3ds Max C++ API Reference
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Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 ActionTableId ConstantsThese constants identify action tables (ActionTable) managed by 3ds Max
 Action Context IDsIDs that identify action contexts (ActionContext) managed by 3ds Max
 Animatable FlagsAnimatable flags are generally meant to be used in enumerations of Animatable instances where each instance must be visited only once
 List of interface IDs supported by different plugin typesList of interface IDs to be used with void* Animatable::GetInterface(ULONG id) Checking whether an animatable implements a certain interface is the recommended way for determining if that animatable can be used as the type represented by that interface
 Assert macrosThe following macros can be used in 3ds Max plug-ins to assert assumptions made by the plug-in's code
 Bitmap TypesSee also: BitmapStorage, Color, AColor, AColor, LogLUV32Pixel, LogLUV24Pixel, RealPixel
 Bitmap Open Mode Types
 Bitmap Error (result) CodesThe following error codes are used by the functions that use or return BMMRES types
 BitmapIO Capability FlagsReturned by BitmapIO::Capability()
 Bitmap Close Types
 Bitmap Filter TypesSpecifies the type of filtering to perform
 Copy Image Operations
 Bitmap FlagsThese flag bits describe properties of the bitmap
 Custom Bitmap FlagsThese can be OR'd together
 Bitmap Alignment PositionsThe following values define the nine possible alignment positions of a bitmap, numbered 0 to 8, left-to-right and top-to-bottom:

 Bitmap Proxy Subject InfoFor proxy bitmaps, the bitmap info describes the reduced-size proxy settings, while the info's proxy subject describes the full-size subject bitmap
 Bitmap Proxy Render Mode
 Bitmap Proxy Size Factor values
 Bitmap Proxy Refresh Request valuesUsed by RefreshProxies() and GenerateProxies()
 Bitmap Proxy Request flags, used by LoadInto()
 Bitmap Proxy Load Request valuesUsed by LoadInto()
 Bitmap Filename Resolution Functions
 Page File PathThe folder location for bitmap tile pagefiles
 Memory Limit PercentageWhen paging is enabled, the pager swaps bitmap tiles from memory to disk, keeping the total bitmap usage below this limit
 Memory PaddingThis portion of available memory is set aside as unusable by the pager, affecting how the physical memory limit is computed from the memory limit percentage
 Memory Limit Auto ModeWhen enabled, Auto Mode adjusts the memory limit percentage automatically using a heuristic formula
 Shape Capping Types
 Object ChannelsSome of the sample code specifies these channels as PART_* as opposed to *_CHANNEL
 Command Super Classes
 Command Classes
 Command IDs
 Standard Command ModesThese are the ID's to the standard Max-defined command modes
 Pick Modes
 Attach to Group Commands
 Special Command IDsSpecial Command IDs used internally by the transform gizmo These are not to be used by third party developers
 Out of Range TypesOut of Range Types provide several methods of extrapolating the pattern of key dots in a track
 Actions performed by the behaviorThe following are flags which can be combined and returned from the Perform function
 Biped Interface 10Max 10 Biped export interface
 BIP file load max object retargeting optionsThe following are flags used to describe how to retarget max objects loaded from a BIP file
 BIP file controller and max object save optionsThe following are flags used to describe how to save controllers and max objects to BIP files
 BIP file controller and max object load optionsThe following are flags used to describe how to load controllers and max objects from BIP files
 Biped Interface 11Max 11 Biped export interface
 Biped Interface 12Max 12 Biped export interface
 Biped Interface 8Max 8 Biped export interface
 Biped Snapshot TypesThe following are flags sent to describe the type of snapshot a biped copy should store
 Biped TCB/IK Paste OptionsThe following are flags used to describe how the TCB and IK parameters are to pasted
 Biped ModesThe following are flags which describe new biped modes in Max 8
 Biped Interface 9Max 9 Biped export interface
 Well known menu guids.Define some menu guids used by the code of MAX
 click modifier flagsThis is a list of flags that determine modifier keys in effect when right clicking for a quad menu
 Well known quad menu guids.Define some menu guids used by the code of MAX
 Fixed font related methods3ds Max uses fixed, non-anti-aliased fonts only when this is strictly required
 User Interface (UI) font related methodsThe user interface of 3ds Max 2010 uses the font returned by GetUIFont()
 CUI Frame Position TypesThese can be ORed together, as in CUI_HORIZ_DOCK | CUI_VERT_DOCK | CUI_FLOATABLE | CUI_SM_HANDLES
 CUI Frame Orientations
 CUI Frame Size Types
 Tool Item Types
 Default Action System: ActionsThe following represent actions to be taken by the system when events described in Default Action System: Events occur
 Default Action System: EventsThe following represent events that can occur within the system (3ds Max) during its operation
 Class FlagsA set of flags that is passed to the BeginEditParams virtual method on classes that derive from Object
 ExposureMaterialControl: How to Implement
 Expression Types
 Expression Variable Types
 Expression Return Codes
 Auxiliary File Enumeration FlagsSome scene entities depend on data files other then .max files
 ImageFilter-Related MessagesSent by the plug-in to notify host of current progress
 ImageFilter Capability FlagsIt is valid for a plug-in to both Filter and Compositor
 G-Buffer Channel IndicesThe number of bytes is shown in parenthesis for each
 Image (G-Buffer) ChannelsThese descriptions indicate the number of bits per pixel occupied by each channel
 G-Buffer Channel TypesThese are the recognized types of G-Buffer channels
 Access to services exposed by 3ds Max's "core"The following methods allow access to classes that host services exposed by 3ds Max for plug-ins to use
 Core Interface ManagementA "core" interface is usually a singleton manager object that can be used by client code without explicitly creating an instance of a plug-in
 Display FlagsThe arguments for the "dispFlags" parameter in GraphicsWindow::processWireFaces(), and also for Mesh::dispFlags and BezierShape::dispFlags
 Steps Arguments <br>Arguments for the "steps" parameter in MakePolyShape()
 Selection Level FlagsArguments for BezierShape::selLevel
 Index_Arguments Interpolation Parameter Block Index ArgumentsSimpleSpline::ipblock index arguments, and also index arguments for ParamUIDesc::ParamUIDesc()
 Default Interpolation Settings
 Parameter types for shape interpolation(Must match types in spline3d.h & polyshp.h)
 Driver types
 Region Types(for built-in hit-testing)
 Region Directions
 Pi Constants
 Auto-Crossing Selection ModeUsed with Interface::SetSelectionType(), setAutoCross(), and getAutoCross()
 Custom Windows Messages
 General Purpose Graphics Constants
 Rendering Modes
 Lighting Constants
 Spotlight Shapes
 Texture Tiling Modes
 Texture Operations
 Texture Scale Factors
 Texture Alpha Sources
 View Volume Clip Flags
 Edge Styles
 Dual Plane Buffer Types
 GraphicsWindow::querySupport() Return ValuesThese are the possible return values from the function GraphicsWindow::querySupport()
 GraphicsWindow::querySupport() ArgumentsThese are valid arguments to the function GraphicsWindow::querySupport()
 Display State of the Graphics Window
 Pass Identification for Multi-Pass Rendering
 Light Attenuation Types
 Internal Flags
 Color Conversion Utilities
 Standard Color IDsThis is the list of the standard color IDs that 3ds Max registers
 Operation ModesPossible supported customized operation modes
 as one part of one customized mode's shortcut.Possible supported key as one part of one customized mode's shortcut.The key can be set in UI or by MAXScript
 button as one part of one customized mode's shortcut.Possible supported mouse button as one part of one customized mode's shortcut.The mouse button can be set in UI or by MAXScript
 used by some customized operation mode.Possible supported parameter used by some customized operation mode
 of zoom in direction used in customized zoom mode.Possible supported zoom in dierections.The zoom in direction can be set in UI or by MAXScript
 Custom Curve Control FlagsThese flags control various display aspects of the custom curve control which includes window gemometry and features
 DropTypesThe following is the list of built-in DropTypes provided with 3ds Max
 Manipulate Grip ItemsThe different select and manipulate mode grip items that can be toggled on or off
 FPStatus valuesOne of the following values are returned from the various FPInterface methods
 Grip Value TypesPossible supported grip item types
 Customization of GripsThis allows each grip item to get customized in some way that differentiate its behavior from the default behavior for that Type
 Spline IK ParametersProvides the PB2 parameter IDs particular to the SplineIK solver
 Instance Manager Make Unique OptionsThese options control whether a group of instanced objects are made unique with respect to each other or made unique with respect to the remaining instanced objects
 XRef Flag BitsThese flags are used by INode::SetXRefFlags and INode::GetXRefFlags
 Transform Lock Types
 Transform Lock Axis
 Painter Interface Color DefinesThese are IDs for the colors of the brush for use with the color manager
 Painter Interface Pressure DefinesThese are IDs to define what the pressure affects on a stroke
 Parameter Wire Menu FlagsThese flags determine the action taken when calling ParamWireMenu
 Render Preset Category DefinesEach set of properties that can be saved is called a Category
 Hierarchy EventsChanges to the scene structure of an object
 Model EventsChanges to the geometry or parameters of an object
 Material EventsChanges to the material on an object
 Controller EventsChanges to the controller on an object
 Property EventsChanges to object properties
 Display EventsChanges to the display or interactivity state of an object
 Parameter Block IDs
 Flag Bits for Keys
 Internal Dialog IDs
 Tab Dialog Messages
 Trackview Filter Mask TypesThese filters can be used with methods such as ITreeViewOps::SetFilter, ITreeViewOps::ClearFilter and ITreeViewOps::TestFilter
 System Error Log Message TypesThere are four types of log entries
 Macro Recorder Value TypesValue types
 Map Slot Types
 Material Flags
 Material Requirements Flags
 Texture Symmetry Flags
 Render Setting IDsUsed to define distinct sets of rendering parameters
 Duplicate Node Name ActionsThe following represent flags describing possible actions to be taken when merging nodes with names identical to the name of nodes already present in the scene
 Duplicate Material Name ActionsThe following represent flags describing possible action to be taken when merging materials with names identical to the names of materials already present in the scene
 Node Reparent ActionsThe following represent flags describing the possible actions to be taken regarding reparenting of nodes during a merge operation
 Object Xref OptionsThe following represent options governing how scene entities are xrefed
 PropertySet OptionsFor internal reasons these must be bitflags
 Viewport Degradation FlagsViewport degradation flags used by Interface7::RedrawViewportsNow
 Viewport Rendering LevelsThese values are used by Interface7::SetActiveViewportRenderLevel(int level)
 Extended Display ModesThese are flags used in Interface::SetExtendedDisplayMode() and Interface::GetExtendedDisplayMode() for catching various display/selection/hittesting events
 View Panel Layout ConfigurationsThe following IDs represent the various default viewport configurations that can be set using IViewPanel::SetLayout(int)
 Interface7::SetNodeAttribute DefinesNode attribute flags used by Interface7::SetNodeAttribute
 Interface::Execute Command OptionsSee Interface::Execute
 Track View Picking Flags IDsFlag values for Interface::TrackViewPickMultiDlg and Interface::TrackViewPickDlg
 Material Editor Dialog Mode values
 Trajectory Path coloring values
 3ds Max Commands
 MAX Directory IDsThe following IDs represent a set of application system directories that are used in various contexts
 Script Source TypesDefines the possible sources of the scripts executed by 3ds Max through the MAXScript engine
 ConstructorsDefault Constructor
 Concatenation OperatorsAssignment operator for a MaxString
 Comparison Operators and methods
 Setter Methods. These set the MaxString's content based on the string passed in.
 methods Instance methods for converting to other encodings.
 methodsMethods for Creating MaxString instances
 Page Query Methods
 conversion methods
 Conversion Classes
 I/O Results
 Mapping Flags
 Hidden Map Channels / Numbers
 Vertex Data Index OptionsThe following are the vertex data channel index values for use with the vertex data methods of class Mesh, class EPoly, and class MNMesh
 Data Types for Mesh VerticesThere are currently two types of data supported for mesh vertices: floating point values and colors
 Mesh, Vertex and Face FlagsThe following represent flags describing various flags that can be set on the mesh, vertices and faces
 Flags for Sub Object Hit TestThese are the same bits used for object level
 Mesh Selection Level BitsThese are the list of arguments for Mesh::selLevel current level of selection
 Mesh Normal Display FlagsThese bits Control the display of surface normals on the mesh object
 Optimization Flags
 Vertex Dot TypesVertex dot types with radius from 2 to 7
 Handle Box TypesHandle box types with radius from 2 to 7
 Boolean Operations for Meshes
 Edge's Visibility Constants
 First Edge-Visibility Bit Field
 Edge Visibility FlagsIf the bit is 1, the edge is visible
 Normal Face Usage FlagsFlags to indicate that face normal is used because no smoothing group normal is found
 Material ID Masks
 Render Options Flags
 RVertex FlagsRVertex flags: contain clip flags, number of normals at the vertex and the number of normals that have already been rendered
 MNMesh Component Flags
 Quad Chamfer Result Options
 Quad Chamfer Option Flags
 Quad Chamfer Version Values
 triangulation algorithms
 MNFace Flags
 Per-edge Data
 MNMesh FlagsThe following flags can be set on a MNMesh
 MNMesh Display Flags
 Flags for Sub Object Hit-Test
 Subdivision Flags
 Mouse Callback Messages
 Mouse Drag Modes
 Button Constants
 Mouse Call Back Flags
 System Notification CodesThe following pre-defined system notification codes may be passed to the global functions RegisterNotification(), UnRegisterNotification(), BroadcastNotification()
 Scene and Node Hit Test Types.
 Scene and Node Hit Testing FlagsThe following describes hit testing flags that can be sent to the node and scene hit testing methods
 Flags for the View classThese flags can be the arguments for View::flags
 Arguments for BaseObject::NewSetByOperator()These are valid arguments for the op parameter of the function BaseObject::NewSetByOperator()
 Clipping Distances
 Environment Range Distances
 Light object's attenuation range distance
 TraverseVolume flags
 Shadow types used by the light.Values returned from GetShadowMethod()
 Grid Types
 Return values of ParticleCenter()Value indicating where the particle geometry (mesh) lies in relation to the particle position
 GenerateMesh Options
 number of ShapeObject references/subanimsThe number of ShapeObject references/subanims are set to the number of references and subanims in the ShapeObject class, you can use them to make your code more bullet-proof should the number of references change in the future
 Parameter block reference indices
 Category strings for space warp objects
 Dimension Types
 List of ControlType Choices
 List of ParamTags Choices
 Version Macros
 Super Class IDs
 Predefined Class IDs
 Required Plug-in DLL FunctionsPlug-in DLLs must implement and export a number of functions in order to load and work properly in 3ds Max
 Optional Plug-in DLL FunctionsPlug-in DLLs can optionally take advantage of some 3ds Max features by implementing and exporting a number of functions
 Cloud Object ParamBlock IDs
 Snap Flags
 CapVert Flags
 Predefined PolyPt FlagsDevelopers can use bits 0-7 of the flags for their own use
 Predefined PolyPt flags2Flags2 field in PolyPt contains material IDs
 Option for PolyLine::Cap3DS /
 PolyLine Flags
 PartIDThis section describes the PartID parameter used to pass information that supports messages received by Reference Makers
 Reference Messages************** END OF PartIDs
 Material Browser FlagsFlag bits for DoMaterialBrowseDlg()
 Interface ID
 Render Instance Flags
 Extra Flags Field of RendParams
 Values Returned from Progress()
 Values Passed to SetCurField()
 Components definesThese are the bits for the active components of bump, reflection, refraction and opacity mapping
 Texture channel type flagsThere are four channels which are part of the Material which are not specific to the Shader
 Chunk IDs saved by base class
 Standard Parameter flagsStandard parameter flags for shaders
 Snap types
 Snap modes
 Snap Flags
 Point flags for PolyShape representation
 Line types
 Compound line types
 Knot types
 Parameter types.These are not currently used and are reserved for future use
 DrawPhase values
 Private spline flags
 SplitFilename - Split a filename into its componentsThese function is used to extract the path, filename and/or extension out of a fully-qualified path name
 SplitFilenameOld - Split a filename into its componentsSplitFilenameOld only handles actual file names passed, not AssetId strings
 NURBS ResultsThese results are returned when one is modifiying existing objects
 NURBSMirrorAxis TypesOne of the following enum values describe the axis of reflection for a mirror curve or surface
 NURBSConst TypesOne of the following enum values describes the type of NURBSConst this is
 NURBSObject KindsOne of the following enum values describes the kind of NURBSObject this is (sub-classed from which base class)
 NURBSParameterization TypesOne of the following enum values describes the types or reparameterization
 NURBSAutoParam TypesThese values describe how automatic reparameterization is handled
 NURBSObject TypesOne of the following enum values describes the type of NURBSObject this is
 NURBSTess TypesOne of the following enum values determines the tesselation type
 NURBSSubObjectLevel OptionsOne of the following enum values describes the sub-object level of the object
 NURBS Trim DirectionsDefines the side to Keep
 NURBSTextureSurface TypesDetermines the type of texture surface generated
 Schematic View Filter bits
 Schematic view colors
 Flags for AddAnimatable() and SvTravereseAnimGraph()These flags can be passed to IGraphObjectManager::AddAnimatable() and Animatable::SvTraverseAnimGraph()
 Flags for PushLevel()These flags can be passed to IGraphObjectManager::PushLevel()
 Texture Map IndicesThe following are the texture map indices used by shader based materials
 Screen-Time-Value MacrosThese are macros used when working with Track View to scale into and out of screen space
 Locale Handler APIs3ds Max provides APIs that help render correctly and consistently locale (region) specific information such as floating point numbers, date and time