#define | WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN |
#define | NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_PRODUCT(fn) throw RuntimeError (_M("Feature not available: "), _M(#fn)); |
#define | END NULL |
#define | MAXSCRIPT_UTILITY_CLASS_ID Class_ID(0x4d64858, 0x16d1751d) |
#define | MAX_SCRIPT_DIR _M("scripts") |
#define | SCRIPT_AUTOLOAD_DIR _M("Startup\\") |
#define | no_mb_chars (MB_CUR_MAX == 1) |
#define | bytelen(s) strlen(s) |
#define | MXS_ADD_ROLLOUT_PAGE (WM_USER + 0x100) |
#define | MXS_DELETE_ROLLOUT_PAGE (WM_USER + 0x101) |
#define | MXS_REDRAW_VIEWS (WM_USER + 0x102) |
#define | MXS_EDIT_SCRIPT (WM_USER + 0x103) |
#define | MXS_NEW_SCRIPT (WM_USER + 0x104) |
#define | MXS_DISPLAY_BITMAP (WM_USER + 0x105) |
#define | MXS_ERROR_MESSAGE_BOX (WM_USER + 0x106) |
#define | MXS_PRINT_STRING (WM_USER + 0x107) |
#define | MXS_LISTENER_EVAL (WM_USER + 0x108) |
#define | MXS_MESSAGE_BOX (WM_USER + 0x109) |
#define | MXS_KEYBOARD_INPUT (WM_USER + 0x10B) |
#define | MXS_SHOW_SOURCE (WM_USER + 0x10C) |
#define | MXS_TAKE_FOCUS (WM_USER + 0x10D) |
#define | MXS_STOP_CREATING (WM_USER + 0x10E) |
#define | MXS_CLOSE_DOWN (WM_USER + 0x10F) |
#define | MXS_STOP_EDITING (WM_USER + 0x110) |
#define | MXS_LOAD_STARTUP_SCRIPTS (WM_USER + 0x111) |
#define | MXS_EXECUTE_MACRO (WM_USER + 0x112) |
#define | MXS_RESTART_EDITING (WM_USER + 0x113) |
#define | MXS_MESSAGE_BOX_EX (WM_USER + 0x117) |
#define | MXS_MESSAGEBOX_DONT_SHOW_AGAIN 0x01000000L |
| show 'Do not show this message again' check box in message box (not supported for win32 MessageBox), bit set on return if check box checked
#define | MXS_MESSAGEBOX_HOLD_BUTTON 0x02000000L |
| show 'Hold' button (not supported for win32 MessageBox)
#define | MXS_MESSAGEBOX_WIN32_MESSAGEBOX 0x10000000L |
| show message box using win32 MessageBox
#define | MXS_MESSAGEBOX_MAX_MAXMSGBOX 0x20000000L |
| show message box using MaxMsgBox
#define | MXS_MESSAGEBOX_PARENT_HWND_SET 0x00000001L |
| message_box_data_ex.parent contains parent HWND to use
#define | key_arg(key) _get_key_arg(arg_list, count, n_##key) |
#define | key_arg_or_default(key, def) _get_key_arg_or_default(arg_list, count, n_##key##, def) |
#define | int_key_arg(key, var, def) ((var = _get_key_arg(arg_list, count, n_##key)) == &unsupplied ? def : var->to_int()) |
#define | intptr_key_arg(key, var, def) ((var = _get_key_arg(arg_list, count, n_##key)) == &unsupplied ? def : var->to_intptr()) |
#define | float_key_arg(key, var, def) ((var = _get_key_arg(arg_list, count, n_##key)) == &unsupplied ? def : var->to_float()) |
#define | bool_key_arg(key, var, def) ((var = _get_key_arg(arg_list, count, n_##key)) == &unsupplied ? def : var->to_bool()) |
#define | interval_key_arg(key, var, def) ((var = _get_key_arg(arg_list, count, n_##key)) == &unsupplied ? def : var->to_interval()) |
#define | timevalue_key_arg(key, var, def) ((var = _get_key_arg(arg_list, count, n_##key)) == &unsupplied ? def : var->to_timevalue()) |
#define | node_key_arg(key, var, def) ((var = _get_key_arg(arg_list, count, n_##key)) == &unsupplied ? def : var->to_node()) |
#define | string_key_arg(key, var, def) ((var = _get_key_arg(arg_list, count, n_##key)) == &unsupplied ? def : var->to_string()) |
#define | filename_key_arg(key, var, def) ((var = _get_key_arg(arg_list, count, n_##key)) == &unsupplied ? def : var->to_filename()) |
#define | point4_key_arg(key, var, def) ((var = _get_key_arg(arg_list, count, n_##key)) == &unsupplied ? def : var->to_point4()) |
#define | check_arg_count(fn, w, g) if ((w) != (g)) throw ArgCountError (_M(#fn), w, g) |
#define | check_gen_arg_count(fn, w, g) if ((w) != (g + 1)) throw ArgCountError (_M(#fn), w, g + 1) |
#define | check_arg_count_with_keys(fn, w, g) if (!(g == w || (g > w && arg_list[w] == &keyarg_marker))) throw ArgCountError (_M(#fn), w, count_with_keys()) |
#define | check_gen_arg_count_with_keys(fn, w, g) if (!(g == w || (g > w && arg_list[w-1] == &keyarg_marker))) throw ArgCountError (_M(#fn), w, count_with_keys() + 1) |
#define | count_with_keys() _count_with_keys(arg_list, count) |
#define | bool_result(val) ((val) ? &true_value : &false_value) |
#define | MXS_range_check(_val, _lowerLimit, _upperLimit, _desc) |
#define | mputs thread_local(current_stdout)->puts /* current MAXScript stdout output... */ |
#define | mputch thread_local(current_stdout)->putch /* current MAXScript stdout output... */ |
#define | mprintf thread_local(current_stdout)->printf |
#define | mflush thread_local(current_stdout)->flush |
#define | INTERRUPT_EVAL 0x0001 |
#define | type_check(val, cl, where) if (val->tag != class_tag(cl)) throw TypeError (where, val, &cl##_class); |
#define | SOURCE_STREAM_ENCRYPTED_FLAG 1 /* flag set in thread local source_flags when source is encrypted */ |
double | EPS (float v) |
double | EPS (double v) |
double | EPS (int v) |
double | EPS (INT64 v) |
double | EPS (DWORD v) |
double | EPS (short v) |
void | out_of_memory () |
void | bad_delete () |
ScripterExport Value * | _get_key_arg (Value **arg_list, int count, Value *key_name) |
ScripterExport Value * | _get_key_arg_or_default (Value **arg_list, int count, Value *key_name, Value *def) |
ScripterExport MCHAR * | save_string (const MCHAR *str) |
MCHAR | wputch (HWND w, const MCHAR *buf, const MCHAR *bufp, const MCHAR c) |
MCHAR * | wputs (HWND w, const MCHAR *buf, const MCHAR *bufp, const MCHAR *str) |
int | wprintf (HWND w, const MCHAR *buf, const MCHAR *bufp, const MCHAR *format,...) |
void | wflush (HWND w, const MCHAR *buf, const MCHAR *bufp) |
ScripterExport Object * | Get_Object_Or_XRef_BaseObject (Object *obj) |
ScripterExport int | namify (MCHAR *n, int type, bool bStripTrailing=true) |
ScripterExport void | install_utility_page (Rollout *rollout) |
ScripterExport int | mxs_rand () |
ScripterExport INT64 | mxs_rand64 () |
ScripterExport void | mxs_seed (int) |
ScripterExport int | random_range (int from, int to) |
ScripterExport INT64 | random_range (INT64 from, INT64 to) |
ScripterExport float | random_range (float from, float to) |
ScripterExport double | random_range (double from, double to) |
ScripterExport void | dlx_detaching (HINSTANCE hinstance) |
ScripterExport void | define_system_global (const MCHAR *name, Value *(*getter)(), Value *(*setter)(Value *)) |
ScripterExport void | define_system_global_replace (const MCHAR *name, Value *(*getter)(), Value *(*setter)(Value *)) |
ScripterExport void | define_struct_global (const MCHAR *name, const MCHAR *struct_name, Value *(*getter)(), Value *(*setter)(Value *)) |
ScripterExport void | printable_name (MSTR &name) |
ScripterExport void | show_source_pos () |
ScripterExport void | show_source_pos (bool clear_err) |
ScripterExport void | show_listener () |
ScripterExport void | init_MAXScript () |
ScripterExport void | set_utility_installer (utility_installer ui) |
ScripterExport void | reset_utility_installer () |
ScripterExport void | error_message_box (MAXScriptException &e, const MCHAR *caption) |
ScripterExport void | set_autocad_point_reader (autocad_point_reader apr) |
| __declspec (deprecated) extern ScripterExport Interface17 *MAXScript_interface18 |
ScripterExport BOOL | IsMAXScriptListenerInViewport () |
| Get whether the listener is displayed in a viewport.
ScripterExport BOOL | get_error_trace_back_disabled (MAXScript_TLS *_tls=nullptr) |
ScripterExport void | set_error_trace_back_disabled (BOOL isTraceBackDisabled, MAXScript_TLS *_tls=nullptr) |
ScripterExport BOOL | ExecuteMAXScriptScript (const MCHAR *s, MAXScript::ScriptSource scriptSource, BOOL quietErrors=FALSE, FPValue *fpv=nullptr, BOOL logQuietErrors=TRUE) |
| Function compiles and evaluates the specified string.
ScripterExport Value * | ExecuteScript (CharStream *source, bool *res, MAXScript::ScriptSource scriptSource) |
| Function that compiles and evaluates a CharStream Maxscript expression.
ScripterExport Value * | ExecuteScript (const MCHAR *source, bool *res, MAXScript::ScriptSource scriptSource) |
| Function that compiles and evaluates a Maxscript expression string.
ScripterExport void | filein_script (const MCHAR *filename) |
| Executes the given script file.
ScripterExport BOOL | filein_script_ex (const MCHAR *filename, MSTR *captured_error_message=nullptr, bool performEmbeddedScriptSecurityChecks=false) |
| Executes the given script file.
ScripterExport BOOL | filein_script_ex (const MCHAR *filename, MAXScript::ScriptSource scriptSource, MSTR *captured_error_message=nullptr) |
| Executes the given script file using given ScriptSource.
ScripterExport bool | ExecuteScriptAsset (const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &file, MSTR *capturedErrorMessage=nullptr) |
| Executes the given script file specified as an AssetUser. This function should be used for executing script files whose name is stored in the scene file.
ScripterExport void | open_script_editor (const MCHAR *filename=nullptr) |
| Opens the specified file in the Scripting editor.
ScripterExport DWORD | ProcessDefaultActionVal (Value *inpActionVal, DWORD defaultAction=DEFAULTACTIONS_LOGMSG) |
ScripterExport void | listener_message (UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL block_flag) |
int | _count_with_keys (Value **arg_list, int count) |
ScripterExport BOOL | GetPrintAllElements () |
ScripterExport BOOL | SetPrintAllElements (BOOL) |
ScripterExport bool | GetDontRepeatMessages () |
ScripterExport bool | SetDontRepeatMessages (bool) |
ScripterExport bool | CanChangeGroupFlags (INode *node) |
ScripterExport BOOL | Find_MXS_Name_For_Obj (Animatable *obj, MSTR &name, BOOL explicitName=TRUE) |
ScripterExport void | Replace_LF_with_CRLF (MSTR &string) |
ScripterExport void | Replace_CRLF_with_LF (MSTR &string) |
ScripterExport void | checkFileOpenModeValidity (const MCHAR *mode) |
ScripterExport bool | max_name_match (const MCHAR *max_name, const MCHAR *pattern, bool caseSensitive=false) |
ScripterExport bool | max_node_name_match (const MCHAR *max_name, const MCHAR *pattern, bool caseSensitive=false) |
ScripterExport Bitmap * | CreateBitmapFromBitmapInfo (BitmapInfo &bitmapInfo) |
ScripterExport int | GetStorableBitmapInfoTypeForBitmapInfoType (int type) |
ScripterExport int | ConvertValueToID (mxs_value_id_pair pairs[], int count, Value *val, int def_id=-1) |
ScripterExport Value * | ConvertIDToValue (mxs_value_id_pair pairs[], int count, int id, Value *def_val=nullptr) |
ScripterExport int | GetUIScaledValue (float value) |
ScripterExport int | GetValueUIUnscaled (float value) |
ScripterExport float | GetUIScaledValueFloat (float value) |
ScripterExport float | GetValueUIUnscaledFloat (float value) |
ScripterExport Tab< const MCHAR * > | GetMAXScriptParserKeywords () |
ScripterExport bool | IsVariableNameValid (const MCHAR *var_name) |
ScripterExport bool | IsGlobalVariableNameSettable (const MCHAR *var_name) |
ScripterExport bool | SetMAXScriptListenerLogFile (const MCHAR *filename, const MCHAR *mode) |
| Sets Scripting Listener log file to specified file.
ScripterExport bool | GetMAXScriptListenerLogFile (MSTR &listenerLogFileName) |
| Gets the Scripting Listener log file name if present.
ScripterExport bool | CanRunScriptingFeature (MaxSDK::ISceneScriptSecurityManager::ScriptingFeature scriptingFeature) |
| Test whether the specified ScriptingFeature can be executed.
ScripterExport void | ValidateCanRunMAXScriptSystemCommand (const MCHAR *command, Value **arg_list, int count) |
| Validate whether MAXScript system commands can be executed.
ScripterExport void | ValidateCanRunMAXScriptSystemCommand (const MCHAR *command, const MCHAR *arguments) |
| Validate whether MAXScript system commands can be executed.
ScripterExport void | ValidateCanRunPythonScripts (const MCHAR *command, Value **arg_list, int count) |
| Validate whether Python scripts can be executed.
ScripterExport void | ValidateCanRunPythonScripts (const MCHAR *command, const MCHAR *arguments) |
| Validate whether Python scripts can be executed.
ScripterExport MSTR | CreateStringRepresentationOfArgumentList (Value **arg_list, int count) |
| Create string representation of argument list.