ActionTableId Constants | These constants identify action tables (ActionTable) managed by 3ds Max |
Action Context IDs | IDs that identify action contexts (ActionContext) managed by 3ds Max |
Animatable Flags | Animatable flags are generally meant to be used in enumerations of Animatable instances where each instance must be visited only once |
List of interface IDs supported by different plugin types | List of interface IDs to be used with void* Animatable::GetInterface(ULONG id) Checking whether an animatable implements a certain interface is the recommended way for determining if that animatable can be used as the type represented by that interface |
Assert macros | The following macros can be used in 3ds Max plug-ins to assert assumptions made by the plug-in's code |
Bitmap Types | See also: BitmapStorage, Color, AColor, AColor, LogLUV32Pixel, LogLUV24Pixel, RealPixel |
Bitmap Open Mode Types | |
Bitmap Error (result) Codes | The following error codes are used by the functions that use or return BMMRES types |
BitmapIO Capability Flags | Returned by BitmapIO::Capability() |
Bitmap Close Types | |
Bitmap Filter Types | Specifies the type of filtering to perform |
Copy Image Operations | |
Bitmap Flags | These flag bits describe properties of the bitmap |
Custom Bitmap Flags | These can be OR'd together |
Bitmap Alignment Positions | The following values define the nine possible alignment positions of a bitmap, numbered 0 to 8, left-to-right and top-to-bottom:
Bitmap Proxy Subject Info | For proxy bitmaps, the bitmap info describes the reduced-size proxy settings, while the info's proxy subject describes the full-size subject bitmap |
Bitmap Proxy Render Mode | |
Bitmap Proxy Size Factor values | |
Bitmap Proxy Refresh Request values | Used by RefreshProxies() and GenerateProxies() |
Bitmap Proxy Request flags, used by LoadInto() | |
Bitmap Proxy Load Request values | Used by LoadInto() |
Bitmap Filename Resolution Functions | |
Page File Path | The folder location for bitmap tile pagefiles |
Memory Limit Percentage | When paging is enabled, the pager swaps bitmap tiles from memory to disk, keeping the total bitmap usage below this limit |
Memory Padding | This portion of available memory is set aside as unusable by the pager, affecting how the physical memory limit is computed from the memory limit percentage |
Memory Limit Auto Mode | When enabled, Auto Mode adjusts the memory limit percentage automatically using a heuristic formula |
Shape Capping Types | |
Object Channels | Some of the sample code specifies these channels as PART_* as opposed to *_CHANNEL |
Command Super Classes | |
Command Classes | |
Command IDs | |
Standard Command Modes | These are the ID's to the standard Max-defined command modes |
Pick Modes | |
Attach to Group Commands | |
Special Command IDs | Special Command IDs used internally by the transform gizmo These are not to be used by third party developers |
Out of Range Types | Out of Range Types provide several methods of extrapolating the pattern of key dots in a track |
Actions performed by the behavior | The following are flags which can be combined and returned from the Perform function |
Biped Interface 10 | Max 10 Biped export interface |
BIP file load max object retargeting options | The following are flags used to describe how to retarget max objects loaded from a BIP file |
BIP file controller and max object save options | The following are flags used to describe how to save controllers and max objects to BIP files |
BIP file controller and max object load options | The following are flags used to describe how to load controllers and max objects from BIP files |
Biped Interface 11 | Max 11 Biped export interface |
Biped Interface 12 | Max 12 Biped export interface |
Biped Interface 8 | Max 8 Biped export interface |
Biped Snapshot Types | The following are flags sent to describe the type of snapshot a biped copy should store |
Biped TCB/IK Paste Options | The following are flags used to describe how the TCB and IK parameters are to pasted |
Biped Modes | The following are flags which describe new biped modes in Max 8 |
Biped Interface 9 | Max 9 Biped export interface |
Well known menu guids. | Define some menu guids used by the code of MAX |
click modifier flags | This is a list of flags that determine modifier keys in effect when right clicking for a quad menu |
Well known quad menu guids. | Define some menu guids used by the code of MAX |
Fixed font related methods | 3ds Max uses fixed, non-anti-aliased fonts only when this is strictly required |
User Interface (UI) font related methods | The user interface of 3ds Max 2010 uses the font returned by GetUIFont() |
CUI Frame Position Types | These can be ORed together, as in CUI_HORIZ_DOCK | CUI_VERT_DOCK | CUI_FLOATABLE | CUI_SM_HANDLES |
CUI Frame Orientations | |
CUI Frame Size Types | |
Tool Item Types | |
Default Action System: Actions | The following represent actions to be taken by the system when events described in Default Action System: Events occur |
Default Action System: Events | The following represent events that can occur within the system (3ds Max) during its operation |
Class Flags | A set of flags that is passed to the BeginEditParams virtual method on classes that derive from Object |
ExposureMaterialControl: How to Implement | |
Expression Types | |
Expression Variable Types | |
Expression Return Codes | |
Auxiliary File Enumeration Flags | Some scene entities depend on data files other then .max files |
ImageFilter-Related Messages | Sent by the plug-in to notify host of current progress |
ImageFilter Capability Flags | It is valid for a plug-in to both Filter and Compositor |
G-Buffer Channel Indices | The number of bytes is shown in parenthesis for each |
Image (G-Buffer) Channels | These descriptions indicate the number of bits per pixel occupied by each channel |
G-Buffer Channel Types | These are the recognized types of G-Buffer channels |
Access to services exposed by 3ds Max's "core" | The following methods allow access to classes that host services exposed by 3ds Max for plug-ins to use |
Core Interface Management | A "core" interface is usually a singleton manager object that can be used by client code without explicitly creating an instance of a plug-in |
Display Flags | The arguments for the "dispFlags" parameter in GraphicsWindow::processWireFaces(), and also for Mesh::dispFlags and BezierShape::dispFlags |
Steps Arguments <br> | Arguments for the "steps" parameter in MakePolyShape() |
Selection Level Flags | Arguments for BezierShape::selLevel |
Index_Arguments Interpolation Parameter Block Index Arguments | SimpleSpline::ipblock index arguments, and also index arguments for ParamUIDesc::ParamUIDesc() |
Default Interpolation Settings | |
Parameter types for shape interpolation | (Must match types in spline3d.h & polyshp.h) |
Driver types | |
Region Types | (for built-in hit-testing) |
Region Directions | |
Pi Constants | |
Auto-Crossing Selection Mode | Used with Interface::SetSelectionType(), setAutoCross(), and getAutoCross() |
Custom Windows Messages | |
General Purpose Graphics Constants | |
Rendering Modes | |
Lighting Constants | |
Spotlight Shapes | |
Texture Tiling Modes | |
Texture Operations | |
Texture Scale Factors | |
Texture Alpha Sources | |
View Volume Clip Flags | |
Edge Styles | |
Dual Plane Buffer Types | |
GraphicsWindow::querySupport() Return Values | These are the possible return values from the function GraphicsWindow::querySupport() |
GraphicsWindow::querySupport() Arguments | These are valid arguments to the function GraphicsWindow::querySupport() |
Display State of the Graphics Window | |
Pass Identification for Multi-Pass Rendering | |
Light Attenuation Types | |
Internal Flags | |
Color Conversion Utilities | |
Standard Color IDs | This is the list of the standard color IDs that 3ds Max registers |
Operation Modes | Possible supported customized operation modes |
as one part of one customized mode's shortcut. | Possible supported key as one part of one customized mode's shortcut.The key can be set in UI or by MAXScript |
button as one part of one customized mode's shortcut. | Possible supported mouse button as one part of one customized mode's shortcut.The mouse button can be set in UI or by MAXScript |
used by some customized operation mode. | Possible supported parameter used by some customized operation mode |
of zoom in direction used in customized zoom mode. | Possible supported zoom in dierections.The zoom in direction can be set in UI or by MAXScript |
Custom Curve Control Flags | These flags control various display aspects of the custom curve control which includes window gemometry and features |
DropTypes | The following is the list of built-in DropTypes provided with 3ds Max |
Manipulate Grip Items | The different select and manipulate mode grip items that can be toggled on or off |
FPStatus values | One of the following values are returned from the various FPInterface methods |
Grip Value Types | Possible supported grip item types |
Customization of Grips | This allows each grip item to get customized in some way that differentiate its behavior from the default behavior for that Type |
Spline IK Parameters | Provides the PB2 parameter IDs particular to the SplineIK solver |
Instance Manager Make Unique Options | These options control whether a group of instanced objects are made unique with respect to each other or made unique with respect to the remaining instanced objects |
XRef Flag Bits | These flags are used by INode::SetXRefFlags and INode::GetXRefFlags |
Transform Lock Types | |
Transform Lock Axis | |
Painter Interface Color Defines | These are IDs for the colors of the brush for use with the color manager |
Painter Interface Pressure Defines | These are IDs to define what the pressure affects on a stroke |
Parameter Wire Menu Flags | These flags determine the action taken when calling ParamWireMenu |
Render Preset Category Defines | Each set of properties that can be saved is called a Category |
Hierarchy Events | Changes to the scene structure of an object |
Model Events | Changes to the geometry or parameters of an object |
Material Events | Changes to the material on an object |
Controller Events | Changes to the controller on an object |
Property Events | Changes to object properties |
Display Events | Changes to the display or interactivity state of an object |
Parameter Block IDs | |
Flag Bits for Keys | |
Internal Dialog IDs | |
Tab Dialog Messages | |
Trackview Filter Mask Types | These filters can be used with methods such as ITreeViewOps::SetFilter, ITreeViewOps::ClearFilter and ITreeViewOps::TestFilter |
System Error Log Message Types | There are four types of log entries |
Macro Recorder Value Types | Value types |
Map Slot Types | |
Material Flags | |
Material Requirements Flags | |
Texture Symmetry Flags | |
Render Setting IDs | Used to define distinct sets of rendering parameters |
Duplicate Node Name Actions | The following represent flags describing possible actions to be taken when merging nodes with names identical to the name of nodes already present in the scene |
Duplicate Material Name Actions | The following represent flags describing possible action to be taken when merging materials with names identical to the names of materials already present in the scene |
Node Reparent Actions | The following represent flags describing the possible actions to be taken regarding reparenting of nodes during a merge operation |
Object Xref Options | The following represent options governing how scene entities are xrefed |
PropertySet Options | For internal reasons these must be bitflags |
Viewport Degradation Flags | Viewport degradation flags used by Interface7::RedrawViewportsNow |
Viewport Rendering Levels | These values are used by Interface7::SetActiveViewportRenderLevel(int level) |
Extended Display Modes | These are flags used in Interface::SetExtendedDisplayMode() and Interface::GetExtendedDisplayMode() for catching various display/selection/hittesting events |
View Panel Layout Configurations | The following IDs represent the various default viewport configurations that can be set using IViewPanel::SetLayout(int) |
Interface7::SetNodeAttribute Defines | Node attribute flags used by Interface7::SetNodeAttribute |
Interface::Execute Command Options | See Interface::Execute |
Track View Picking Flags IDs | Flag values for Interface::TrackViewPickMultiDlg and Interface::TrackViewPickDlg |
Material Editor Dialog Mode values | |
Trajectory Path coloring values | |
3ds Max Commands | |
MAX Directory IDs | The following IDs represent a set of application system directories that are used in various contexts |
Script Source Types | Defines the possible sources of the scripts executed by 3ds Max through the MAXScript engine |
Constructors | Default Constructor |
Concatenation Operators | Assignment operator for a MaxString |
Comparison Operators and methods | |
Setter Methods. These set the MaxString's content based on the string passed in. | |
methods Instance methods for converting to other encodings. | |
methods | Methods for Creating MaxString instances |
Page Query Methods | |
conversion methods | |
Conversion Classes | |
I/O Results | |
Mapping Flags | |
Hidden Map Channels / Numbers | |
Vertex Data Index Options | The following are the vertex data channel index values for use with the vertex data methods of class Mesh, class EPoly, and class MNMesh |
Data Types for Mesh Vertices | There are currently two types of data supported for mesh vertices: floating point values and colors |
Mesh, Vertex and Face Flags | The following represent flags describing various flags that can be set on the mesh, vertices and faces |
Flags for Sub Object Hit Test | These are the same bits used for object level |
Mesh Selection Level Bits | These are the list of arguments for Mesh::selLevel current level of selection |
Mesh Normal Display Flags | These bits Control the display of surface normals on the mesh object |
Optimization Flags | |
Vertex Dot Types | Vertex dot types with radius from 2 to 7 |
Handle Box Types | Handle box types with radius from 2 to 7 |
Boolean Operations for Meshes | |
Edge's Visibility Constants | |
First Edge-Visibility Bit Field | |
Edge Visibility Flags | If the bit is 1, the edge is visible |
Normal Face Usage Flags | Flags to indicate that face normal is used because no smoothing group normal is found |
Material ID Masks | |
Render Options Flags | |
RVertex Flags | RVertex flags: contain clip flags, number of normals at the vertex and the number of normals that have already been rendered |
MNMesh Component Flags | |
Quad Chamfer Result Options | |
Quad Chamfer Option Flags | |
Quad Chamfer Version Values | |
triangulation algorithms | |
MNFace Flags | |
Per-edge Data | |
MNMesh Flags | The following flags can be set on a MNMesh |
MNMesh Display Flags |
Flags for Sub Object Hit-Test | |
Subdivision Flags | |
Mouse Callback Messages | |
Mouse Drag Modes | |
Button Constants | |
Mouse Call Back Flags | |
►System Notification Codes | The following pre-defined system notification codes may be passed to the global functions RegisterNotification(), UnRegisterNotification(), BroadcastNotification() |
The name change notifications. | Sent if a export fails or is cancelled |
Scene and Node Hit Test Types. | |
Scene and Node Hit Testing Flags | The following describes hit testing flags that can be sent to the node and scene hit testing methods |
Flags for the View class | These flags can be the arguments for View::flags |
Arguments for BaseObject::NewSetByOperator() | These are valid arguments for the op parameter of the function BaseObject::NewSetByOperator() |
Clipping Distances | |
Environment Range Distances | |
Light object's attenuation range distance | |
TraverseVolume flags | |
Shadow types used by the light. | Values returned from GetShadowMethod() |
Grid Types | |
Return values of ParticleCenter() | Value indicating where the particle geometry (mesh) lies in relation to the particle position |
GenerateMesh Options | |
number of ShapeObject references/subanims | The number of ShapeObject references/subanims are set to the number of references and subanims in the ShapeObject class, you can use them to make your code more bullet-proof should the number of references change in the future |
Parameter block reference indices | |
Category strings for space warp objects | |
Dimension Types | |
List of ControlType Choices | |
List of ParamTags Choices | |
IChannelContainer.h | |
IMXSParticleContainer.h | |
IParticleChannelAmount.h | |
IParticleChannelAngAxis.h | |
IParticleChannelBool.h | |
IParticleChannelExt.h | |
IParticleChannelFloat.h | |
IParticleChannelID.h | |
IParticleChannelINode.h | |
IParticleChannelInt.h | |
IParticleChannelMap.h | |
IParticleChannelMatrix3.h | |
IParticleChannelMeshMap.h | |
IParticleChannelNew.h | |
IParticleChannelPTV.h | |
IParticleChannelQuat.h | |
IParticleChannelTabTVFace.h | |
IParticleChannelVoid.h | |
IParticleGroup.h | |
IParticleGroupExt.h | |
IPFAction.h | |
IPFActionExt.h | |
IPFActionList.h | |
IPFActionListMaterialHolder.h | |
IPFActionListPool.h | |
IPFActionListSet.h | |
IPFActionState.h | |
IPFArrow.h | |
IPFIntegrator.h | |
IPFOperator.h | |
IPFRender.h | |
IPFSystem.h | |
IPFSystemPool.h | |
IPFTest.h | |
IPFViewport.h | |
IPViewItem.h | |
IPViewItemCreator.h | |
IPViewManager.h | |
OneClickCreateCallBack.h | |
ParticleChannelMask.h | |
PFSimpleTest.h | |
Version Macros | |
Super Class IDs | |
Predefined Class IDs | |
Required Plug-in DLL Functions | Plug-in DLLs must implement and export a number of functions in order to load and work properly in 3ds Max |
Optional Plug-in DLL Functions | Plug-in DLLs can optionally take advantage of some 3ds Max features by implementing and exporting a number of functions |
Cloud Object ParamBlock IDs | |
Snap Flags | |
CapVert Flags | |
Predefined PolyPt Flags | Developers can use bits 0-7 of the flags for their own use |
Predefined PolyPt flags2 | Flags2 field in PolyPt contains material IDs |
Option for PolyLine::Cap3DS / | |
PolyLine Flags | |
PartID | This section describes the PartID parameter used to pass information that supports messages received by Reference Makers |
Reference Messages | ************** END OF PartIDs |
Material Browser Flags | Flag bits for DoMaterialBrowseDlg() |
Interface ID | |
Render Instance Flags | |
Extra Flags Field of RendParams | |
Values Returned from Progress() | |
Values Passed to SetCurField() | |
Components defines | These are the bits for the active components of bump, reflection, refraction and opacity mapping |
Texture channel type flags | There are four channels which are part of the Material which are not specific to the Shader |
Chunk IDs saved by base class | |
Standard Parameter flags | Standard parameter flags for shaders |
Snap types | |
Snap modes | |
Snap Flags | |
Point flags for PolyShape representation | |
Line types | |
Compound line types | |
Knot types | |
Parameter types. | These are not currently used and are reserved for future use |
DrawPhase values | |
Private spline flags | |
SplitFilename - Split a filename into its components | These function is used to extract the path, filename and/or extension out of a fully-qualified path name |
SplitFilenameOld - Split a filename into its components | SplitFilenameOld only handles actual file names passed, not AssetId strings |
NURBS Results | These results are returned when one is modifiying existing objects |
NURBSMirrorAxis Types | One of the following enum values describe the axis of reflection for a mirror curve or surface |
NURBSConst Types | One of the following enum values describes the type of NURBSConst this is |
NURBSObject Kinds | One of the following enum values describes the kind of NURBSObject this is (sub-classed from which base class) |
NURBSParameterization Types | One of the following enum values describes the types or reparameterization |
NURBSAutoParam Types | These values describe how automatic reparameterization is handled |
NURBSObject Types | One of the following enum values describes the type of NURBSObject this is |
NURBSTess Types | One of the following enum values determines the tesselation type |
NURBSSubObjectLevel Options | One of the following enum values describes the sub-object level of the object |
NURBS Trim Directions | Defines the side to Keep |
NURBSTextureSurface Types | Determines the type of texture surface generated |
Schematic View Filter bits | |
Schematic view colors | |
Flags for AddAnimatable() and SvTravereseAnimGraph() | These flags can be passed to IGraphObjectManager::AddAnimatable() and Animatable::SvTraverseAnimGraph() |
Flags for PushLevel() | These flags can be passed to IGraphObjectManager::PushLevel() |
Texture Map Indices | The following are the texture map indices used by shader based materials |
Screen-Time-Value Macros | These are macros used when working with Track View to scale into and out of screen space |
Locale Handler APIs | 3ds Max provides APIs that help render correctly and consistently locale (region) specific information such as floating point numbers, date and time |
ViewportDrawingColors | |