Desktop Connector 16.x FAQ

Desktop Connector version 16.x introduced many exciting new capabilities that are detailed in this help documentation. There are some key differences when compared to 15.x versions that should be considered before choosing to install the Latest Version of Desktop Connector.

Topics in this Section

Why should I consider moving to Desktop Connector 16.x?

These changes apply to the Autodesk Docs Connector. The Autodesk Docs connector has been redesigned making it faster, providing better feedback, and adding support of familiar file explorer workflows.

Are there changes with installing Desktop Connector 16.x?

Are there any File Explorer behavior changes between 15.x and 16.x?

The following changes being discussed are for the Autodesk Docs Connector only.

Yes, with Desktop Connector 16.x versions you can now use many of the standard Windows File Explorer File Explorer Icon commands you are accustomed to using. Desktop Connector 15.x versions did not provide these commands. With these enhancements come changes to behaviors that you may have relied on previously with Desktop Connector 15.x versions.

These changes include:

  1. Desktop Connector 16.x versions can no longer block users from moving, renaming, or deleting folders representing the Autodesk Docs Account/Hub, Project, and Project files in File Explorer.

    Warning: Doing so while Desktop Connector is running may result in data being deleted in Autodesk Docs.

    Tip: If you are looking to save space on your local machine consider using the “Free Up Space” command or use “Select Projects” to safely remove data from your local machine. Before using Free Up Space or Select Projects commands be sure that there are no unsynced files/folders in the workspace. Refer to the section Collecting and Viewing Sync Data for additional information.

  2. The default command when dragging and dropping files/folders in Desktop Connector 16.x is now “Move”, matching the default behavior when using Windows File Explorer.

    Warning: Moving files or folders from the Autodesk Docs Connector to a location on your local machine (that is, Desktop, Documents, etc.), that is not managed by Desktop Connector, will result in data being deleted from the cloud. Essentially you have told Desktop Connector to move the data to the new location and remove it from Autodesk Docs.

    Tip: It is recommended to hold the Control (CTRL) key when performing a drag and drop to make certain a copy of the data is made instead of moving it. When using Desktop Connector 15.x versions, the default behavior for a drag and drop was “Copy”.

Important: If data is accidentally deleted in Autodesk Docs because of the changes in behavior, you can restore these items in the Autodesk Docs web interface. Learn more about the “Deleted Items” capability here.

The Desktop Connector team is actively looking at ways to improve in this area. If you have suggestions on how to improve, you can submit new ideas on the Desktop Connector Public Roadmap. To help prevent accidental deletes see “Delete Confirmation – Are You Sure”?

Are there changes to the way I access my Autodesk Docs projects?

Are there changes to Autodesk Docs connector permissions?

Full Path Support

Can my company use versions 15.x and 16.x on the same project?

Can I collaborate in a mixed Desktop Connector version environment?

What if I am on version 16.4 and the contractor and others are on version 16.2. Is that a problem or unsupported?

Can I access files when Desktop Connector 16.x is not running?

What can cause the Autodesk Docs Connector to not sync files locally?

Are there any changes when uploading data to Autodesk Docs?

Does Desktop Connector 16.x support long paths?

Yes, Version 16.x changed the way that long paths are handled in the Autodesk Docs connector and those files are supported.

Are there features missing in Desktop Connector 16.x?

What should I expect when using Navisworks with Desktop Connector 16.x?

Are Inventor workflows supported with Desktop Connector 16.x?

Using Desktop Connector v16.4+ with Vault

Note: This may automatically get updated upon editing, be sure to click Ok when exiting the dialog.

Known issues or limitations using Vault and Desktop Connector