You can create seexpr shader expressions to modify the materials and shaders that are assigned to your Descriptions. For example, you can create a shading network with any material, and then use an seExpr shading expression to pass color information from the shader to the primitives in your hair groom.
To do this, you must create an xgen_seexpr node so that your expressions can access the shading parameters in your material. This node can read Ptex maps and evaluate the expressions in your Description. The xgen_seexpr node then passes the results of this data to the material at render time.
If you are new to using XGen expressions, see XGen expression basics.
This example describes how to use an seExpr expression to modify a shader by adding noise to its specularity channel.
Maya creates a new float type shading parameter called SpecNoise.
Next, you create a noise expression to control Specular Color.
Next, you create the xgen_seexpr node that evaluates the expression.
For information about displaying node connections, creating nodes, and connecting nodes, see Node Editor basics.
You can also connect the xgen_seexpr node another color channel, such as Spec1cosine.
Next, register the expression with the xgen_seexpr node.
This points the node to the expression you want it to evaluate.
This registers the expression name with the node.