If Triangle Neck is true, the clavicles are parented to the top spine link.
If Triangle Neck is false, the clavicles are parented to the neck base.
virtual const BOOL | GetTriangleNeck ()=0 |
| Queries the value of Triangle Neck.
virtual void | SetTriangleNeck (BOOL bEnabled)=0 |
| Sets Triangle Neck.
If ForeFeet is true, the the fingers are shaped and attached like toes, and viewport manipulation of IK hands is like feet.
If ForeFeet is false, the fingers and hands appear and behave as usual.
virtual const BOOL | GetForeFeet ()=0 |
| Queries the value of ForeFeet.
virtual void | SetForeFeet (BOOL bEnabled)=0 |
| Sets ForeFeet.
virtual bool | MirrorInPlace ()=0 |
| Mirrors the biped animation in place.
virtual INode * | CreateXtra (int nlinks, const MCHAR *name)=0 |
| Creates an Xtra with the specified number of links and base name.
virtual INode * | CreateXtraOpposite (INode &xtra, bool doChildren)=0 |
| Creates Xtras which are the opposite of the specified Xtra and its children, if desired.
virtual INode * | GetXtraOpposite (INode &xtra)=0 |
| Gets the opposite Xtra.
virtual bool | DeleteXtra (INode &xtraBase)=0 |
| Deletes an Xtra.
virtual bool | AttachXtra (INode &xtraBase, INode &parent)=0 |
| Attaches an Xtra to a parent.
virtual void | SetXtraName (INode &xtraBase, const MCHAR *name)=0 |
| Sets the base name of an Xtra, and uses that to set the names of all the nodes in the Xtra.
virtual const MCHAR * | GetXtraName (INode &xtraBase)=0 |
| Gets the base name of an Xtra.
virtual bool | PastePostureToXtras (IBipedCopy *CP, INodeTab &nodes, int KeyPasteType)=0 |
| Pastes a copy of an Xtra posture onto each Xtra in the tab.
virtual bool | PasteTrackToXtras (IBipedCopy *CP, INodeTab &nodes)=0 |
| Pastes a copy of an Xtra track onto each Xtra in the tab.
virtual bool | SaveBipedAnimationLayer (const MCHAR *fname, int layerIndex)=0 |
| Saves a single layer of a biped animation.
virtual bool | LoadBipedAnimationLayer (const MCHAR *fname, int layerIndex)=0 |
| Loads a BIP file into a single layer of a biped animation.
virtual bool | SaveBipedBaseAnimationLayer (const MCHAR *fname, int saveMaxObjects, INodeTab *maxObjects, int saveControllers, Tab< SaveSubAnimInfo > *controllers)=0 |
| Saves the base layer of a biped animation.
virtual bool | LoadBipedBaseAnimationLayer (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL MatchFile, BOOL ZeroFootHeight, BOOL promptForDuplicates, int retargetType, BOOL scaleIKObjectSize, int loadMaxObjects, Tab< const MCHAR * > *maxObjectNames, int loadControllers, Tab< LoadSubAnimInfo > *controllers)=0 |
| Loads a BIP file into the base layer of a biped animation.
virtual void | StartSettingBipedKeys ()=0 |
| Function for specifying that we will be setting a group of biped keys.
virtual void | StopSettingBipedKeys ()=0 |
| Function for specifying that we will are done setting a group of biped keys.
virtual void | SetBipedTM (TimeValue t, Matrix3 &mat, int id, int link)=0 |
| Function for setting world transforms on a biped.
virtual void | SetBipedLocalRotation (TimeValue t, Quat &q, int id, int link)=0 |
| Function for setting local biped rotation values.
virtual void | RefreshBipedUI ()=0 |
| Updates the biped user interface.
virtual IMixer8 * | GetMixer8 ()=0 |
| Get the new mixer interface for max 8 that supports max objects.
virtual bool | GetEulerActive (const int id)=0 |
| Gets whether or not a biped track is euler.
virtual int | GetEulerOrder (const int id)=0 |
| Gets the euler order of a biped track.
virtual bool | SetEulerActive (int id, int eulerOrder)=0 |
| Sets a biped track to euler with the specified euler order.
virtual bool | SetQuaternionActive (int id)=0 |
| Sets a biped track to quaternion.
virtual bool | SetEulerOrder (int id, int eulerOrder)=0 |
| Sets a biped track to the specified euler order.
virtual bool | IsComLocked ()=0 |
| Queries the locked state of the com.
virtual void | LockCom (bool lock)=0 |
| Locks or unlocks the com.
virtual bool | GetTwist () const =0 |
| Queries the state of Twists for this biped.
virtual void | SetTwist (bool enable)=0 |
| Enables or disables the twists for this biped.
virtual float | GetTwistBias (int twisttrack) const =0 |
| Gets the twist bias for the specified twist track of this biped.
virtual void | SetTwistBias (int twisttrack, float bias)=0 |
| Sets the twist bias for the specified twist track of this biped.
virtual int | NumTwistPoses (int keytrack)=0 |
| Queries the number of twist poses for the specified limb.
virtual bool | CreateTwistPose (int keytrack)=0 |
| Creates a new arm or leg twist pose, and appends it the the existing poses.
virtual bool | SetTwistPose (int keytrack, int index)=0 |
| Sets an existing arm or leg twist pose.
virtual bool | DeleteTwistPose (int keytrack, int index)=0 |
| Deletes an arm or leg twist pose.
virtual void | SetDefaultTwistPoses (int keytrack)=0 |
| Sets the arm or leg twist poses to the default poses.
virtual bool | SetTwistPoseName (int keytrack, int index, const MCHAR *name)=0 |
| Sets the name of an arm or leg twist pose.
virtual bool | SetTwistPoseTwist (int keytrack, int index, float twist)=0 |
| Sets the twist value of an arm or leg twist pose.
virtual bool | SetTwistPoseBias (int keytrack, int index, float bias)=0 |
| Sets the bias value of an arm or leg twist pose.
virtual const MCHAR * | GetTwistPoseName (int keytrack, int index)=0 |
| Returns the name of an arm or leg twist pose.
virtual float | GetTwistPoseTwist (int keytrack, int index)=0 |
| Returns the twist value of an arm or leg twist pose.
virtual float | GetTwistPoseBias (int keytrack, int index)=0 |
| Returns the bias value of an arm or leg twist pose.
virtual void | SetLimbToTwistPose (int keytrack, int index, bool opposite)=0 |
| Updates the limb to match an arm or leg twist pose.
virtual int | LoadFigNoTwists (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL redraw=false, BOOL msgs=false)=0 |
| Loads a figure file without loading the twist poses stored in the file.
virtual int | LoadFigJustTwists (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL redraw=false, BOOL msgs=false)=0 |
| Loads only the twist poses from a figure file.
virtual void | ZeroTwist (int keytrack)=0 |
| Zeros out the twist for the specified track of this biped.
virtual void | ZeroAll (int keytrack)=0 |
| Zeros out all the angles for all the links of the specified track of this biped.
virtual void | SmoothTwist (int keytrack, float bias)=0 |
| Smooths the twist between the first and last link of the specified track of this biped.
virtual int | NumCopyCollections () const =0 |
| Queries the number of copy collections.
virtual ICopyCollection * | GetCopyCollection (int index) const =0 |
| Gets a copy collection.
virtual ICopyCollection * | GetCopyCollection (const MCHAR *name, int *index) const =0 |
| Gets a copy collection.
virtual ICopyCollection * | CreateCopyCollection (const MCHAR *colname)=0 |
| Creates a copy collection.
virtual bool | DeleteCopyCollection (int index)=0 |
| Deletes a copy collection.
virtual void | DeleteAllCopyCollections ()=0 |
| Deletes all copy collections.
virtual IBipedCopy * | CopyBipPosture (ICopyCollection *ICC, INodeTab *nodes, int snapshottype)=0 |
| Copies the posture of the specified parts of this biped.
virtual IBipedCopy * | CopyBipPose (ICopyCollection *ICC, int snapshottype)=0 |
| Copies the biped's pose.
virtual IBipedCopy * | CopyBipTrack (ICopyCollection *ICC, INodeTab *nodes, int snapshottype)=0 |
| Copies the animation of the specified parts of this biped.
virtual bool | PasteBipPosture (IBipedCopy *CP, bool opposite, int KeyPasteType, bool Hor, bool Ver, bool Trn, bool ByVel)=0 |
| Pastes a posture onto this biped.
virtual bool | PasteBipPose (IBipedCopy *CP, bool opposite, int KeyPasteType, bool Hor, bool Ver, bool Trn, bool ByVel)=0 |
| Pastes a pose onto this biped.
virtual bool | PasteBipTrack (IBipedCopy *CP, bool opposite, bool Hor, bool Ver, bool Trn)=0 |
| Pastes a track onto this biped.
virtual | ~IBipDriver () |
virtual void | SetTrackSelection (int track)=0 |
virtual int | GetTrackSelection ()=0 |
virtual void | SaveBipFileDlg ()=0 |
virtual void | LoadBipFileDlg ()=0 |
virtual int | SaveFigfile (const MCHAR *fname)=0 |
virtual int | SaveStpfile (const MCHAR *fname)=0 |
virtual int | SaveBipfile (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL SaveListCntrls, BOOL SaveMaxObjects, Tab< SaveSubAnimInfo > *selectedControlers=NULL, Tab< INode * > *selectedNodes=NULL)=0 |
virtual int | SaveBipfileSegment (const MCHAR *filenamebuf, int StartSeg, int EndSeg, int SegKeyPerFrame, BOOL SaveListCntrls, BOOL SaveMaxObjects, Tab< SaveSubAnimInfo > *selectedControlers=NULL, Tab< INode * > *selectedNodes=NULL)=0 |
virtual int | LoadFigfile (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL redraw=false, BOOL msgs=false)=0 |
virtual int | LoadBipStpfile (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL redraw, BOOL msgs, BOOL MatchFile=false, BOOL ZeroHgt=false, BOOL loadMaxObjects=false, BOOL promptForDuplicates=false, BOOL retargetHeight=false, BOOL retargetLimbSizes=false, BOOL scaleIKObjectSize=false, BOOL loadSubAnimControllers=false, Tab< const MCHAR * > *selectedNodes=NULL, Tab< LoadSubAnimInfo > *selectedControllers=NULL)=0 |
virtual int | LoadMocapfile (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL redraw=false, BOOL msgs=false, BOOL prompt=false)=0 |
virtual BOOL | IsCreating ()=0 |
virtual void | BeginModes (DWORD modes, int redraw=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | EndModes (DWORD modes, int redraw=TRUE)=0 |
virtual DWORD | GetActiveModes ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | CanSwitchMode (DWORD mode)=0 |
virtual void | ConvertToFreeForm (bool keyPerFrame=false)=0 |
virtual void | ConvertToFootSteps (bool keyPerFrame=false, bool flattenToZ=true)=0 |
virtual DWORD | GetDisplaySettings ()=0 |
virtual void | SetDisplaySettings (DWORD disp)=0 |
virtual BOOL | DoDisplayPrefDlg (HWND hParent)=0 |
virtual int | GetBodyType ()=0 |
virtual void | SetBodyType (int bodytype)=0 |
virtual int | GetDynamicsType ()=0 |
virtual void | SetDynamicsType (int dyn)=0 |
virtual float | GetGravAccel ()=0 |
virtual void | SetGravAccel (float grav)=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetRootName ()=0 |
virtual void | SetRootName (const MCHAR *rootname, bool incAll=true)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetAdaptLocks (int id)=0 |
virtual void | SetAdaptLocks (int id, BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetSeparateTracks (int id)=0 |
virtual void | SeparateTracks (int id, BOOL separate)=0 |
virtual void | SetBodySpaceNeckRotation (BOOL val)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetBodySpaceNeckRotation ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetHasArms ()=0 |
virtual void | SetHasArms (BOOL arms)=0 |
virtual int | GetNumLinks (int keytrack)=0 |
virtual void | SetNumLinks (int keytrack, int n)=0 |
virtual int | GetNumFingers ()=0 |
virtual void | SetNumFingers (int n)=0 |
virtual int | GetNumToes ()=0 |
virtual void | SetNumToes (int n)=0 |
virtual float | GetAnkleAttach ()=0 |
virtual void | SetAnkleAttach (float aa)=0 |
virtual float | GetHeight ()=0 |
virtual void | SetHeight (float h, BOOL KeepFeetOnGround=TRUE)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetTrianglePelvis ()=0 |
virtual void | SetTrianglePelvis (BOOL tri)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetProp1Exists ()=0 |
virtual void | SetProp1Exists (BOOL prop)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetProp2Exists ()=0 |
virtual void | SetProp2Exists (BOOL prop)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetProp3Exists ()=0 |
virtual void | SetProp3Exists (BOOL prop)=0 |
virtual BOOL | ConvertFromBuffer ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | PasteFromBuffer ()=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetDispBuffer ()=0 |
virtual void | SetDispBuffer (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetDispBufferTraj ()=0 |
virtual void | SetDispBufferTraj (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetTalentFigMode ()=0 |
virtual void | SetTalentFigMode (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual void | AdjustTalentPose ()=0 |
virtual void | SaveTalentFigFile (const MCHAR *fname)=0 |
virtual void | SaveTalentPoseFile (const MCHAR *fname)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetFSAppendState ()=0 |
virtual void | SetFSAppendState (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetFSInsertState ()=0 |
virtual void | SetFSInsertState (BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual int | GetGaitMode ()=0 |
virtual void | SetGaitMode (int mode)=0 |
virtual int | GetGroundDur ()=0 |
virtual void | SetGroundDur (int val)=0 |
virtual int | GetAirDur ()=0 |
virtual void | SetAirDur (int val)=0 |
virtual void | DoMultipleFSDlg ()=0 |
virtual int | AddFootprint (Point3 pos, float dir, Matrix3 mtx, int appendFS)=0 |
virtual void | AddFootprints (MultFprintParams *Params)=0 |
virtual void | NewFprintKeys ()=0 |
virtual void | BendFootprints (float angle)=0 |
virtual void | ScaleFootprints (float scale)=0 |
virtual IMoFlow * | GetMoFlow ()=0 |
virtual void | UnifyMotion ()=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetClipAtTime (TimeValue t)=0 |
virtual IMixer * | GetMixer ()=0 |
virtual void | SetAttachNode (INode *node)=0 |
virtual INode * | GetAttachNode ()=0 |
virtual void | SetHeadTarget (INode *node)=0 |
virtual INode * | GetHeadTarget ()=0 |
virtual bool | IsNodeDeleted ()=0 |
virtual Interval | GetCurrentRange ()=0 |
virtual int | GetMaxNodes ()=0 |
virtual int | GetMaxLinks ()=0 |
virtual INode * | GetNode (int id, int link=0)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetIdLink (INode *node, int &id, int &link)=0 |
virtual Control * | GetHorizontalControl ()=0 |
virtual Control * | GetVerticalControl ()=0 |
virtual Control * | GetTurnControl ()=0 |
virtual void | SetBipedKey (TimeValue t, INode *node=NULL, BOOL setHor=TRUE, BOOL setVer=TRUE, BOOL setTurn=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | SetPlantedKey (TimeValue t, INode *node=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | SetSlidingKey (TimeValue t, INode *node=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | SetFreeKey (TimeValue t, INode *node=NULL)=0 |
virtual ScaleValue | GetBipedScale (TimeValue t, INode *node)=0 |
virtual Point3 | GetBipedPos (TimeValue t, INode *node)=0 |
virtual Quat | GetBipedRot (TimeValue t, INode *node, BOOL local=FALSE)=0 |
virtual void | SetBipedScale (BOOL relative, const ScaleValue &scale, TimeValue t, INode *node)=0 |
virtual void | SetBipedPos (const Point3 &p, TimeValue t, INode *node, BOOL setKey=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | SetBipedRot (const Quat &q, TimeValue t, INode *node, BOOL setKey=TRUE)=0 |
virtual void | SetMultipleKeys ()=0 |
virtual void | DoSetMultipleKeysDlg ()=0 |
virtual void | ResetAllLimbKeys ()=0 |
virtual void | CollapseMoveAllMode (BOOL msg)=0 |
virtual INode * | GetRotParentNode (int id, int link)=0 |
virtual INode * | GetPosParentNode (int id, int link)=0 |
virtual Quat | GetParentNodeRot (TimeValue t, int id, int link)=0 |
virtual Point3 | GetParentNodePos (TimeValue t, int id, int link)=0 |
virtual void | GetClavicleVals (TimeValue t, int id, float &val1, float &val2)=0 |
virtual void | GetHingeVal (TimeValue t, int id, float &val)=0 |
virtual void | GetHorseAnkleVal (TimeValue, int id, float &val)=0 |
virtual void | GetPelvisVal (TimeValue t, float &val)=0 |
virtual void | GetFingerVal (TimeValue t, int id, int link, float &val)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetIKActive (TimeValue t, int id)=0 |
virtual int | NumLayers ()=0 |
virtual void | CreateLayer (int index, const MCHAR *name)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteLayer (int index)=0 |
virtual bool | CollapseAtLayer (int index)=0 |
virtual bool | GetLayerActive (int index)=0 |
virtual void | SetLayerActive (int index, bool onOff)=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetLayerName (int index)=0 |
virtual void | SetLayerName (int index, const MCHAR *name)=0 |
virtual int | GetCurrentLayer ()=0 |
virtual void | SetCurrentLayer (int index)=0 |
virtual void | UpdateLayers ()=0 |
virtual void | SetSnapKey (TimeValue t, INode *node=NULL)=0 |
virtual int | GetVisibleBefore ()=0 |
virtual void | SetVisibleBefore (int val)=0 |
virtual int | GetVisibleAfter ()=0 |
virtual void | SetVisibleAfter (int val)=0 |
virtual bool | GetKeyHighlight ()=0 |
virtual void | SetKeyHighlight (bool onOff)=0 |
virtual void | ClearPreferredClips ()=0 |
virtual bool | AddPreferredClip (const MCHAR *clipname, int prob=100)=0 |
virtual bool | DeletePreferredClip (const MCHAR *clipname)=0 |
virtual int | IsPreferredClip (const MCHAR *clipname)=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetCurrentClip ()=0 |
virtual int | NumPreferredClips ()=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetPreferredClip (int i)=0 |
virtual int | GetPreferredClipProbability (int i)=0 |
virtual bool | GetEnableSubAnims ()=0 |
virtual void | SetEnableSubAnims (bool onOff)=0 |
virtual bool | GetManipSubAnims ()=0 |
virtual void | SetManipSubAnims (bool onOff)=0 |
virtual bool | GetShowAllTracksInTV ()=0 |
virtual void | SetShowAllTracksInTV (bool onOff)=0 |
virtual bool | GetShowBipedInTrackBar ()=0 |
virtual void | SetShowBipedInTrackBar (bool onOff)=0 |
virtual void | Mirror ()=0 |
virtual void | ClearAllAnimation ()=0 |
virtual void | ClearSelectedAnimation ()=0 |
virtual void | CreatePosSubAnims (Control *controlToClone, BOOL checkIfOneExists)=0 |
virtual void | CreateRotSubAnims (Control *controlToClone, BOOL checkIfOneExists)=0 |
virtual void | CreateScaleSubAnims (Control *controlToClone, BOOL checkIfOneExists)=0 |
virtual void | SetPosSubAnim (const Point3 &p, TimeValue t, INode *node, BOOL absolute)=0 |
virtual void | SetRotSubAnim (const Quat &q, TimeValue t, INode *node, BOOL absolute)=0 |
virtual void | SetScaleSubAnim (const ScaleValue &s, TimeValue t, INode *node)=0 |
virtual void | CollapseAllPosSubAnims (BOOL perFrame, BOOL keep)=0 |
virtual void | CollapseAllRotSubAnims (BOOL perFrame, BOOL keep)=0 |
virtual void | CollapseRotSubAnims (BOOL perFrame, BOOL keep, INode *node)=0 |
virtual void | CollapsePosSubAnims (BOOL perFrame, BOOL keep, INode *node)=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | CopyPosture (int copyType, BOOL copyHor, BOOL copyVer, BOOL copyTurn)=0 |
virtual BOOL | PastePosture (int copyType, int opposite, const MCHAR *name)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteAllCopies (int copyType, BOOL holdIt=true)=0 |
virtual int | NumCopies (int copyType)=0 |
virtual void | DeleteCopy (int copyType, const MCHAR *name)=0 |
virtual const MCHAR * | GetCopyName (int copyType, int index)=0 |
virtual void | SetCopyName (int copyType, int index, const MCHAR *newName)=0 |
virtual BOOL | SaveCopyPasteFile (const MCHAR *fname)=0 |
virtual BOOL | LoadCopyPasteFile (const MCHAR *fname)=0 |