
Use the Order page to control the order of machining. The available options are dependent on the selected strategy:

Order by — Select whether machining takes place by Level, Pocket or Region.

Priority — Select the regions that are machined first. This option is only available for Feature Finishing and Steep and Shallow Finishing strategies:

Sorting — Select an option to specify the toolpath order. Unless you select the Explorer order option the start point is the feature nearest to the tool start point.

Order — Select the order of machining within a region or level. This option is available only if you select an Order by of Region.

Group wall passes — Select to machine all wall passes, of different levels, at the end.

Group floor passes — Select to machine all the floor passes, together, at the end. This option is only available if you create a 2D Curve Profile toolpath. This option is available only if you select an Order by of Region.

For more information on the ordering of toolpaths see Ordering options.

Maintain cut direction — Select this option to maintain the Cut direction specified on the main page. Deselect this option to let PowerMill create a toolpath with fewer tool lifts. PowerMill adheres to the specified cut direction as far as possible, but gives proirit to fewer tool lifts.

Feature finishing

The following options are available only for Feature Finishing strategies:

Sequence — Select an option from the list to specify the whether walls or flats are machined first.

Port area clearance

The Order page for port area clearance strategies contains unique options to specify which ends of the ports are used and how far to machine down each end of the port:

Machine — Choose a machining option:
Note: The Pattern direction determines the Start and End. Workplane limits override the Pattern direction.

Spiral — Select to spiral inside slices.

Partial — When selected, if there are full slices which cannot be machined from either end, then Partial machines the maximum possible area (while avoiding collisions). This calculation is slower and some rest material will remain.