- #pragma once
- #include "plugin_api_types.h"
- #include "plugin_c_api.h"
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- /*
- This file defines the Plugin API for the engine.
- The plugin interface is based around a single function:
- __declspec(dllexport) void *get_plugin_api(unsigned api_id);
- The API ID is an integer that uniquely identify a specific version of a particular service.
- If the plugin can provide the service it returns a pointer to an API struct that contains
- function pointers for using the service.
- For ABI compatibility and simplicity, only C code is used in the interfaces.
- This method is used both by the plugins to provide services to the engine and by the engine
- to provide services to the plugins. For the second case, the engine sends a function:
- void *get_engine_api(unsigned api_id);
- to the plugins when they are initialized. The plugins can use this function to query for
- engine interfaces. Plugins can also use this to call on services provided by other plugins
- through the get_next_plugin_api() in the PluginManagerApi.
- Starting with the 1.7 release of the engine, we will make an effort to keep the plugin
- APIs backwards compatible. This means that you cannot remove functions or change the
- signature of functions in the API, only add new ones in the reserved functions. Old functions
- can be marked as deprecated but should be left in the API.
- If you need to make big changes to an API, that cannot easily be covered by just adding
- new functions, you should make a completely new API with a new ID (i.e.
- APPLICATION_API_V2_ID), while keeping the old one intact. That way, backwards compatibility
- is ensured.
- */
- #include <stddef.h>
- /* API IDs for the different services. */
- enum PluginApiID {
- LUA_API_ID = 1,
- UNIT_API_ID = 8,
- WORLD_API_ID = 22,
- ERROR_API_ID = 25,
- MESH_API_ID = 27,
- C_API_ID = 31,
- TIMER_API_ID = 33,
- /* API IDs in the range 0--65535 are reserved by the engine. If you want to
- provide your own API in your plugin, we suggest using a hash of the API's
- name as ID. */
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Common types
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* These types are used in multiple plugins. */
- /* Opaque struct representing an input file archive that data can be read from. */
- struct InputArchive;
- /* Opaque struct representing a buffer that an input archive gets information from. */
- struct InputBuffer;
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Plugin
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* This function can be used by the plugin to query for engine APIs. */
- typedef void *(*GetApiFunction)(unsigned api);
- /* Opaque struct representing a stream of state changes sent from the main thread to the render
- thread. */
- struct StateReflectionStream;
- /* Deprecated. */
- struct RD_DeviceData {
- struct Context *context;
- struct RenderTarget* render_target;
- struct DepthStencilTarget* depth_stencil_target;
- };
- /* Deprecated. */
- struct RD_EngineData {
- /* A custom rendering environment returned by the plugin in get_render_env(). */
- void* render_env;
- void* render_target;
- void* depth_stencil_target;
- };
- /* Deprecated. */
- struct RenderDevicePluginArguments {
- struct RD_DeviceData device_data;
- struct RD_EngineData engine_data;
- };
- /*
- This is the main interface provided by the plugins. The functions in this interface will
- be called at various points during the engine's setup and shutdown sequence.
- The plugin is not obligated to implement all these functions. You can return NULL for the
- functions that you do not support.
- */
- struct PluginApi
- {
- /* Returns the name of the plugin. */
- const char *(*get_name)();
- /* Called to initialize the plugin once it has been loaded into memory. For plugins loaded at
- boot, this function is called once all plugins have been loaded (so you can query for other
- plugins in this function). For plugins loaded on demand, this function is called as soon
- as the plugin have been loaded. */
- void (*loaded)(GetApiFunction get_engine_api);
- /* Called just before the plugin is unloaded. */
- void (*unloaded)();
- /* Called at the start of a "hot reload" of the plugin DLL. Should return a
- pointer to a serialized "state" for the plugin.*/
- void *(*start_reload)(GetApiFunction get_engine_api);
- /* Called to finalized the "hot reload" after the plugin has been reloaded with
- the new code. Should restore the state from the serialized state data. Note
- that it is the responsibility of the plugin to free the state data. */
- void (*finish_reload)(GetApiFunction get_engine_api, void *state);
- /* Called when the engine sets up the DataCompiler. You can use the functions in the DataCompiler
- API to add custom data types to the DataCompiler. */
- void (*setup_data_compiler)(GetApiFunction get_engine_api);
- /* Called when the engine shuts down the data compiler. */
- void (*shutdown_data_compiler)();
- /* Called when the engine sets up the ResourceManager. At this point you can use the ResourceManagerApi
- to add support for resource manager loading of your custom data types. */
- void (*setup_resources)(GetApiFunction get_engine_api);
- /* Called when the engine shuts down the ResourceManager. */
- void (*shutdown_resources)();
- /* Called when the engine reloads its resources. The plugin should return true if it is able
- to hot-reload resources of the specified type. */
- int (*can_refresh)(uint64_t type);
- /* Called when the engine reloads its resources, to tell the plugin to refresh the given resource. */
- void (*refresh)(uint64_t type, uint64_t name);
- /* Called when the engine sets up the game. At this point, you can use the functions in the LuaApi
- to add functions to the engine's Lua API. */
- void (*setup_game)(GetApiFunction get_engine_api);
- /* Called per game frame. */
- void (*update_game)(float dt);
- /* Called when the engine shuts down the game. */
- void (*shutdown_game)();
- /* Called after the world has been created and is about to be added to the engines list of worlds */
- void (*register_world)(CApiWorld * world);
- /* Called before a world is about to be destroyed and removed from the engines list of worlds. */
- void (*unregister_world)(CApiWorld * world);
- /* Called when units are spawned by the engine. */
- void (*units_spawned)(CApiUnit **units, unsigned count);
- /* Called when units are unspawned by the engine. */
- void (*units_unspawned)(CApiUnit **units, unsigned count);
- /* Called by the engine to draw debug visuals into the world. */
- void (*debug_draw)(CApiWorld * world, struct StateReflectionStream * srs);
- /* Deprecated. */
- void * (*get_render_env)();
- /* Deprecated. */
- void (*render)(struct RenderDevicePluginArguments *arguments);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- enum RenderCallbacksPluginApi_EventType {
- };
- /*
- This is the interface implemented by plugins who are interested in callbacks from the rendering
- thread.
- The plugin is not obligated to implement all these functions. You can return NULL for the
- functions that you do not support.
- */
- struct RenderCallbacksPluginApi
- {
- /* Called when a new swapchain is created. */
- void (*create_swap_chain)(unsigned swap_chain_handle, unsigned width, unsigned height);
- /* Called just before a swap chain is resized. */
- void (*prepare_resize_swap_chain)(unsigned swap_chain_handle, unsigned width, unsigned height);
- /* Called when a swap chain has been resized. */
- void (*resize_swap_chain)(unsigned swap_chain_handle, unsigned width, unsigned height);
- /* Called when a swap chain is destroyed. */
- void (*destroy_swap_chain)(unsigned swap_chain_handle);
- /* Called when rendering of a frame starts. */
- void (*begin_frame)();
- /* Called when rendering of a frame finishes. */
- void (*end_frame)();
- /* Called before cascaded shadow rendering is processed. */
- void (*on_pre_shadow)(enum RenderCallbacksPluginApi_EventType event_type);
- /* Called after cascaded shadow rendering is processed. */
- void (*on_post_shadow)(enum RenderCallbacksPluginApi_EventType event_type);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[30];
- };
- /*
- This is the interface implemented by plugins who are interested in overriding certain functionality
- on the rendering thread.
- The plugin is not obligated to implement all these functions. You can return NULL for the
- functions that you do not support.
- TODO: How do we best deal with multiple plugins overriding the same function?
- */
- struct RenderOverridesPluginApi
- {
- /* Called when the engine presents the rendered data.
- You should return 0 from this function if you still want the default present functionality
- to be executed. Otherwise, return 1. */
- int (*present)(unsigned swap_chain_handle);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lua
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Opaque struct representing a Lua state. */
- typedef struct lua_State lua_State;
- /* Types from Lua. */
- typedef int (*lua_CFunction) (lua_State *L);
- typedef struct lua_Debug lua_Debug;
- typedef double lua_Number;
- typedef ptrdiff_t lua_Integer;
- typedef void (*lua_Hook) (lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar);
- typedef const char * (*lua_Reader) (lua_State *L, void *ud, size_t *sz);
- typedef int (*lua_Writer) (lua_State *L, const void* p, size_t sz, void* ud);
- typedef void * (*lua_Alloc) (void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize);
- typedef struct luaL_Reg luaL_Reg;
- /*
- Interface to access Lua services.
- */
- struct LuaApi
- {
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Extending Lua
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Adds a new lua function in the module with the specified name.
- The function will be callable as stingray.{module}.{name}() */
- void (*add_module_function)(const char *module, const char *name, lua_CFunction f);
- /* As add_module_function() but prints a deprecation warning when the function is used. */
- void (*deprecated_warning)(const char *module, const char *name, lua_CFunction f, const char* message);
- /* As add_module_function() but prints a deprecation error when the function is used. */
- void (*deprecated_error)(const char *module, const char *name, const char* message);
- /* Sets a bool constant in a module. */
- void (*set_module_bool)(const char *module, const char *key, int value);
- /* Sets a number constant in a module. */
- void (*set_module_number)(const char *module, const char *key, double value);
- /* Sets a number constant in a namespace in a module. */
- void (*set_module_namespace_number)(const char *module, const char* name_space, const char *key, double value);
- /* Sets a string constant in a module. */
- void (*set_module_string)(const char *module, const char *key, const char *value);
- /* Adds a new console command. Console commands are Lua functions in the stingray.Console
- module that only takes string parameters. They can be used from the console:
- > memory_resources all
- is equivalent to
- > Console.memory_resources("all")
- The vararg is a sequence of documentation strings, ended by a nullptr -- like this:
- add_console_command("memory_resources", memory_resources_f,
- "Print memory usage per resource",
- "all", "print memory use of all resources",
- "sound", "print memory use of sound resources",
- "texture_categories [details]", "print memory usage per texture category",
- "list <TYPE>", "list memory use of specified types",
- (void*)nullptr); */
- void (*add_console_command)(const char *command, lua_CFunction f, const char *desc, ...);
- /* Removes all entries from the specified module. */
- void (*remove_all_module_entries)(const char *module);
- /* Removes the specified module entry from the runtime. */
- void (*remove_module_entry)(const char *module, const char *entry);
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lua standard functions
- See the Lua API for documentation.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* State manipulation */
- void (*close) (lua_State *L);
- lua_State *(*newthread) (lua_State *L);
- lua_CFunction (*atpanic) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction panicf);
- /* Basic stack manipulation */
- int (*gettop) (lua_State *L);
- void (*settop) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- void (*pushvalue) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- void (*remove) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- void (*insert) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- void (*replace) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- int (*checkstack) (lua_State *L, int sz);
- void (*xmove) (lua_State *from, lua_State *to, int n);
- /* Access functions */
- int (*isnumber) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- int (*isstring) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- int (*iscfunction) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- int (*isuserdata) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- int (*type) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- const char *(*lua_typename) (lua_State *L, int tp);
- int (*equal) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2);
- int (*rawequal) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2);
- int (*lessthan) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2);
- lua_Number (*tonumber) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- lua_Integer (*tointeger) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- int (*toboolean) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- const char *(*tolstring) (lua_State *L, int idx, size_t *len);
- size_t (*objlen) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- lua_CFunction (*tocfunction) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- void *(*touserdata) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- lua_State *(*tothread) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- const void *(*topointer) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- /* Push functions */
- void (*pushnil) (lua_State *L);
- void (*pushnumber) (lua_State *L, lua_Number n);
- void (*pushinteger) (lua_State *L, lua_Integer n);
- void (*pushlstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s, size_t l);
- void (*pushstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s);
- const char *(*pushvfstring) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, va_list argp);
- const char *(*pushfstring) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...);
- void (*pushcclosure) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n);
- void (*pushboolean) (lua_State *L, int b);
- void (*pushlightuserdata) (lua_State *L, void *p);
- int (*pushthread) (lua_State *L);
- /* Get functions */
- void (*gettable) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- void (*getfield) (lua_State *L, int idx, const char *k);
- void (*rawget) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- void (*rawgeti) (lua_State *L, int idx, int n);
- void (*createtable) (lua_State *L, int narr, int nrec);
- void *(*newuserdata) (lua_State *L, size_t sz);
- int (*getmetatable) (lua_State *L, int objindex);
- void (*getfenv) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- /* Set functions */
- void (*settable) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- void (*setfield) (lua_State *L, int idx, const char *k);
- void (*rawset) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- void (*rawseti) (lua_State *L, int idx, int n);
- int (*setmetatable) (lua_State *L, int objindex);
- int (*setfenv) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- /* Load and call functions */
- void (*call) (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults);
- int (*pcall) (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc);
- int (*cpcall) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction func, void *ud);
- int (*load) (lua_State *L, lua_Reader reader, void *dt, const char *chunkname);
- int (*dump) (lua_State *L, lua_Writer writer, void *data);
- /* Coroutine functions */
- int (*yield) (lua_State *L, int nresults);
- int (*resume) (lua_State *L, int narg);
- int (*status) (lua_State *L);
- /* Garbage collection */
- int (*gc) (lua_State *L, int what, int data);
- /* Miscellaneous functions */
- int (*error) (lua_State *L);
- int (*next) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- void (*concat) (lua_State *L, int n);
- /* Debugging */
- int (*getstack) (lua_State *L, int level, lua_Debug *ar);
- int (*getinfo) (lua_State *L, const char *what, lua_Debug *ar);
- const char *(*getlocal) (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n);
- const char *(*setlocal) (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n);
- const char *(*getupvalue) (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n);
- const char *(*setupvalue) (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n);
- int (*sethook) (lua_State *L, lua_Hook func, int mask, int count);
- lua_Hook (*gethook) (lua_State *L);
- int (*gethookmask) (lua_State *L);
- int (*gethookcount) (lua_State *L);
- /* Library functions */
- void (*lib_openlib) (lua_State *L, const char *libname, const luaL_Reg *l, int nup);
- void (*lib_register) (lua_State *L, const char *libname, const luaL_Reg *l);
- int (*lib_getmetafield) (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e);
- int (*lib_callmeta) (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e);
- int (*lib_typerror) (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname);
- int (*lib_argerror) (lua_State *L, int numarg, const char *extramsg);
- const char *(*lib_checklstring) (lua_State *L, int numArg, size_t *l);
- const char *(*lib_optlstring) (lua_State *L, int numArg, const char *def, size_t *l);
- lua_Number (*lib_checknumber) (lua_State *L, int numArg);
- lua_Number (*lib_optnumber) (lua_State *L, int nArg, lua_Number def);
- lua_Integer (*lib_checkinteger) (lua_State *L, int numArg);
- lua_Integer (*lib_optinteger) (lua_State *L, int nArg, lua_Integer def);
- void (*lib_checkstack) (lua_State *L, int sz, const char *msg);
- void (*lib_checktype) (lua_State *L, int narg, int t);
- void (*lib_checkany) (lua_State *L, int narg);
- int (*lib_newmetatable) (lua_State *L, const char *tname);
- void*(*lib_checkudata) (lua_State *L, int ud, const char *tname);
- void (*lib_where) (lua_State *L, int lvl);
- int (*lib_error) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...);
- int (*lib_checkoption) (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *def, const char *const lst[]);
- int (*lib_ref) (lua_State *L, int t);
- void (*lib_unref) (lua_State *L, int t, int ref);
- int (*lib_loadfile) (lua_State *L, const char *filename);
- int (*lib_loadbuffer) (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, const char *name);
- int (*lib_loadstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s);
- lua_State *(*lib_newstate) (void);
- const char *(*lib_gsub) (lua_State *L, const char *s, const char *p, const char *r);
- const char *(*lib_findtable) (lua_State *L, int idx, const char *fname, int szhint);
- void (*lib_openlibs)(lua_State *L);
- /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lua Stingray extensions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Gets an index integer from the stack. This will automatically convert
- from 1-based (Lua convention) to 0-based (C convention). */
- int (*getindex) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- /* Pushes an index integer to the stack. This will automatically convert
- from 0-based (C convention) to 1-based (lua convention). */
- void (*pushindex) (lua_State *L, int n);
- /* As getindex() but uses either 0 or 1 based convention on the Lua side,
- depending on user project settings. */
- int (*getindex_0_or_1_based) (lua_State *L, int idx);
- /* As pushindex() but uses either 0 or 1 based convention on the Lua side,
- depending on user project settings. */
- void (*pushindex_0_or_1_based) (lua_State *L, int n);
- /* Pushes a Vector2 to the stack. */
- void (*pushvector2) (lua_State *L, float v[2]);
- /* Pushes a Vector3 to the stack. */
- void (*pushvector3) (lua_State *L, float v[3]);
- /* Pushes a Vector4 to the stack. */
- void (*pushvector4) (lua_State *L, float v[4]);
- /* Pushes a Quaternion to the stack. */
- void (*pushquaternion) (lua_State *L, float q[4]);
- /* Pushes a Matrix4x4 to the stack. */
- void (*pushmatrix4x4) (lua_State *L, float m[16]);
- /* Gets a Vector2 at the specified index. */
- float * (*getvector2) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Gets a Vector3 at the specified index. */
- float * (*getvector3) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Gets a Vector4 at the specified index. */
- float * (*getvector4) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Gets a Quaternion at the specified index. */
- float * (*getquaternion) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Gets a Matrix4x4 at the specified index. */
- float * (*getmatrix4x4) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Gets a Unit at the specified index. */
- CApiUnit * (*getunit) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Gets the Lua state where the main scripts execute. */
- lua_State* (*getscriptenvironmentstate)();
- /* Returns true if the stack entry is a table. */
- int (*istable) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Returns true if the stack entry is a Vector2. */
- int (*isvector2) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Returns true if the stack entry is a Vector3. */
- int (*isvector3) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Returns true if the stack entry is a Vector4. */
- int (*isvector4) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Returns true if the stack entry is a Quaternion. */
- int (*isquaternion) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Returns true if the stack entry is a Matrix4x4. */
- int (*ismatrix4x4) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Returns true if the stack entry is a UnitReference. */
- int (*isunitreference) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Pops the top value from the Lua stack. */
- void (*pop) (lua_State *L);
- /* Gets an Entity at the specified index. */
- EntityRef (*getentity)(lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Pushes an Entity to the stack. */
- void (*pushentity)(lua_State *L, EntityRef e_ref);
- /* Returns true if the stack entry is a nil. */
- int(*isnil) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Returns true if the stack entry is a boolean. */
- int(*isbool) (lua_State *L, int i);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[28];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DataCompiler
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Represents a buffer of data. */
- struct Buffer
- {
- /* Pointer to data. */
- char *p;
- /* Size of data. */
- unsigned len;
- };
- struct ConfigErrorState
- {
- const char *file;
- struct Buffer source;
- const char *error;
- };
- /* Represents the result of a data compile operation. */
- struct DataCompileResult
- {
- /* The memory resident compiled data. */
- struct Buffer data;
- /* Compiled data available for streaming. */
- struct Buffer stream;
- /* NULL if compiled successfully, an error message otherwise. */
- const char *error;
- };
- /* Opaque struct representing parameters for a data compile operation. */
- struct DataCompileParameters;
- /* Opaque struct representing parameters for a entity compile operation. */
- struct EntityComponentCompileData;
- /* Opaque struct representing parameters for a entity compile operation. */
- struct EntityComponentPackageIncludeData;
- /* Function type for compiling data. Based on the compile parameters that include
- among other things the source data, the compile function should produce a
- binary blob that can be accessed as a resource by the runtime. */
- typedef struct DataCompileResult (*CompileFunction)(struct DataCompileParameters *data_compile_params);
- /* Function for compiling preprocessed data for a closed platform. This is called from a normal
- resource compiler to do closed platform specific compilation for a particular platform. The
- format of the input data depends on the resource type (note: it is not the raw source data). */
- typedef struct DataCompileResult (*RawCompileFunction)(const char *input, unsigned len, struct AllocatorObject *allocator);
- /* Function type for compiling additional dependencies. You can use this to add new dependencies
- for an existing resource type, such as .level, without changing how that type is compiled.
- The function should return NULL if successful and an error string otherwise. */
- typedef const char * (*PackageIncludeCompileFunction)(struct DataCompileParameters *data_compile_params);
- /* Function type for compiling entity component data. */
- typedef struct DataCompileResult (*EntityComponentCompileFunction)(struct EntityComponentCompileData *compile_data, struct EntityComponentPackageIncludeData *package_include_data);
- /* Function type for compiling resources to scene databases. */
- typedef const char* (*SceneDatabaseCompileFunction)(const char *file_name, const char *data, int64_t length, void *scene_ptr, const char *extract_embedded_path, const char *resource_name, const char *platform_data_folder);
- /* Enumerates the texture types that can be returned by custom texture readers. */
- enum SourceTextureReadResult_ResultType {
- };
- /* Enumerates the texture pixel formats that can be returned by customer texture readers. */
- enum SourceTextureReadResult_ResultPixelFormat {
- DC_STRR_RPF_R16G16B16A16F,
- };
- /* Format of the texture data returned by custom texture readers. Currently only one format is
- supported, the one described by SourceTextureReadResult */
- /* Used to return the result of a custom texture read operation. */
- struct SourceTextureReadResult {
- /* Format of the returned data. This should be equal to SOURCE_TEXTURE_READ_RESULT_DEFAULT_FORMAT. */
- unsigned format;
- /* Texture dimensions. */
- unsigned width;
- unsigned height;
- /* Format of the pixel data. */
- enum SourceTextureReadResult_ResultPixelFormat pixel_format;
- /* Type of image. */
- enum SourceTextureReadResult_ResultType image_type;
- /* Pixel data container. */
- struct Buffer data;
- /* NULL if read successfully, an error message otherwise. */
- const char *error;
- };
- /* Function type for custom texture readers. */
- typedef struct SourceTextureReadResult (*SourceTextureReadFunction)(const char *type, const void *data, unsigned len, struct AllocatorObject *allocator);
- /*
- API for extending Stingray with your own custom data types.
- */
- struct DataCompilerApi
- {
- /* Adds a data compiler for a new data type to the Stingray engine. The version
- parameter specifies the version number of the binary data. Increase the number if
- you make any changes to the binary format. */
- void (*add_compiler)(const char *type, unsigned version, CompileFunction compile);
- /* Adds a data compiler for one of the closed platforms (XB1, PS4). (Since these
- compilers contain closed code, they can't be in the main engine, but must be
- loaded as plugins. */
- void (*add_closed_platform_compiler)(const char *platform, const char *type, RawCompileFunction compile);
- /* Adds a compile step that can add additional dependencies to an existing resource format,
- without otherwise changing how that resource format is compiled. For example, it can be
- used to add new dependencies to .level files. */
- void (*add_extra_package_include_compiler)(const char *type, int id, int version, PackageIncludeCompileFunction compile);
- /* Adds a new texture reader to Stingray. This lets Stingray support additional texture
- formats. */
- void (*add_texture_reader)(const char *type, SourceTextureReadFunction read);
- /* Specifies that the compiler for the specified type uses the FBX SDK. This is needed because
- the FBX SDK is not thread safe, so compilers that use the FBX SDK must be serialized
- on a single thread. */
- void (*set_uses_fbx)(const char *type);
- /* Adds an entity component compiler for the specified component typename. */
- void(*add_entity_component_compiler)(const char *name, EntityComponentCompileFunction compile, int spawn_order);
- /* Adds a scene database compiler for a new data type to the Stingray engine*/
- void(*add_scene_database_compiler)(const char *extension, SceneDatabaseCompileFunction compile);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[31];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- DataCompileParameters
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Used to get information about a resource that is being compiled.
- */
- struct DataCompileParametersApi
- {
- /* Path to the resource on disk. */
- const char * (*source_path)(struct DataCompileParameters *input);
- /* Name of the resource. */
- const char * (*name)(struct DataCompileParameters *input);
- /* Gets the string name of the destination platform that the data is compiled for. */
- const char * (*destination_platform)(struct DataCompileParameters *input);
- /* Parses the input data as a SJSON file and returns a buffer describing the data.
- The buffer uses the ConstConfig format and can be interpreted using the ConstConfig
- API in plugin_foundation. */
- struct DataCompileResult (*parse)(struct DataCompileParameters *input);
- /* Reads the input data and returns it as a raw buffer. */
- struct DataCompileResult (*read)(struct DataCompileParameters *input);
- /* Used to read the content of file folders, i.e. folders that are treated as a single
- resource by the data compiler (like .s2d folders).
- The entire content of the folder will be returned in a buffer with the following layout:
- [number_of_files]
- [offset_to_path_1] [size_of_path_1] [offset_to_file_data_1] [size_of_file_data_1]
- [offset_to_path_2] [size_of_path_2] [offset_to_file_data_2] [size_of_file_data_2]
- ...
- [offset_to_path_n] [size_of_path_n] [offset_to_file_data_n] [size_of_file_data_n]
- [buffer_data]
- All the sizes and offsets are uint32_t. */
- struct DataCompileResult (*read_file_folder)(struct DataCompileParameters *input);
- /* Returns the allocator that should be used to allocate the data returned by the compile
- function. */
- struct AllocatorObject *(*allocator)(struct DataCompileParameters *input);
- /* Creates a package include of the resource specified by (type, name) for the resource that
- is being compiled. What this means is that the compiled resource has an automatic dependency
- on (type, name), so whenever the compiled resource is included in a package, its
- dependencies will follow. This is used for example to ensure that when you include a level
- in a package, all its units and their textures follow along. */
- void (*include_in_package)(struct DataCompileParameters *input, const char *type, const char *name);
- /* Creates a package include of all the resources of the type that match the pattern
- `{prefix}*{suffix}`. */
- void (*glob_include_in_package)(struct DataCompileParameters *input, const char *prefix, const char *suffix, const char *type);
- /* Returns true if the path exists. */
- int (*exists)(struct DataCompileParameters *input, const char *path);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- EntityCompileDataApi
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* API for working with entity compile data. */
- struct EntityCompileDataApi
- {
- /* Returns the allocator to use for compiled data. */
- struct AllocatorObject *(*allocator)(struct EntityComponentCompileData *compile_data);
- /* Returns the component type definition. */
- struct Buffer (*type_definition)(struct EntityComponentCompileData *compile_data, struct AllocatorObject *allocator);
- /* Returns the component meta data. */
- struct Buffer (*type_metadata)(struct EntityComponentCompileData *compile_data, struct AllocatorObject *allocator);
- /* Returns the property for the specified property key. */
- struct Buffer (*get_property)(struct EntityComponentCompileData *compile_data, const char *property_key, struct AllocatorObject *allocator, struct ConfigErrorState *es);
- /* Returns the merged property for the specified property key. */
- struct Buffer (*get_merged_property)(struct EntityComponentCompileData *compile_data, const char *property_key, struct AllocatorObject *allocator, struct ConfigErrorState *es);
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Allocator
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- API used to allocate memory through an AllocatorObject.
- */
- struct AllocatorApi
- {
- /* Create a new allocator for use by the plugin. */
- struct AllocatorObject *(*make_plugin_allocator)(const char *plugin_name);
- /* Destroys an allocator created by make_plugin_allocator(). You must free all the memory
- allocated by the allocator before you destroy it. */
- void (*destroy_plugin_allocator)(struct AllocatorObject *);
- /* Makes a physical allocator for the plugin. This is an allocator that is guaranteed to
- allocate physical (i.e. not virtual) memory. This is needed by certain resource
- types that cannot reside in virtual memory.
- The allocator should be destroyed by destroy_plugin_allocator(). */
- struct AllocatorObject *(*make_plugin_physical_allocator)(const char *plugin_name);
- /* Creates a temporary memory allocator. Temporary memory allocators should be used
- for short-term memory allocations that are released before a function exits (i.e.
- similar to alloca()). Allocations made with the temporary memory allocator do not
- have to be explicitly freed. They are automatically freed when you destroy the allocator.
- You should call destroy_temp_allocator() to destroy the allocator before exiting the
- function.
- Temporary allocators are not thread safe and can only be used on the thread that creates
- them. */
- struct AllocatorObject *(*make_temp_allocator)();
- /* Destroys a temporary memory allocator created by make_temp_allocator(). */
- void (*destroy_temp_allocator)(struct AllocatorObject *);
- /* Allocates memory using the specified allocator. The align parameter specifies the
- desired alignment of the allocated memory. */
- void *(*allocate)(struct AllocatorObject *allocator, size_t size, unsigned align);
- /* Frees memory allocated by allocate(). */
- size_t (*deallocate)(struct AllocatorObject *allocator, void *p);
- /* Returns the size of the memory block allocated at p. p must be a block of memory allocated
- by the specified allocator. Note that the allocated_size() might be greater than the size
- requested in the call to allocate(). (Some allocators round up the allocations.) */
- size_t (*allocated_size)(struct AllocatorObject *allocator, void *p);
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ResourceManager
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Opaque struct representing an InputArchive that will become readable at some point in the
- future. */
- struct FutureInputArchive;
- /* Hashed version of a resource names. */
- typedef uint64_t ResourceID;
- /* Opaque struct representing a context in which changes can be applied to GPU residing resources. */
- struct RenderResourceContext;
- /* Struct of callbacks used to implement a custom resource type on the runtime side. You don't
- need to implement all the functions in this interface. Use NULL for the functions you don't
- implement. */
- struct RM_ResourceTypeCallbacks
- {
- /* User data that will be supplied to you in the obj parameter of the callback functions. */
- void *user_data;
- /* Called to load a resource into memory. `name` is the name of the resource and `archive` its
- serialized data. The function should allocate an in-memory representation of the resource
- with the `allocator` and return it.
- You only need to implement this callback if you want the in-memory representation to be
- different than the disk serialized one. The recommendation is to use the same format on
- disk as in-memory. Then you can use NULL for this callback and the disk data will
- automatically be loaded into memory. */
- void *(*load) (void *obj, ResourceID name, struct InputArchive *archive, struct AllocatorObject *allocator, struct RenderResourceContext *rrc);
- /* A companion to load(), this is used to destroy the in-memory representation. You only need
- to implement this if you implement load(), to destroy the data allocated by load(). */
- void (*destroy) (void *obj, void *resource, struct AllocatorObject *allocator, struct RenderResourceContext *rrc);
- /* This is called on the main thread, once the resource data has been loaded. Implement this
- if you need to register the loaded data in some global structure. */
- void (*bring_in) (void *obj, void *resource);
- /* Implement this to unregister what you registered in bring_in(). */
- void (*bring_out) (void *obj, void *resource);
- /* Allocator used to allocate the data if using default load. Use NULL to use the default
- allocator. */
- struct AllocatorObject *allocator;
- /* Desired alignment of the loaded resource data into memory if using default load. Use 0 to
- use default alignment. */
- unsigned int align;
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /*
- Interface to the Stingray ResourceManager. The ResourceManager can be used to query for loaded
- resources as well as to implement custom loaders for custom types.
- */
- struct ResourceManagerApi
- {
- /* Returns the version number of the resource manager. The version number is changed
- whenever resources are added or removed. */
- unsigned int (*version)();
- /* Gets a list of loaded resources for the specified type. The function returns the total
- number of loaded resources of the specified type, and the first names_size of these
- resources are copied into the names array. You can call the function with zero to size
- the array. */
- unsigned (*loaded_resources)(const uint64_t type_id, uint64_t *names, unsigned names_size);
- /* Registers a new resource type with the resource manager. The type uses the default load
- mechanism (i.e. the serialized data will be loaded directly into memory as a data blob,
- with no additional patching). */
- void (*register_type)(const char *type);
- /* Registers a new resource type with custom load functionality. */
- void (*register_type_with_callbacks)(const char *type, struct RM_ResourceTypeCallbacks * data);
- /* Returns true if there is a loaded resource with the specified type and name. */
- int (*can_get)(const char *type, const char *name);
- /* As can_get(), but uses a hashed type and name instead. */
- int (*can_get_by_id)(uint64_t type_id, uint64_t name_id);
- /* Returns the loaded resource identified by (type, name). This will assert if there is no
- resource loaded with the specified type and name. */
- void *(*get)(const char *type, const char *name);
- /* As get() but uses a hashed type and name instead. */
- void *(*get_by_id)(uint64_t type_id, uint64_t name_id);
- /* Opens the streamed data belonging to the resource. When you are done with using the data
- you should destroy it with delete_stream().
- The data is returned as a FutureInputArchive... this is an input stream that will be
- ready for reading at some point in the future. */
- struct FutureInputArchive * (*new_open_stream)(struct AllocatorObject * allocator,
- const char * type, const char * name);
- /* As new_open_stream() but uses a hashed type and name instead. */
- struct FutureInputArchive * (*new_open_stream_by_id)(struct AllocatorObject * allocator,
- uint64_t type_id, uint64_t name_id);
- /* Destroys a stream opened by new_open_stream(). */
- void (*delete_stream)(struct FutureInputArchive * fia, struct AllocatorObject * allocator);
- /* Returns true if the specified resource is online. */
- int(*is_online)(const char *type, const char *name);
- /* As is_online() but uses a hashed type and name instead. */
- int(*is_online_by_id)(uint64_t type_id, uint64_t name_id);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[30];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- FutureInputArchive
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Interface for FutureInputArchives. A FutureInputArchive is used to represent a file that will
- become readable at some point in the future. A future is used, since accessing the file
- immediately might cause a stall.
- */
- struct FutureInputArchiveApi
- {
- /* Returns true if the archive is ready to be used, i.e. if new_archive() will succeed without
- stalling. */
- int (*ready)(struct FutureInputArchive * fia);
- /* Waits for the archive to be ready for usage. Note that this will stall the waiting thread. */
- void (*wait)(struct FutureInputArchive * fia);
- /* Cancels the request for the InputArchive. You can use this if you decide that you are no
- longer interested in reading from the archive.
- A FutureInputArchive should always be properly closed, either by calling cancel() on it,
- or by calling new_archive() to explicitly create an InputArchive from it. */
- void (*cancel)(struct FutureInputArchive * fia);
- /* Creates an InputArchive from the FutureInputArchive. The created archive must be destroyed
- with delete_archive(). This function will stall if the archive is not ready to be opened. */
- struct InputArchive * (*new_archive)(struct FutureInputArchive * fia,
- struct AllocatorObject * allocator);
- /* Deletes an archive created by new_archive(). You must delete the archive when done with it. */
- void (*delete_archive)(struct InputArchive * fia, struct AllocatorObject * allocator);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- InputArchive
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Interface that represents a stream of data from disk or memory.
- */
- struct InputArchiveApi
- {
- /* Reads size bytes from the archive into the buffer. */
- void (*read)(struct InputArchive * input_archive, void *buffer, unsigned size);
- /* Sets the read position of the archive to the specified offset. */
- void (*set_position)(struct InputArchive * input_archive, int64_t position);
- /* Returns the size of the archive. */
- int64_t (*size)(struct InputArchive * input_archive);
- /* Provides raw access to the input buffer that feeds the archive. Accessing the input
- buffer directly is needed if you want to be able to stream data from the archive
- without stalling. (Just calling read() on a disk archive might stall your thread.) */
- struct InputBuffer * (*buffer)(struct InputArchive * input_archive);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- InputBuffer
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Interface for performing low level operations (such as streaming) on a stream of input data.
- */
- struct InputBufferApi
- {
- /* The total size of the input buffer data. A never ending buffer will return INT64_MAX. */
- int64_t (*size)(struct InputBuffer * input_buffer);
- /* The number of bytes available to be read directly from the pointer without streaming in
- more data. */
- unsigned (*available)(struct InputBuffer * input_buffer);
- /* Consumes `bytes` bytes. Note that that many bytes must be available in the buffer. */
- void (*consume)(struct InputBuffer * input_buffer, unsigned bytes);
- /* Ensures that at least the specified number of bytes are available in
- the buffer. Will flush (stall) to fetch the bytes if necessary. */
- void (*ensure)(struct InputBuffer * input_buffer, unsigned bytes);
- /* Returns a raw pointer to the start of the input stream. You can read available() bytes
- from the stream and then consume() those bytes to advance the stream pointer. */
- void * (*ptr)(struct InputBuffer * input_buffer);
- /* Returns the current offset of the readhead. */
- int64_t (*position)(struct InputBuffer * input_buffer);
- /* Sets the stream readhead to the specified position. */
- void (*set_position)(struct InputBuffer * input_buffer, int64_t offset);
- /* Sets the size of the "chunks" used to stream in data from disk.
- Typically an input buffer keeps two chunks in flight, and when you have consumed one chunk
- fully, a new one is streamed in, in the background. */
- void (*set_read_chunk)(struct InputBuffer * input_buffer, unsigned size);
- /* Fetches more data from the source, ensuring that at least the specified number of
- bytes are available. This might stall. */
- void (*flush)(struct InputBuffer * input_buffer, unsigned bytes);
- /* Returns true if a flush with a byte size of 0 will succeed without stalling.
- (I.e. if all pending I/O operations have finished.) */
- int (*can_flush_without_stalling)(struct InputBuffer * input_buffer);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Logging
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Interface to log messages to the editor console.
- */
- struct LoggingApi
- {
- /* Logs an informational message */
- void (*info)(const char *system, const char *info);
- /* Logs a warning message. */
- void (*warning)(const char *system, const char *warning);
- /* Logs an error message. */
- void (*error)(const char *system, const char *error);
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- RendererInterface
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Opaque struct representing the render device. On a D3D platform, this will be ID3D11Device. */
- struct RI_Device;
- /* Enum describing the different resource types used by the renderer. */
- enum RI_ResourceType {
- };
- /* Used to identify a render resource. */
- struct RenderResource {
- unsigned handle;
- };
- #if defined(WINDOWSPC) || defined(XBOXONE) || defined(UWP)
- /* D3D rendering interface. */
- struct ID3D11RenderTargetView;
- struct ID3D11ShaderResourceView;
- struct ID3D11Texture2D;
- struct IDXGISwapChain;
- struct RI_PlatformTexture2d
- {
- struct ID3D11Texture2D *texture;
- struct ID3D11ShaderResourceView *resource_view;
- struct ID3D11ShaderResourceView *resource_view_srgb;
- };
- struct RI_PlatformRenderTarget
- {
- struct ID3D11RenderTargetView *render_target_view;
- };
- struct RI_PlatformSwapChain
- {
- struct IDXGISwapChain *dxgi_swap_chain;
- };
- struct RI_PlatformWindow
- {
- void *window;
- };
- #else
- /* TODO: Implement RI_PlatformRenderTarget for other platforms. */
- struct RI_PlatformRenderTarget { char unused; };
- #if defined(ANDROID)
- /* cf. gl::Context */
- struct RI_Device {
- void* context; /* EGLContext */
- void* display; /* EGLDisplay */
- void* surface; /* EGLSurface */
- void* config; /* EGLConfig */
- };
- #endif
- #if defined(MACOSX) || defined(IOS) || defined(ANDROID) || defined(WEB) || defined(LINUXPC)
- struct RI_PlatformTexture2d {
- unsigned int handle; /* binding handle */
- unsigned int format; /* internal pixel format, e.g., GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, GL_R16F */
- unsigned int type; /* channel type info, e.g., GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE */
- unsigned int width;
- unsigned int height;
- unsigned int size; /* size in bytes used by the texture */
- };
- #else
- /* TODO: Implement Texture2D for other platforms. */
- struct RI_PlatformTexture2d { char unused; };
- #endif
- /* TODO: Implement SwapChain and Window for other platforms. */
- struct RI_PlatformSwapChain { char unused; };
- struct RI_PlatformWindow { char unused; };
- #endif
- /*
- Interface to the Stingray renderer.
- */
- struct RenderInterfaceApi
- {
- /* Creates a fence for the GPU. */
- int (*create_fence)();
- /* Wait for the GPU to reach the specified fence. */
- void (*wait_for_fence)(int);
- /* Run the specified callback function on the render thread. */
- void (*run_callback)(void(*callback)(void* data), void* user_data, uint32_t user_data_size);
- /* Returns the render device. */
- struct RI_Device* (*device)();
- /* Returns the named global render resource. */
- struct RenderResource* (*global_render_resource)(const char *name);
- /* Returns a texture. */
- struct RI_PlatformTexture2d (*texture_2d)(struct RenderResource *render_resource);
- /* Returns the swap chain. */
- struct RI_PlatformSwapChain (*swap_chain)(unsigned handle);
- /* Returns the render target for the specified swap chain, layer and mip_level. */
- struct RI_PlatformRenderTarget (*render_target)(unsigned handle, int layer, int mip_level);
- /* Returns the window corresponding to the specified handle. */
- struct RI_PlatformWindow (*window)(unsigned handle);
- /* Sets render setting values that are applied to the render configuration */
- void (*set_render_setting)(const char* name, ConstConfigRootPtr value);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[31];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unit
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Enum for the different kinds of physics actors supported. */
- enum U_ActorType {
- U_ACTOR_BOX = 3,
- };
- /* Opaque struct representing a collision filter, that specifies which actors collide with which
- other actors. */
- struct CollisionFilter;
- /* Represents a triangle mesh. */
- struct U_TriangleMesh
- {
- const char *indices;
- unsigned num_triangles;
- unsigned index_stride;
- const char *vertices;
- unsigned vertex_stride;
- float transform[16];
- };
- struct U_BoundingVolume
- {
- float min[3];
- float max[3];
- float radius;
- };
- /* Represents a convex mesh. */
- struct U_ConvexMesh
- {
- const char *indices;
- unsigned num_polygons;
- unsigned index_stride;
- const char *vertices;
- unsigned vertex_stride;
- float transform[16];
- };
- /* Represents a height field. */
- struct U_HeightField
- {
- unsigned num_rows;
- unsigned num_columns;
- float row_scale;
- float column_scale;
- };
- /* Represents a sphere. */
- struct U_Sphere
- {
- float transform[16];
- float radius;
- };
- /* Represents a capsule. */
- struct U_Capsule
- {
- float transform[16];
- float radius;
- float half_height;
- };
- /* Represents a box. */
- struct U_Box
- {
- float transform[16];
- float half_extents[3];
- };
- /* Represents a position in the height field. */
- struct U_HeightFieldPos
- {
- float pos[3];
- };
- /* Represents animation clip playback information */
- struct U_AnimationPlayingInfo
- {
- uint64_t clip_resource_id;
- double time;
- double length;
- uint8_t loop;
- };
- /* Opaque struct representing a hierarchy of objects in a Unit. */
- struct SceneGraph;
- /*
- Interface for interacting with units.
- */
- struct UnitApi
- {
- /* Returns the unit's scene graph. */
- struct SceneGraph * (*scene_graph)(CApiUnit *unit);
- /* Returns a reference to the unit. Unit references are weak pointers that get invalidated when
- the unit dies. */
- CApiUnitRef (*reference)(CApiUnit * unitobject);
- /* Returns the number of meshes in the unit. */
- int (*num_meshes)(CApiUnit *unit);
- /* Returns the mesh at the specified index. */
- void (*mesh)(CApiUnit *unit, int mesh_index, struct U_TriangleMesh *mesh);
- /* Returns the hashed name of the mesh at the specified index. */
- uint32_t (*mesh_name)(CApiUnit *unit, int mesh_index);
- /* Returns the index of the scene graph node that owns the mesh at the specified index. */
- int (*mesh_node)(CApiUnit *unit, int mesh_index);
- /* True if the specified mesh is visible. */
- int (*is_mesh_visible)(CApiUnit *unit, int mesh_index);
- /* Returns the number of actors in the unit. */
- int (*num_actors)(CApiUnit *unit);
- /* Returns the actor at the specified index. */
- CApiActor* (*actor)(CApiUnit *unit, int index);
- /* True if collisions are enabled for the specified actor. */
- int (*is_collision_enabled)(CApiActor *ao);
- /* True if the specified actor is static. */
- int (*is_static)(CApiActor *ao);
- /* True if the specified actor is kinematic. */
- int (*is_kinematic)(CApiActor * ao);
- /* Returns the number of shapes in the actor. */
- int (*num_shapes)(CApiActor* ao);
- /* Returns the type of the shape at the specified index. */
- int (*shape_type)(CApiActor *ao, int shape_index);
- /* Gets shape data for a sphere shape. Returns false if shape is not a sphere. */
- int (*sphere)(CApiActor *ao, int shape_index, struct U_Sphere *so);
- /* Gets shape data for a capsule shape. Returns false if shape is not a capsule. */
- int (*capsule)(CApiActor *ao, int shape_index, struct U_Capsule *co);
- /* Gets shape data for a box shape. Returns false if shape is not a box. */
- int (*box)(CApiActor *ao, int shape_index, struct U_Box *bo);
- /* Gets shape data for a mesh shape. Returns false if shape is not a mesh. */
- int (*triangle_mesh)(CApiActor *ao, int shape_index, struct U_TriangleMesh *mesh);
- /* Gets shape data for a convex shape. Returns false if shape is not a convex. */
- int (*convex_mesh)(CApiActor *ao, int shape_index, struct U_ConvexMesh *convexmesh);
- /* Returns the number of vertices of the specified polygon in the convex shape. */
- int (*convex_mesh_polygon_num_vertices)(CApiActor *ao, int shape_index, int polygon_index);
- /* Returns the index at which the polygon's vertices start in the convex mesh's
- vertex buffer. */
- int (*convex_mesh_polygon_base_index)(CApiActor *ao, int shape_index, int polygon_index);
- /* Gets shape data for a height field shape. Returns false if shape is not a height field. */
- int (*height_field)(CApiActor *ao, int shape_index, struct U_HeightField *height_field);
- /* Returns the height field position at the specified coordinates. */
- int (*height_field_position)(CApiActor *ao, int shape_index, float x, float y, struct U_HeightFieldPos *pos);
- /* Returns the unit's mover (character controller). */
- CApiMover* (*mover)(CApiUnit *unit);
- /* Returns the collision filter of the mover. */
- struct CollisionFilter* (*collision_filter)(CApiMover *mo);
- /* Returns the hash of the unit's resource name. */
- uint64_t (*unit_resource_name)(CApiUnit *unit);
- /* Gets the value of the unit animation curve for the specified object and parameter.
- Returns true if the curve value was successfully fetched. */
- uint8_t (*get_curve_value)(CApiUnit *unit, uint32_t object, uint32_t parameter, unsigned count, float* floats);
- /* The world that the unit lives in. */
- CApiWorld* (*world)(CApiUnit *unit);
- /* Query number of playing animation clips and fill in playback details. */
- uint32_t (*get_playing_animation_infos)(CApiUnit *unit, uint32_t layer_id, struct U_AnimationPlayingInfo *playing_infos, uint32_t maximum);
- /* Returns the bounding volume of the mesh at the specified index. */
- void(*mesh_bounding_volume)(CApiUnit *unit, int mesh_index, struct U_BoundingVolume *bounding_volume);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[30];
- };
- /*
- Interface for working with unit references. Unit references are weak pointers that get
- invalidated when the unit is destroyed.
- */
- struct UnitReferenceApi
- {
- /* Dereferences the reference into a unit pointer. Returns NULL if the unit has been
- destroyed. */
- CApiUnit * (*dereference)(CApiUnitRef ref);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- SceneGraph
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Opaque struct that represents the "dirty" state of nodes in a unit's scene graph. I.e. a bit
- flag for each node that is dirty and needs its transform updated. */
- struct SceneFlags;
- /*
- Interface for manipulating scene graphs (i.e., node hierarchies inside units).
- */
- struct SceneGraphApi
- {
- /* Returns the world matrix of the node in the scene graph with specified index. The matrix
- is returned as an array of 16 floats. */
- const float * (*world)(struct SceneGraph * scene_graph, int index);
- /* Returns the local transform of the node with the specified index. */
- const CApiLocalTransform * (*local)(struct SceneGraph *scene_graph, int index);
- /* Returns the scene graph's render handle to be used with the RenderSceneGraphApi. */
- uint32_t (*render_handle)(struct SceneGraph *scene_graph);
- /* Transforms the scene graph using the specified node as root. This updates the world
- transforms of all objects based on their parent's transform and their local transforms. */
- void (*transform_with_root)(struct SceneGraph *scene_graph, int index, ConstMatrix4x4Ptr root);
- /* Unlinks the node at the index from its current parent. */
- void (*unlink_internal)(struct SceneGraph *scene_graph, int index);
- /* Relinks a node back to its parent. */
- void (*relink_internal)(struct SceneGraph *scene_graph, int index);
- /* Returns the total number of nodes in the scene graph. */
- uint32_t (*num_nodes)(struct SceneGraph *scene_graph);
- /* Returns the index of the parent node to the node at the specified index. If the node
- doesn't have a parent, this function returns -1. */
- int (*parent)(struct SceneGraph *scene_graph, int index);
- /* Returns true if the node with the specified index is a root (i.e., does not have a parent
- node). */
- uint8_t (*is_root)(struct SceneGraph * scene_graph, int index);
- /* Returns the 32 bit hash of the node's name. */
- uint32_t (*name)(struct SceneGraph *scene_graph, int index);
- /* Returns a pointer to an array with the hashes of all the node names in the scene graph. */
- uint32_t * (*names_array_pointer)(struct SceneGraph *scene_graph);
- /* Returns the array of dirty flags. This is a bit array with the bit set for each node that
- has a local transform change that has not yet been reflected to its world transform. This
- array can be(useful when defining a post animation callback that changes local node transforms. */
- struct SceneFlags * (*dirty_array_pointer)(struct SceneGraph *scene_graph);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Application
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Opaque struct that represents the command-line options that were passed to the application at
- launch. */
- struct ApplicationOptions;
- /* Abstract struct that can be cast to either ANativeActivity or UIApplication based on the
- platform. */
- struct AP_PlatformActivity;
- /* Specifies whether callbacks should be called before the activity happens or after it happens. */
- enum AP_PlatformCallbackOrder
- {
- };
- /* Callbacks for Android activity events. See Android documentation. */
- struct AndroidActivityCallbacks
- {
- void (*start)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- void (*resume)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- void * (*save_instance_state)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*, size_t*);
- void (*pause)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- void (*stop)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- void (*destroy)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- void (*window_focus_changed)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*, int);
- void (*native_window_created)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*, void*);
- void (*native_window_resized)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*, void*);
- void (*native_window_redraw_needed)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*, void*);
- void (*native_window_destroyed)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*, void*);
- void (*input_queue_created)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*, void*);
- void (*input_queue_destroyed)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*, void*);
- void (*content_rect_changed)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*, const void*);
- void (*configuration_changed)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- void (*low_memory)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- };
- /* Callbacks for iOS activity events. See iOS documentation. */
- struct IOSActivityCallbacks
- {
- void (*did_finish_launching)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- void (*will_enter_foreground)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- void (*will_terminate)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- void (*did_receive_memory_warning)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- void (*will_resign_active)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- void (*did_enter_background)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- void (*did_become_active)(struct AP_PlatformActivity*);
- };
- /* Abstract struct representing platform activity callbacks that should be either an
- AndroidActivityCallbacks or an IOSActivityCallbacks. */
- struct PlatformActivityCallbacks;
- /* Function type for receiving console commands. client_id is the ID of the console client
- instigating the command. ConstConfigRootPtr is a ConstConfig representation of the console
- command's JSON data. data and data_length is any binary data that was sent with the command. */
- typedef void (*AP_ReceiverFunction)(void *user_data, int client_id, ConstConfigRootPtr dv,
- const char *data, uint32_t data_length);
- /* Wraps a console command receiver callback with a user_data value that will be passed to the
- callback. */
- struct AP_ReceiverUserDataWrapper
- {
- void * user_data;
- AP_ReceiverFunction function;
- };
- /*
- Interface for manipulating the application.
- */
- struct ApplicationApi
- {
- /* Returns the command-line options that were passed to the application at launch. */
- const struct ApplicationOptions * (*options)();
- /* Returns a representation of the settings.ini file used with the application. The settings
- are returned as a pointer to a ConstConfigRoot item and can be parsed using the ConstConfig
- API in the plugin foundation. */
- const void * (*settings)();
- /* Returns the activity interface for native lifecycle handling. */
- struct AP_PlatformActivity * (*platform_activity)();
- /* Register platform activity callbacks to be called on platform activity events. */
- void (*register_platform_callbacks)(enum AP_PlatformCallbackOrder,
- const struct PlatformActivityCallbacks*);
- /* Unregisters callbacks registered with register_platform_callbacks(). */
- void (*unregister_platform_callbacks)(enum AP_PlatformCallbackOrder,
- const struct PlatformActivityCallbacks*);
- /* Returns the number of worlds managed by the application. */
- int (*num_worlds)();
- /* Returns the world at the specified index. */
- CApiWorld * (*world)(int index);
- /* Returns a string identifying the Stingray version. */
- const char * (*product_version)();
- /* Hooks a receiver function for console connection commands. This allows you to extend the
- console interface with your own commands. */
- void (*hook_console_receiver)(const char *type, struct AP_ReceiverUserDataWrapper *user_wrapper);
- /* Unhooks a receiver hooked with hook_console_receiver(). */
- void (*unhook_console_receiver)(const char *type);
- /* Can be used in console receivers to get the id of the console connection that originated
- the command. */
- int (*current_client_id)();
- /* Returns the holographic space created early in the app lifecycle when on the Hololens platform.
- Null otherwise. TODO: Adding a plugin hook early enough in the app lifecycle (pre-window activation)
- would alleviate the need for this API member. */
- void * (*holographic_space)();
- /* Sends data over a console connection. The data sent can be a combination of textual data
- (JSON) and a binary payload. If sync is true, the send is synchronized. If client_id is
- not -1, then the message is only sent to that particular console client instead of
- broadcast to everybody. */
- void (*console_send_with_binary_data)(const char *text, uint32_t text_len, const char *data,
- uint32_t data_len, uint8_t sync, int client_id);
- /* Returns the swap chain handle of a window */
- unsigned (*swap_chain_handle_for_window)(void *window);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[31];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ApplicationOptions
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Interface to read the command options used when launching the application.
- */
- struct ApplicationOptionsApi
- {
- /* Returns the bundle directory if the engine was launched in bundle mode. */
- const char * (*bundle_directory)(const struct ApplicationOptions * application_options);
- /* Returns the data directory if the engine was launched in data directory mode. */
- const char * (*data_directory)(const struct ApplicationOptions * application_options);
- /* Returns true if rendering is enabled. */
- int (*is_rendering_enabled)(const struct ApplicationOptions * application_options);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[31];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ErrorContext
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Allows plugins to use the error context functionality on custom threads created by
- the plugin.
- */
- struct ErrorContextApi
- {
- /* Creates a thread error context stack for the current thread. */
- void (*make_thread_error_context_stack)(struct AllocatorObject *allocator);
- /* Deletes the thread error context stack for the current thread. */
- void (*delete_thread_error_context_stack)(struct AllocatorObject *allocator);
- /* Returns true if the current thread has en error context stack and false otherwise. */
- int (*has_thread_error_context_stack)();
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Raycast
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Interface for performing raycasts.
- */
- struct RaycastApi
- {
- /* Casts a ray into the world, from the origin in the specified direction. Only actors matching
- the collision filter are considered. If a hit is found, the function returns true and sets
- the hit position and normal in the out parameters. */
- int (*find_first_collision)(
- CApiWorld *world,
- float ray_origin_x, float ray_origin_y, float ray_origin_z,
- float ray_direction_x, float ray_direction_y, float ray_direction_z,
- float ray_length,
- struct CollisionFilter *collision_filter,
- float *hit_position_x, float *hit_position_y, float *hit_position_z,
- float *hit_normal_x, float *hit_normal_y, float *hit_normal_z);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- FileSystem
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Opaque struct representing a file system. */
- struct FileSystem;
- /*
- Interface for accessing a file system.
- */
- struct FileSystemApi
- {
- /* Returns true if a file with the specified name exists in the file system. */
- int (*exists)(struct FileSystem *filesystem, const char *filename);
- /* Creates a new disk file system with the specified directory as its root. You can use
- the empty string for the directory if you want a file system that represents the entire
- disk. */
- struct FileSystem * (*create)(const char *directory);
- /* Destroys a file syste created by create(). */
- void (*destroy)(struct FileSystem *filesystem);
- /* Returns true if the specified path is a directory, false if it isn't or if there
- was an error. If there was an error, the error message is returned in the error
- parameter. */
- int (*is_directory)(struct FileSystem *filesystem, const char *file, const char **error);
- /* Creates a directory at the specified path. Returns NULL if successful and an
- error message otherwise. */
- const char * (*make_directory)(struct FileSystem *filesystem, const char *file);
- /* Reads file, parses it into ConstConfig */
- ConstConfigRootPtr (*parse_sjson)(struct FileSystem *filesystem, const char *file, struct AllocatorObject *allocator, const char **error);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[31];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- PluginManager
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Interface for manipulating the plugin system.
- */
- struct PluginManagerApi
- {
- /* On-demand loads the plugin at the specified path. */
- void (*load_relative_plugin)(const char *plugin_relative_path);
- /* Used to enumerate services exposed by plugins. Call it with an API ID and NULL to retrieve
- a pointer to the first interface that implements a certain API. Repeat the call with the
- previously returned pointer to continue enumerating implementations. The function will
- return NULL when all interfaces have been enumerated.
- Note that this function will only enumerate services implemented in plugins, not the ones
- implemented in the engine. */
- void *(*get_next_plugin_api)(unsigned api_id, void *prev_api);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- World
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Opaque struct representing a scope for drawing lines. */
- struct LineObjectDrawer;
- /* Callback to be called after animations have been evaluated. */
- typedef void (*PostAnimationCallback)(CApiWorld * world_object, float dt);
- /*
- Interface for accessing the world.
- */
- struct WorldApi
- {
- /* Returns a LineObjectDrawer that can be used to draw debug lines into the world. */
- struct LineObjectDrawer * (*line_object_drawer)(CApiWorld * world);
- /* Registers a callback that will run after animations (forward kinematics) have been run.
- This can be used to implement IK and other animation controllers. */
- void (*register_post_animation_callback)(CApiWorld * world, PostAnimationCallback function);
- /* Unregisters a callback registered with register_post_animation_callback(). */
- void (*unregister_post_animation_callback)(CApiWorld * world, PostAnimationCallback function);
- /* Finds all the instances of the named unit resource in the level. The unit resource is
- identified by a 64 bit hash.
- The function returns the total number of units of the specified type found in the level
- and the first units_size of these are copied into the array. */
- unsigned (*find_units_by_resource_name)(CApiWorld *world, uint64_t resource_name,
- CApiUnit **units, unsigned units_size);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- LineObjectDrawer
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Opaque struct that represents a collection of drawn lines. */
- struct LineObject;
- /*
- Interface for drawing debug lines.
- */
- struct LineObjectDrawerApi
- {
- /* Creates a new line object for drawing a number of lines. */
- struct LineObject *(*new_line_object)(struct LineObjectDrawer * drawer);
- /* Frees a line object created by new_line_object(). */
- void (*release_line_object)(struct LineObjectDrawer * drawer, struct LineObject *lo);
- /* Dispatches the lines drawn into the specified line object to the renderer for rendering. */
- void (*dispatch)(struct LineObjectDrawer * drawer, struct StateReflectionStream *srs,
- struct LineObject *lo);
- /* Clears the lines from the line object. */
- void (*reset)(struct LineObject * lo);
- /* Adds a number of lines to the line objects. The colors array encodes the color of each line
- as an ARGB unsigned. The line_starts and line_ends array encode interleaved x, y, z coordinates
- for the start points and end points of each line respectively. n is the total number of lines
- added. */
- void (*add_lines)(struct LineObject * lo, unsigned * colors, float * line_starts, float * line_ends, unsigned n);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Profiler
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Interface to the Stingray profiler.
- */
- struct ProfilerApi
- {
- /* Starts a new profiler scope with the specified name. Each call to profile_start() should
- be matched by a corresponding call to profile_stop(). */
- void (*profile_start)(const char *name);
- /* Ends a profile scope started by profile_start(). */
- void (*profile_stop)();
- /* Function for creating a profiler for a specific thread.
- Must be called on the thread that the profiler should be created for. */
- void (*make_thread_profiler)(struct AllocatorObject *allocator);
- /* Function for deleting a profiler for a specific thread.
- Must be called on the thread that the profiler should be deleted for. */
- void (*delete_thread_profiler)(struct AllocatorObject *allocator);
- /* Checks if the current thread already has a thread profiler. */
- int (*has_thread_profiler)();
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[29];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Error
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Interface for reporting errors.
- */
- struct ErrorApi
- {
- /* printf() function for generating error messages. The messages will be generated into a ring
- buffer that eventually gets recycled. */
- const char *(*eprintf)(const char *msg, ...);
- /* Reports a crash with the specified error message. */
- void (*report_crash)(const char *msg);
- /* Reports an assert() failure at the specified line and file. */
- void (*report_assert_failure)(int line, const char *file, const char *assert_test, const char *msg);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- RenderBuffer
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Enum for all the texture compression formats supported by the engine. This gets encoded into the
- buffer_format (uint32_t) when the user creates a format using
- RenderBufferApi::compressed_format(). */
- typedef enum
- {
- /* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S3_Texture_Compression */
- RB_BLOCK_COMPRESSED_1 = 0x0, /* BC1 */
- /* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PVRTC */
- RB_PVR_RGB_2BPP = 0x100, /* PVR RGB 2BPP */
- /* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ericsson_Texture_Compression */
- RB_ETC2_RGB8 = 0x200, /* ETC2 RGB8 */
- RB_ETC2_RGB8A1, /* ETC2 RGB8A1 */
- RB_ETC2_RGBA8, /* ETC2 RGBA8 */
- RB_ETC2_R11, /* ETC2 R11 */
- RB_ETC2_RG11 /* ETC2 RG11 */
- } RB_CompressedFormat;
- /* Buffer component type. */
- typedef enum
- {
- } RB_ComponentType;
- /* RenderBuffer Descriptors ---------------------------------------------*/
- /* Vertex channel semantic names. */
- typedef enum
- {
- } RB_VertexSemantic;
- /* Describes a vertex channel inside a vertex buffe.r */
- struct RB_VertexChannel
- {
- uint32_t format; /* Created using RenderBufferApi::format(). */
- uint8_t semantic; /* Semantic name from RB_VertexSemantic. */
- uint8_t vb_index; /* Vertex buffer index. */
- uint8_t set; /* Semantic set (TEXCOORD0, TEXCOORD1, etc..). */
- uint8_t instance; /* true if vertex channel contains per instance data. */
- };
- /* Describes a vertex format as a collection of vertex channels. */
- struct RB_VertexDescription
- {
- struct RB_VertexChannel channels[16];
- uint32_t n_channels;
- };
- typedef enum
- {
- RB_VERTEX_DESCRIPTION /* View of RB_VertexDescription. */
- } RB_Description;
- /* RenderBuffer Views -----------------------------------------*/
- struct RB_VertexBufferView
- {
- uint32_t stride; /* Per vertex stride in bytes. */
- uint32_t reserved[7]; /* Reserved for future use - must be zero. */
- };
- struct RB_IndexBufferView
- {
- uint32_t stride; /* Per index stride in bytes (must be 2 or 4). */
- uint32_t reserved[7]; /* Reserved for future use - must be zero. */
- };
- struct RB_RawBufferView
- {
- uint32_t format; /* Format descriptor. */
- uint32_t reserved[7]; /* Reserved for future use - Must be zero. */
- };
- /* Enum for the supported texture types. */
- typedef enum
- {
- } RB_TextureBufferType;
- /* View into a texture buffer. */
- struct RB_TextureBufferView
- {
- uint32_t format; /* Format of texture buffer. */
- uint32_t type; /* Type of texture, should be any of the available types in RB_TextureBufferType. */
- uint32_t width; /* Width of texture. */
- uint32_t height; /* Height of texture. */
- uint32_t depth; /* Depth of texture (Only used if type == RB_TEXTURE_TYPE_3D). */
- uint32_t slices; /* Number of slices (1 for regular textures, >1 for texture arrays). */
- uint32_t mip_levels; /* Number of mip levels in buffer. */
- uint32_t reserved[7]; /* Reserved for future use - must be zero. */
- };
- /* Enum enumerating view types. */
- typedef enum
- {
- RB_VERTEX_BUFFER_VIEW, /* View of RB_VertexBufferView */
- RB_INDEX_BUFFER_VIEW, /* View of RB_IndexBufferView */
- RB_RAW_BUFFER_VIEW, /* View of RB_RawBufferView */
- RB_TEXTURE_BUFFER_VIEW /* View of RB_TextureBufferView */
- } RB_View;
- /* RenderBuffer API----------------------------------------------*/
- /* Represents updatability of a buffer. */
- typedef enum
- {
- /* The buffer is immutable. The content of the buffer must be passed in create_buffer() and
- cannot change after that. */
- /* The content of the buffer can be updated with update_buffer(). */
- } RB_Validity;
- struct RenderBufferApi
- {
- /* Creates a format descriptor describing a piece of data in a buffer.
- signed_bool = true if component should be treated as signed
- normalize_bool = true if component should be as a normalized value when read in a shader
- bit_depth_ = number of bits per x,y,z,w component
- */
- uint32_t (*format)(RB_ComponentType type, uint8_t signed_bool, uint8_t normalize_bool, uint8_t bit_depth_x, uint8_t bit_depth_y, uint8_t bit_depth_z, uint8_t bit_depth_w);
- /* Creates a format descriptor describing a compressed buffer. */
- uint32_t (*compressed_format)(RB_CompressedFormat compression);
- /* Returns true if format is a compressed format. */
- uint8_t (*is_compressed)(uint32_t format);
- /* Returns total number of bits used by the format.*/
- uint32_t (*num_bits)(uint32_t format);
- /* Returns the number of components in the format. */
- uint32_t (*num_components)(uint32_t format);
- /* Returns the component type for the format */
- RB_ComponentType (*component_type)(uint32_t format);
- /* Creates a descriptor object of the specified type and returns a handle to it.
- desc should be an appropriate RB_*Description object. */
- uint32_t (*create_description)(RB_Description view, const void *desc);
- /* Updates the specified descriptor object. */
- void (*update_description)(uint32_t handle, const void *desc);
- /* Destroys a descriptor object created by create_description(). */
- void (*destroy_description)(uint32_t handle);
- /* Creates a buffer with the specified parameters and returns a handle to it.
- view_data should be an appropriate RB_*View object and data should be the raw buffer data. */
- uint32_t (*create_buffer)(uint32_t size, RB_Validity validity, RB_View view, const void *view_data, const void *data);
- /* Updates the buffer with the specified content. */
- void (*update_buffer)(uint32_t handle, uint32_t size, const void *data);
- /* Destroys a buffer created by create_buffer(). */
- void (*destroy_buffer)(uint32_t handle);
- /* Translates a handle to a RenderResource that can be piped to MeshObjectApi::add_resource(),
- remove_resource() as well as the Lua interface Material.set_resource(). */
- struct RenderResource* (*lookup_resource)(uint32_t handle);
- /* Overrides a resource with another resource. */
- void (*resource_override)(struct RenderResource *resource_to_override, struct RenderResource *resource);
- /* Releases the override done to the resource.*/
- void (*release_resource_override)(struct RenderResource *overriden_resource);
- /* Partial update of a buffer, offset and size in bytes. Partial updates are not allowed to grow a buffer, use update_buffer if you need to resize the buffer. */
- void(*partial_update_buffer)(uint32_t handle, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, const void *data);
- /* Partial update of a texture buffer, offset[] and size[] are in pixels. Partial updates are not allowed to grow a buffer, use update_buffer if you need to resize the buffer. */
- /* array_index, slice_index and mip_index describes which surface of the image to update. for now array_index must always be 0. */
- /* Valid ranges for slice_index and mip_index depends on RB_TextureBufferView used when creating the texture. */
- void(*partial_update_texture)(uint32_t handle, uint32_t array_index, uint32_t slice_index, uint32_t mip_index, uint32_t offset[3], uint32_t size[3], const void *data);
- /* Updates the specified descriptor object. */
- void(*update_description_from_resource)(struct RenderResource *resource, const void *desc);
- /* Updates the buffer with the specified content. */
- void(*update_buffer_from_resource)(struct RenderResource *resource, uint32_t size, const void *data);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[26];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- MeshObject
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Describes the primitive type for a render batch. */
- typedef enum { MO_TRIANGLE_LIST, MO_LINE_LIST } MO_PrimitiveType;
- /* Describes a render batch in a mesh. */
- struct MO_BatchInfo
- {
- MO_PrimitiveType primitive_type; /* Primitive type.e */
- uint32_t material_index; /* Index into material array set by MeshObjectApi::set_materials() function. */
- uint32_t vertex_offset; /* Offset to first vertex to read from vertex buffer. (If set when indexed this value is added to the index fetched from the index buffer before fetching the vertex.) */
- uint32_t primitives; /* Number of primitives to draw. */
- uint32_t index_offset; /* Offset to the first index to read from the index buffer (only valid when batch is indexed). */
- uint32_t vertices; /* Number of vertices in batch (only valid if batch is non indexed). */
- uint32_t instances; /* Number of instances of this batch to draw (1 equals no instancing). */
- };
- /* Describes a piece of mesh geometry for rendering. */
- struct MO_Geometry
- {
- void *vertices[8]; /* Holds 0-8 different vertex buffers, contents described by vertex_channels[]. If mesh references more than 8 vertex buffers MeshObjectApi will generate an error. */
- uint32_t vertex_stride[8]; /* Holds 0-8 strides, one for each buffer in vertices[]. */
- uint32_t num_vertices; /* Total number of vertices. */
- struct RB_VertexDescription vertex_description;/* Vertex description. */
- void *indices; /* Pointer to index list. */
- uint32_t index_stride; /* Stride of index list (2 or 4). */
- uint32_t num_indices; /* Total number of indices. */
- };
- /* Describes a piece of mesh geometry for rendering. */
- struct MO_MeshGeometry
- {
- struct RenderResource *vertex_stream;
- struct RenderResource *vertex_description;
- struct RenderResource *index_stream;
- };
- /* Culling flags for meshes. */
- typedef enum
- {
- MO_VIEWPORT_VISIBLE_FLAG = 0x1, /* Mesh is part of regular rendering */
- MO_SHADOW_CASTER_FLAG = 0x2, /* Mesh is part of shadow rendering */
- MO_DISABLE_CULLING_FLAG = 0x4 /* Mesh always passes culling, i.e its bounding volume state is ignored. Note: might significantly impact performance */
- } MO_Flags;
- /* A context in which the mesh is either visible or not. */
- typedef enum
- {
- MO_VIEWPORT_CONTEXT, /* Visibility context for regular rendering */
- MO_SHADOW_CASTER_CONTEXT, /* Visibility context for shadow casting */
- MO_ALL_CONTEXTS /* Visibility context for both regular rendering and shadow casting */
- } MO_VisibilityContexts;
- struct MeshObjectApi
- {
- /* Tries to retrieve the geometry of an existing mesh and if successful returns it in
- MO_Geometry (this will only give valid results when a representation of the geometry exist
- on the CPU side). */
- uint8_t (*read_geometry)(CApiUnit *unit, uint32_t mesh_name, struct MO_Geometry *geometry);
- /* Creates a new mesh object linked to the node referenced by node_name within the Unit
- referenced by unit. The mesh_name is given to the new MeshObject and can be used to
- retrieve the object from the Unit interface. flags is a combination of MO_Flags */
- uint32_t (*create)(CApiUnit *unit, uint32_t node_name, uint32_t mesh_name, uint32_t flags);
- /* Lookup an existing mesh object by name */
- uint32_t (*lookup)(CApiUnit *unit, uint32_t mesh_name);
- /* Destroy a mesh object created using create() or lookup(), for meshes looked up using
- lookup() this just releases the plugin handle. */
- void (*destroy)(uint32_t handle);
- /* Assigns an array of materials to the mesh. material_resources is an array of material
- resources retrieved using ResourceManagerApi::get() */
- void (*set_materials)(uint32_t handle, uint32_t num_materials, void **material_resources);
- /* Returns the number of materials assigned to the mesh */
- uint32_t (*num_materials)(uint32_t handle);
- /* Returns a pointer to the material instance at the specified index. */
- void * (*material)(uint32_t handle, uint32_t material_index);
- /* Sets batch/drawcall information of the mesh */
- void (*set_batch_info)(uint32_t handle, uint32_t num_infos, struct MO_BatchInfo *batch_infos);
- /* Adds resources such as vertex buffers, index buffers and vertex declarations created through
- the RenderBufferApi or piped down from Lua. */
- void (*add_resource)(uint32_t handle, struct RenderResource *r);
- /* Removes a resource added with add_resource(). */
- void (*remove_resource)(uint32_t handle, struct RenderResource *r);
- /* Clears any already assigned resources from a mesh */
- void (*clear_resources)(uint32_t handle);
- /* Sets min & max bounds in mesh local coordinates to be used for culling. */
- void (*set_bounding_box)(uint32_t handle, float min[3], float max[3]);
- /* Sets visibility of the mesh for a specific MO_VisibilityContext */
- void (*set_visibility)(uint32_t handle, uint32_t visibility_context, uint8_t visibility_bool);
- /* Returns the visibility of the mesh in the specified context. */
- uint8_t (*visibility)(uint32_t handle, uint32_t visibility_context);
- /* Sets the culling MO_Flags for object (will overrride the flags passed in create()). */
- void (*set_flags)(uint32_t handle, uint32_t flags);
- /* Returns the culling flags of the object. */
- uint32_t (*flags)(uint32_t handle);
- /* Creates a new empty mesh object. A scene graph must be associated to it and it must be dispatched
- to the render thread through a render interface before use with the mesh api. (this is currently
- used for the mesh component api) */
- uint32_t (*create_mesh)(WorldPtr world, uint32_t mesh_name, uint32_t flags);
- /* Lookup an existing mesh object by its handle */
- MeshPtr(*lookup_mesh)(uint32_t handle);
- /* Tries to retrieve the mesh geometry of an existing mesh and if successful returns it in
- MO_MeshGeometry. */
- uint8_t (*read_mesh_geometry)(void *unit_resource, uint32_t mesh_name, struct MO_MeshGeometry *geometry);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[29];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- SoundStreamSourceApi
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #pragma pack(push, 1)
- /* Represents the format for sound data. */
- struct WaveFormat
- {
- unsigned short format_tag; /* Tag specifying the format (e.g. WAVE_FORMAT_PCM). */
- unsigned short num_channels; /* Number of sound channels (e.g. 2). */
- unsigned samples_per_second; /* Samples per second (e.g. 44100). */
- unsigned average_bytes_per_second; /* Not used. */
- unsigned short block_align; /* For MP3 files, samples per frame. */
- unsigned short bits_per_sample; /* Bits per sample (e.g. 16). */
- unsigned short size; /* Number of extra bytes of header data. */
- };
- #pragma pack(pop)
- /* Sound debug information. */
- struct SoundData
- {
- unsigned id; /* IdString32 equivalent */
- char debug_name[32];
- };
- /* Header for a piece of sound data. */
- struct SoundHeader
- {
- unsigned offset; /* Offset of sample data in the file */
- unsigned size; /* Size of sample data */
- unsigned num_samples; /* Total number of samples (when unpacked) */
- struct SoundData sound_data; /* Debug information */
- };
- /* Opaque struct representing a compiled piece of sound. */
- struct SoundResource;
- /* The result of streaming sound data. Contains the next chunk of streamed data. The
- is_finished flag is set to true if this is the last chunk of sound data in the stream. */
- struct GetNextChunkResult
- {
- struct SoundResource * data;
- int is_finished;
- };
- /* Opaque struct representing a sound source for streaming sounds. */
- struct SoundStreamSource;
- /*
- Interface for streaming sounds.
- */
- struct SoundStreamSourceApi
- {
- /* Get the next chunk of streaming data from the stream source. */
- struct GetNextChunkResult (*get_next_chunk)(struct SoundStreamSource * ss);
- /* Gets the sound resource for the stream source. */
- struct SoundResource * (*get_resource)(struct SoundStreamSource * ss);
- /* Gets the sound header for the specified sound resource. */
- struct SoundHeader (*resource_header)(struct SoundResource * sr);
- /* Gets the sound format for the specified sound resource. */
- struct WaveFormat (*resource_format)(struct SoundResource * sr);
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- MaterialApi
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Interface for manipulating materials.
- */
- struct MaterialApi
- {
- /* Sets a number of resources to be used by the material. The resources are identified
- by their hashed names. */
- void (*set_resources)(void *material, uint32_t num_resources, const uint32_t *resource_names,
- const struct RenderResource **resources);
- /* Sets a number of constants for the material. */
- void (*set_constants)(void *material, uint32_t num_constants, const uint32_t *constant_names,
- const uint32_t *strides, const uint32_t *sizes, const void **constants);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- RenderSceneGraphApi
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- Interface for accessing the render thread copy of the scene graph. These functions should
- only be called on the render thread.
- */
- struct RenderSceneGraphApi
- {
- /* Returns the world matrix of the specified scene graph node. */
- ConstMatrix4x4Ptr (*world)(uint32_t render_handle, CApiWorld *world, unsigned index);
- /* Sets the world matrix of the specified scene graph node. */
- void (*set_world)(uint32_t render_handle, CApiWorld *world, unsigned index, ConstMatrix4x4Ptr m);
- /* Sets the world matrix of the specified scene graph node and transform its children
- accordingly */
- void (*transform_hierarchy)(uint32_t render_handle, CApiWorld *world, const struct SceneGraph *graph, unsigned index, ConstMatrix4x4Ptr m);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ThreadApi
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Defines for thread priorities. */
- /* ID for identifying a particular thread. */
- typedef void* ThreadID;
- /* Thread entry point callback function. */
- typedef void (*ThreadEntry)(void* user_data);
- /* Opaque struct representing an event. */
- struct ThreadEvent;
- /* Opaque struct representing a critical section. */
- struct ThreadCriticalSection;
- /*
- Interface for accessing threading functionality.
- */
- struct ThreadApi
- {
- /* Creates a new thread and returns its ID. The user_data is passed to the thread entry point. */
- ThreadID (*create_thread)(const char *thread_name, ThreadEntry entry, void *user_data, int priority);
- /* Returns true if the thread is alive. */
- int (*is_thread_alive)(ThreadID thread_id);
- /* Returns the name of the specified thread. */
- const char* (*thread_name)(ThreadID thread_id);
- /* Waits until the thread has finished. */
- void (*wait_for_thread)(ThreadID thread_id);
- /* Creates an event for thread signaling. If manual_reset is false, the event will be
- auto-reset after being triggered. initial_state specifies the initial state of the
- event (set or not). */
- struct ThreadEvent* (*create_event)(struct AllocatorObject *allocator, int manual_reset, int initial_state, const char *debug_name);
- /* Destroys an event created by create_event(). */
- void (*destroy_event)(struct ThreadEvent* evt, struct AllocatorObject *allocator );
- /* Resets the event manually. */
- void (*reset_event)(struct ThreadEvent* evt);
- /* Sets the event. */
- void (*set_event)(struct ThreadEvent* evt);
- /* Returns true if the event is set. */
- int (*is_event_set)(struct ThreadEvent* evt);
- /* Wait for the event to become set. */
- void (*wait_for_event)(struct ThreadEvent* evt);
- /* Wait for the event to become set with a maximum timeout specified in milliseconds. */
- int (*wait_for_event_timeout)(struct ThreadEvent* evt, unsigned timeout_ms);
- /* Creates a critical section for thread protection and locking. */
- struct ThreadCriticalSection* (*create_critical_section)(struct AllocatorObject *allocator);
- /* Destroys a critical section created by create_critical_section(). */
- void (*destroy_critical_section)(struct ThreadCriticalSection* cs,
- struct AllocatorObject *allocator);
- /* Enters the critical section. This will block if any other thread is already in the
- critical section. */
- void (*enter_critical_section)(struct ThreadCriticalSection* cs);
- /* Leaves the critical section. */
- void (*leave_critical_section)(struct ThreadCriticalSection* cs);
- /* Tries to enter the critical section. This function won't block, instead it will return
- false if another thread is already in the critical section, and true otherwise. */
- int (*try_to_enter_critical_section)(struct ThreadCriticalSection* cs);
- /* Returns the current assigned thread index. */
- unsigned (*worker_thread_index)();
- /* Assign to the current thread a worker thread index */
- void (*assign_worker_thread_index)();
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[30];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- TimerApi
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- API for accessing the game timer.
- */
- struct TimerApi
- {
- /* Returns the number of ticks elapsed. The length of a tick is platform dependent, you need
- to use ticks_to_seconds() to convert it to a real world number. */
- uint64_t (*ticks)();
- /* Converts ticks to seconds. */
- double (*ticks_to_seconds)(uint64_t ticks);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- StreamCaptureApi
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Describes a captured buffer. */
- struct SC_Buffer {
- /* Frame number. */
- uint32_t frame;
- /* Format descriptor, use RenderBufferApi to interpret */
- uint32_t format;
- /* Surface dimension */
- uint32_t width;
- uint32_t height;
- /* Buffer data. */
- void *data;
- };
- /*
- Interface for capturing buffer data (render targets, etc) from the engine.
- */
- struct StreamCaptureApi
- {
- /* Enables stream capture of the named buffers. */
- void (*enable_capture)(void *window, uint32_t n_buffers, uint32_t *buffer_names);
- /* Disables stream capture for the named buffers. */
- void (*disable_capture)(void *window, uint32_t n_buffers, uint32_t *buffer_names);
- /* Extracts data from the named capture modifier into the output buffer. Returns true if
- successful.
- The captured data is allocated with the specified allocator. It is the responsibility of
- the caller to deallocate the data pointer in the SC_Buffer. */
- uint8_t (*capture_buffer)(void *window, uint32_t name, struct AllocatorObject *allocator,
- struct SC_Buffer *output);
- /* Returns the name of a stream capture modifier */
- const char* (*capture_target_name)(CApiCaptureBufferPtr buffer);
- /* Returns an opaque pointer to a stream capture modifier */
- CApiCaptureBufferPtr (*capture_target)(unsigned index);
- /* Returns the length of currently available stream capture modifiers */
- unsigned (*num_available_capture_targets)();
- /* Returns the amount of used capture buffers to buffer capture data */
- unsigned (*num_used_buffers)();
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[31];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- FlowApi
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Opaque struct representing the context in which flow events are triggered. */
- struct FlowTriggerContext;
- /* Opaque struct representing a set of output events for a flow node. */
- struct FlowOutputEvents;
- /* Identifier for the special query event, which is sent to query nodes to get them to update
- their data. */
- #define PLUGIN_QUERY_EVENT 0xffff
- typedef uint32_t FlowNodeType;
- /* Data for a flow trigger event. */
- struct FlowData
- {
- /* An integer identifying the type of the flow node. */
- FlowNodeType node_type;
- /* Identifier for the node. */
- unsigned short node;
- /* Index of the in event that was triggered on the flow node. */
- unsigned short event_index;
- /* Opaque struct that represents the out events of the flow node. Can be used to trigger out
- events. */
- const struct FlowOutputEvents* out_events;
- };
- /* Maximum number of parameters to a flow node. */
- /* Maximum length of flow string variables. */
- /* Represents the parameters of a flow node. */
- struct FlowParameters {
- const void* parameters[PLUGIN_FLOW_NODES_MAX_PARAMS + 1];
- };
- struct FlowString
- {
- unsigned int is_id64; // Always set to zero
- };
- struct FlowId
- {
- unsigned int is_id64; // May be 0 or 1 for input, always 1 for output
- unsigned int padding;
- uint64_t id;
- };
- /* Callback function for performing an action when a flow node is triggered. */
- typedef void (*FlowFunction)(struct FlowTriggerContext* tc, const struct FlowData *fd, const struct FlowParameters *fp);
- /* Callback function for setting variables on the flow node. */
- typedef void (*SetVariableFunction)(struct FlowTriggerContext* tc, const struct FlowParameters *fp, unsigned key, void *data);
- /* Callback function for triggering an out event. */
- typedef void (*EventCallbackFunction)(struct FlowTriggerContext* tc, const struct FlowData *fd, const struct FlowParameters *fp);
- /*
- Type Input field (can be null) Output field (not null)
- "unit" const CApiUnitRef* CApiUnitRef*
- "actor" const CApiActor* CApiActor*
- "mover" const CApiMover* CApiMover*
- "vector3" const CApiVector3* CApiVector3*
- "float" const float* float*
- "bool" const unsigned* unsigned*
- "string" const FlowString* FlowString*
- "id" const FlowId* FlowId*
- "quaternion" const CApiQuaternion* CApiQuaternion*
- "unsigned" const unsigned* unsigned*
- "camera" const CApiCamera* CApiCamera*
- "light" const CApiLight* CApiLight*
- "mesh" const CApiMesh* CApiMesh*
- "material" const CApiMaterial* CApiMaterial*
- "resource" const FlowString*
- "enum" int
- */
- /*
- Interface for implementing custom flow nodes.
- */
- struct FlowNodesApi
- {
- /* Registers a flow trigger function for a flow node with the specified name. */
- void (*setup_trigger_function)(unsigned name_id32, FlowFunction trigger_function);
- /* Registers an event callback for a flow node with the specified name. */
- void (*setup_event_callback)(unsigned name_id32, EventCallbackFunction event_callback_function);
- /* Registers a set_variable callback for a flow node with the specified name. */
- void (*setup_set_variable_callback)(unsigned name_id32, SetVariableFunction variable_callback_function);
- /* Unregisters the flow node with the specified name. */
- void (*unregister_flow_node)(unsigned name_id32);
- /* Used in the flow trigger implementation to trigger one of the flow node's out events. */
- void (*trigger_out_event)(struct FlowTriggerContext *tc, const struct FlowData* fd, int event_index);
- /* Used in the flow trigger implementation to trigger an external level event. */
- void (*trigger_external_level_event)(CApiLevel *level, unsigned id_string_32);
- /* Used in the flow trigger implementation to trigger an external unit event. */
- void (*trigger_external_unit_event)(CApiUnit *unit, unsigned id_string_32);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- CameraApi
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Camera mode. */
- typedef enum
- {
- } C_Mode;
- /* Camera projection. */
- typedef enum
- {
- } C_ProjectionType;
- /*
- Interface for manipulating cameras.
- */
- struct CameraApi
- {
- /* Returns the scene graph that owns the camera. */
- struct SceneGraph * (*scene_graph)(CApiCamera *camera);
- /* Returns the near range of the camera. */
- float (*near_range)(CApiCamera *camera);
- /* Sets the near range of the camera. */
- void (*set_near_range)(CApiCamera *, float near_range);
- /* Returns the far range of the camera. */
- float (*far_range)(CApiCamera *camera);
- /* Sets the far range of the camera. */
- void (*set_far_range)(CApiCamera *camera, float far_range);
- /* Returns the projection type of the camera. */
- uint8_t (*projection_type)(CApiCamera *camera);
- /* Sets the projection type of the camera. */
- void (*set_projection_type)(CApiCamera *camera, uint8_t projection_type);
- /* Returns the vertical FOV of the camera. */
- float (*vertical_fov)(CApiCamera *camera, unsigned i);
- /* Sets the vertical FOV of the camera. */
- void (*set_vertical_fov)(CApiCamera *camera, float fov, unsigned i);
- /* Sets the dimensions of the specified camera frustum. */
- void (*set_frustum)(CApiCamera *camera, float left, float right, float bottom, float top,
- unsigned i);
- void (*set_frustum_shear)(CApiCamera *camera, float shear_x, float shear_y, unsigned i);
- /* Sets the half angles of the specifies camera frustum. */
- void (*set_frustum_half_angles)(CApiCamera *camera, float left_tan, float right_tan,
- float bottom_tan, float top_tan, unsigned i);
- /* Returns the camera mode. */
- uint8_t (*mode)(CApiCamera *camera);
- /* Sets the camera mode. */
- void (*set_mode)(CApiCamera *camera, uint8_t mode);
- /* Sets the local position of the camera. */
- void (*set_local)(CApiCamera *camera, ConstMatrix4x4Ptr offset, unsigned i);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- PhysicsRuntimeCookingApi
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- API for doing runtime physics compilation of meshes into physics actors. Currently only supported on UWP.
- */
- /* Description of the triangle mesh to cook */
- typedef struct MeshDescription
- {
- unsigned num_vertices;
- unsigned vertice_stride;
- void *vertices;
- unsigned num_triangles;
- unsigned triangle_stride;
- void *triangles;
- } MeshDescription;
- struct PhysicsRuntimeCookingApi
- {
- /* Setup and initialize the physics cooking */
- void (*setup)();
- /* Shutdown the physics cooking */
- void (*shutdown)();
- /* Cooks a mesh and returns a pointer to the cooked mesh data allocated in the supplied allocator*/
- void *(*cook_mesh)(const MeshDescription *mesh_description, struct AllocatorObject *allocator);
- /* Creates a physics mesh from cooked data */
- void *(*create_physics_mesh)(const void *cooked_mesh);
- /* Releases physics mesh */
- void (*release_physics_mesh)(void *physics_mesh);
- /* Reserved for expansion of the API. */
- void *reserved[32];
- };
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif