About the Keynote Editor

The Keynote Editor is a standalone application that lets you create and modify keynote databases. Accessed from the CAD Manager menu, the Keynote Editor dialog box provides a hierarchical tree view of the currently selected database, which displays as a root node. For an existing database, you can expand the root node to display groups, and then expand group nodes to display sub-groups or individual keynotes. Alternatively, you can enter text into the Filter box below the tree view. Clicking the Filter button, pressing Tab, or pressing Enter expands all nodes under any node whose name includes the text you enter.

If you are creating a new database, you add the root node using the New Database button, and then add groups and keynotes using the buttons along the right side of the dialog box. These buttons (Add Group, Delete, Add Keynote, Edit, and Specify Keysort) are also available from the Select Keynote dialog box for databases to which you have read-write access.