Create and Access dependency node plugs. More... | |
class | MPlugArray |
Array of MPlugs data type. More... | |
class | MPoint |
Implementation of a point. More... | |
class | MPointArray |
Array of MPoint data type. More... | |
class | MPolyMessage |
Polygon component id change messages. More... | |
class | MProfiler |
Class for working with Maya's profiler. More... | |
class | MProfilingScope |
MProfilingScope is used to profile code execution time. More... | |
class | MPxAnimCurveInterpolator |
Base Class for User-defined Animation Curve Interpolation Types. More... | |
class | MPxAssembly |
Parent class of all user defined assembly nodes. More... | |
class | MPxAttributePatternFactory |
Base class for user-defined attribute pattern factories. More... | |
class | MPxBakeEngine |
Baking functionality. More... | |
class | MPxCacheFormat |
CacheFormat definition. More... | |
class | MPxCameraSet |
Base class for user-defined camera set nodes. More... | |
class | MPxCommand |
Base class for user commands. More... | |
class | MPxComponentShape |
Component helper class for surface shapes. More... | |
class | MPxData |
Base Class for User-defined Dependency Graph Data Types. More... | |
class | MPxEditData |
Base class used to associate user-defined data with edits. More... | |
class | MPxFileResolver |
Base Class for creating custom Maya File Resolvers. More... | |
class | MPxFileTranslator |
Base Class for creating Maya File Translators. More... | |
class | MPxGeometryData |
Base Class for User-defined Dependency Graph Geometry Data Types. More... | |
class | MPxGeometryIterator |
Base class for user defined geometry iterators. More... | |
class | MPxImageFile |
Image manipulation. More... | |
class | MPxImagePlane |
Base class for user defined imagePlane nodes. More... | |
class | MaterialInputData |
Phong shading parameters for an MPxMaterialInformation instance. More... | |
class | MPxMaterialInformation |
Material information proxy. More... | |
class | MPxMayaAsciiFilterOutput |
Wrapper for a Maya Ascii file output stream. More... | |
class | MPxMayaAsciiFilter |
Translator to output filtered Maya ASCII files. More... | |
class | MPxMotionPathNode |
Base class for user defined motionPath nodes. More... | |
class | MPxMultiPolyTweakUVCommand |
Base class used for moving UV's on multiple objects. More... | |
class | MPxNode |
Base class for user defined dependency nodes. More... | |
class | MPxObjectSet |
Parent class of all user defined object sets. More... | |
class | MPxPolyTrg |
User defined poly triangulation support. More... | |
class | MPxPolyTweakUVCommand |
Base class used for moving polygon UV's. More... | |
class | MPxRepresentation |
Abstract base class for user defined representations. More... | |
class | MPxSurfaceShape |
Parent class of all user defined shapes. More... | |
class | MPxTransform |
Base class for user defined transforms. More... | |
class | MPxTransformationMatrix |
Base class of all user defined transformation matrices. More... | |
class | MQuaternion |
Quaternion math. More... | |
class | MRampAttribute |
Create and manipulate ramp attributes. More... | |
class | MRichSelection |
Selection list supporting soft selection and symmetry. More... | |
class | MSceneMessage |
Scene messages. More... | |
class | MScriptUtil |
Utility class for working with pointers and references in Python. More... | |
class | MSelectionList |
A list of MObjects. More... | |
class | MSetAttrEdit |
Class for describing setAttr edits. More... | |
class | MSpinLock |
Methods for managing spin locks on threads created with MThreadPool and MThreadAsync. More... | |
class | MStatus |
Manipulate Maya Status codes. More... | |
class | MStreamUtils |
Stream functionality. More... | |
class | MString |
Manipulate strings. More... | |
class | MStringArray |
Array of MStrings data type. More... | |
class | MStringResource |
Localizable string resources. More... | |
class | MStringResourceId |
Unique identifier for an MString Resource. More... | |
class | MSyntax |
Syntax for Commands. More... | |
class | MTemplateAction< ActionClass, CommandName, CommandSyntax > |
Template class for non undoable actions. More... | |
class | MTemplateCommand< CommandClass, CommandName, CommandSyntax > |
Template class for undoable commands. More... | |
class | MTemplateCreateNodeCommand< CommandClass, CommandName, NodeName > |
Template class for undoable commands to create/delete a node. More... | |
class | MTesselationParams |
Tesselation parameters. More... | |
class | MThreadAsync |
Methods for creating threads. More... | |
class | MThreadPool |
Methods for creating and managing a thread pool. More... | |
class | MThreadUtils |
Helper methods for threaded plugins. More... | |
class | MTime |
Set and retrieve animation time values in various unit systems. More... | |
class | MTimeArray |
Array of MTime data type. More... | |
class | MTimer |
This class works similar to timerX MEL command. More... | |
class | MTimerMessage |
Register callbacks that are based on a fixed time interval. More... | |
class | MTransformationMatrix |
Transformation matrix. More... | |
class | MTrimBoundaryArray |
An array class for trim boundaries. More... | |
class | MTypeId |
Manage Maya Object type identifiers. More... | |
class | MUint64Array |
Array of MUint64 data type. More... | |
class | MUintArray |
Array of integers data type. More... | |
class | MURI |
Manipulating Uniform Resource Identifiers. More... | |
class | MUserEventMessage |
User defined Message Types. More... | |
class | MUuid |
Class to manipulate UUIDs. More... | |
class | MVector |
A vector math class for vectors of doubles. More... | |
class | MVectorArray |
Array of MVectors data type. More... | |
class | MWeight |
Component weight data. More... | |
Namespaces | |
MRandom | |
Methods for generating random numbers. | |