About Report Format Files

A format (.set) file preformats reports. A format file is specific to a report type, such as Bill of Materials or Component report. A format file defines the following:

Format files can be created in two ways.

When you run a report you can specify a format file to use.

If you do not specify a format file, the report's default format file is used. If no default format file exists, the report uses a format defined in the program. Use these tables to determine the default format file for a report.

Schematic Report Default Format File

Bill of Materials - Normal Tallied Format


Bill of Materials - Normal Tallied Format (Group by Installation/Location)


Bill of Materials - Display in Tallied Purchase List Format


Bill of Materials - Display in “By Tag” Format


Missing Bill of Material




Wire From/To


Component Wire List


Connector Plug


PLC I/O Address and Descriptions


PLC I/O Component Connection


PLC Modules Used So Far


Terminal Numbers


Terminal Plan


Connector Summary


Connector Detail


Cable Summary


Cable From/To


Wire Label


Panel Report Default Format File

Bill of Materials - Normal Tallied Format


Bill of Materials - Normal Tallied Format (Group by Installation/Location)


Bill of Materials - Display in Tallied Purchase List Format


Bill of Materials - Display in “By Tag” Format






Wire Connection


Component Exception


Terminal Exception


Wire Annotation Exception


Report Tables

When you run a report and select to insert it as a table, the program looks for an existing table for the report. If an existing table is found, the program updates the table rather than insert a new table. If an existing table meets all of the following conditions it is considered a match to the current report.

  • The existing table is for the same report, for example Schematic Bill of Material; Normal Tallied Format.
  • The existing table is for the same scope, for example Active Drawing or Project.
  • The existing table used the same format file. If the table was inserted without specifying a format file, it is a match if you do not use a format file for the report you are running.

Since the format file is used to determine if the existing table is a match, you may need to create multiple format files for a given report type. This way you can insert tables for the same report multiple times, each using a different format file.

User Post

If you create custom post-processing lisp function, you can save these User Post options in the format .set file. If a format file contains User Post options, the options are run before the report displays in the Report Generator dialog box. The User Post options also run when the format file is used with Automatic Reports.

Format Files for Automatic Reports

The Automatic Reports tool allows you to run multiple reports at one time. The Report Generator dialog box is not displayed for each report and no user input is required once launched. Format files are required to use Automatic Reports. The format files must define file output, table output, or both since the reports are not displayed on the screen. Use Format File Setup to define file and table output in a format file. Find

If your format file contains table output, define the insertion point, otherwise the table is inserted at 0,0 coordinate value by Automatic Reports.

Breaks in a report table can be defined either by using the Special Breaks option or by defining a specific number of rows per table section. If your table contains breaks and multiple table sections per drawing, define the distance between table sections in your format file.

The X-distance and Y-distance values define the distance from the end of one table section to the beginning of the next. It is used when multiple table sections for one report are on the same drawing. A blank value is interpreted as zero.