Clipping Properties

Set the clipping options of a view using the Clipping properties tab.

Clipping options

The use of clipping in the current view is set using the clipping options.

Clipping strategy

The clipping strategy always refers to the coordinate system of the reference object and not the position in the drawing. The following options are available:

Clipping X Clipping along the X axis of the reference object.
Clipping Y Clipping along the Y axis of the reference object.
Clipping XY Clipping along both X and Y axes of the reference object.
Clipping off No clipping.

The list of clipping strategies can be modified. New strategies can be added or the existing ones can be renamed.

Button Function
Define a new clipping strategy. A new item is inserted into the list.
Rename a strategy. The current settings are saved under a different name.

The clipping strategies are modified using the following controls:

Option Description
Minimum length to cut Defines the size of the clipping; the smaller the intervals, the bigger the clipping.
How much should be kept on each side of the clipping area Defines the length of the area kept from the excluded region.
Clipping representations in length Defines the distance in millimeters (or inches) on the drawing.

Clipping type

Select a representation for the clipping line.

Button Function
Normal clipping

Clipping with a selected line type

The clipping line type is selected from the "clipping line type" list: ZIGZAG dotted, dashed, etc.

No line clipping

Clipping with small gap and no clipping line.

Custom clipping

Clipping with a custom line type.

Optionally, the clipping can be represented with extension lines (clipping line oversteps the element). The line extension size can be set.

Check Clip oblique lines to use clipping for oblique lines.