FBX C++ API Reference
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#include <fbxsdk.h>
#include "DisplayCommon.h"
void DisplayMaterial(FbxGeometry* pGeometry)
int lMaterialCount = 0;
FbxNode* lNode = NULL;
lNode = pGeometry->GetNode();
lMaterialCount = lNode->GetMaterialCount();
if (lMaterialCount > 0)
FbxColor theColor;
for (int lCount = 0; lCount < lMaterialCount; lCount ++)
DisplayInt(" Material ", lCount);
FbxSurfaceMaterial *lMaterial = lNode->GetMaterial(lCount);
DisplayString(" Name: \"", (char *) lMaterial->GetName(), "\"");
//Get the implementation to see if it's a hardware shader.
const FbxImplementation* lImplementation = GetImplementation(lMaterial, FBXSDK_IMPLEMENTATION_HLSL);
FbxString lImplemenationType = "HLSL";
lImplementation = GetImplementation(lMaterial, FBXSDK_IMPLEMENTATION_CGFX);
lImplemenationType = "CGFX";
//Now we have a hardware shader, let's read it
FBXSDK_printf(" Hardware Shader Type: %s\n", lImplemenationType.Buffer());
const FbxBindingTable* lRootTable = lImplementation->GetRootTable();
FbxString lFileName = lRootTable->DescAbsoluteURL.Get();
FbxString lTechniqueName = lRootTable->DescTAG.Get();
const FbxBindingTable* lTable = lImplementation->GetRootTable();
size_t lEntryNum = lTable->GetEntryCount();
for(int i=0;i <(int)lEntryNum; ++i)
const FbxBindingTableEntry& lEntry = lTable->GetEntry(i);
const char* lEntrySrcType = lEntry.GetEntryType(true);
FbxProperty lFbxProp;
FbxString lTest = lEntry.GetSource();
FBXSDK_printf(" Entry: %s\n", lTest.Buffer());
if ( strcmp( FbxPropertyEntryView::sEntryType, lEntrySrcType ) == 0 )
lFbxProp = lMaterial->FindPropertyHierarchical(lEntry.GetSource());
lFbxProp = lMaterial->RootProperty.FindHierarchical(lEntry.GetSource());
else if( strcmp( FbxConstantEntryView::sEntryType, lEntrySrcType ) == 0 )
lFbxProp = lImplementation->GetConstants().FindHierarchical(lEntry.GetSource());
if( lFbxProp.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxTexture>() > 0 )
//do what you want with the textures
for(int j=0; j<lFbxProp.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxFileTexture>(); ++j)
FBXSDK_printf(" File Texture: %s\n", lTex->GetFileName());
for(int j=0; j<lFbxProp.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxLayeredTexture>(); ++j)
FBXSDK_printf(" Layered Texture: %s\n", lTex->GetName());
for(int j=0; j<lFbxProp.GetSrcObjectCount<FbxProceduralTexture>(); ++j)
FBXSDK_printf(" Procedural Texture: %s\n", lTex->GetName());
FbxDataType lFbxType = lFbxProp.GetPropertyDataType();
FbxString blah = lFbxType.GetName();
if(FbxBoolDT == lFbxType)
DisplayBool(" Bool: ", lFbxProp.Get<FbxBool>() );
else if ( FbxIntDT == lFbxType || FbxEnumDT == lFbxType )
DisplayInt(" Int: ", lFbxProp.Get<FbxInt>());
else if ( FbxFloatDT == lFbxType)
DisplayDouble(" Float: ", lFbxProp.Get<FbxFloat>());
else if ( FbxDoubleDT == lFbxType)
DisplayDouble(" Double: ", lFbxProp.Get<FbxDouble>());
else if ( FbxStringDT == lFbxType
|| FbxUrlDT == lFbxType
|| FbxXRefUrlDT == lFbxType )
DisplayString(" String: ", lFbxProp.Get<FbxString>().Buffer());
else if ( FbxDouble2DT == lFbxType)
FbxDouble2 lDouble2 = lFbxProp.Get<FbxDouble2>();
FbxVector2 lVect;
lVect[0] = lDouble2[0];
lVect[1] = lDouble2[1];
Display2DVector(" 2D vector: ", lVect);
else if ( FbxDouble3DT == lFbxType || FbxColor3DT == lFbxType)
FbxDouble3 lDouble3 = lFbxProp.Get<FbxDouble3>();
FbxVector4 lVect;
lVect[0] = lDouble3[0];
lVect[1] = lDouble3[1];
lVect[2] = lDouble3[2];
Display3DVector(" 3D vector: ", lVect);
else if ( FbxDouble4DT == lFbxType || FbxColor4DT == lFbxType)
FbxDouble4 lDouble4 = lFbxProp.Get<FbxDouble4>();
FbxVector4 lVect;
lVect[0] = lDouble4[0];
lVect[1] = lDouble4[1];
lVect[2] = lDouble4[2];
lVect[3] = lDouble4[3];
Display4DVector(" 4D vector: ", lVect);
else if ( FbxDouble4x4DT == lFbxType)
FbxDouble4x4 lDouble44 = lFbxProp.Get<FbxDouble4x4>();
for(int j=0; j<4; ++j)
FbxVector4 lVect;
lVect[0] = lDouble44[j][0];
lVect[1] = lDouble44[j][1];
lVect[2] = lDouble44[j][2];
lVect[3] = lDouble44[j][3];
Display4DVector(" 4x4D vector: ", lVect);
else if (lMaterial->GetClassId().Is(FbxSurfacePhong::ClassId))
// We found a Phong material. Display its properties.
// Display the Ambient Color
lKFbxDouble3 =((FbxSurfacePhong *) lMaterial)->Ambient;
theColor.Set(lKFbxDouble3.Get()[0], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[1], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[2]);
DisplayColor(" Ambient: ", theColor);
// Display the Diffuse Color
lKFbxDouble3 =((FbxSurfacePhong *) lMaterial)->Diffuse;
theColor.Set(lKFbxDouble3.Get()[0], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[1], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[2]);
DisplayColor(" Diffuse: ", theColor);
// Display the Specular Color (unique to Phong materials)
lKFbxDouble3 =((FbxSurfacePhong *) lMaterial)->Specular;
theColor.Set(lKFbxDouble3.Get()[0], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[1], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[2]);
DisplayColor(" Specular: ", theColor);
// Display the Emissive Color
lKFbxDouble3 =((FbxSurfacePhong *) lMaterial)->Emissive;
theColor.Set(lKFbxDouble3.Get()[0], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[1], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[2]);
DisplayColor(" Emissive: ", theColor);
//Opacity is Transparency factor now
lKFbxDouble1 =((FbxSurfacePhong *) lMaterial)->TransparencyFactor;
DisplayDouble(" Opacity: ", 1.0-lKFbxDouble1.Get());
// Display the Shininess
lKFbxDouble1 =((FbxSurfacePhong *) lMaterial)->Shininess;
DisplayDouble(" Shininess: ", lKFbxDouble1.Get());
// Display the Reflectivity
lKFbxDouble1 =((FbxSurfacePhong *) lMaterial)->ReflectionFactor;
DisplayDouble(" Reflectivity: ", lKFbxDouble1.Get());
else if(lMaterial->GetClassId().Is(FbxSurfaceLambert::ClassId) )
// We found a Lambert material. Display its properties.
// Display the Ambient Color
lKFbxDouble3=((FbxSurfaceLambert *)lMaterial)->Ambient;
theColor.Set(lKFbxDouble3.Get()[0], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[1], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[2]);
DisplayColor(" Ambient: ", theColor);
// Display the Diffuse Color
lKFbxDouble3 =((FbxSurfaceLambert *)lMaterial)->Diffuse;
theColor.Set(lKFbxDouble3.Get()[0], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[1], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[2]);
DisplayColor(" Diffuse: ", theColor);
// Display the Emissive
lKFbxDouble3 =((FbxSurfaceLambert *)lMaterial)->Emissive;
theColor.Set(lKFbxDouble3.Get()[0], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[1], lKFbxDouble3.Get()[2]);
DisplayColor(" Emissive: ", theColor);
// Display the Opacity
lKFbxDouble1 =((FbxSurfaceLambert *)lMaterial)->TransparencyFactor;
DisplayDouble(" Opacity: ", 1.0-lKFbxDouble1.Get());
DisplayString("Unknown type of Material");
lString = lMaterial->ShadingModel;
DisplayString(" Shading Model: ", lString.Get().Buffer());