Add Risk Categories and Components

Likelihood of Failure (LoF) and Consequence of Failure (CoF) are made up of categories and components.

See Risk for more information on the structure of a risk model.

You may also want to familiarize yourself with how risk scores are calculated, before setting up your categories and components.

To add categories and components:

  1. Go to either the Likelihood of Failure Setup or the Consequence of Failure Setup tab.
  2. Select Add Category.
  3. Enter a category name and then click Add Category.

    You can add as many categories as you like, but their weighting must add up to 100%.

  4. Select Add Component.

    You can add as many components as you like, but their weighting must add up to 100%.

    Note: If a component's weight is set to 0%, it will be excluded from the risk model.
  5. Enter a Component Name, and select a Type and a Field or Data Source. The available types are:
    • Attribute: Score assets using the fields that you mapped when importing your asset data. See Import Asset Data. For example, the year the pipe was laid.
    • Simulation: Score assets using simulation result data uploaded from InfoWorks WS Pro, InfoWorks ICM, or InfoWater Pro.
    • Task: Score assets using the fields you mapped when importing your work tasks. See Upload Work Tasks. For example, the repair type or cleaning method.

      Info360 Asset uses the data from the most recently completed task for each asset.

    • Spatial Proximity: Score assets based on spatial proximity to a spatial data layer you imported. See Import Spatial Data. For example, proximity to railroads or bodies of water.
    • Spatial Proximity - Attribute: Score assets based on attributes in a spatial data layer you imported and a set distance (maximum search distance). For example, proximity to roads of different classifications (minor vs major roads); pipes within 60 ft of a major highway can be given a higher score than pipes within 60 ft of a minor local road.
    • Custom Table: Score assets using fields that you mapped when importing a custom table. See Import Custom Tables.
    • Observation (LoF only): Score pipes using observation defect codes from the latest approved PACP inspection.

      See Set Up Likelihood of Failure for more information on observation components and the Condition category.

    • Multi Parameter: Score assets based on a combination of two different parameters. See Multi Parameter Risk Components.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Set the scores for the component:
    1. For numerical values, choose how many classes (rows) you want using the drop-down in the top-right corner.
    2. For numerical values, adjust the ranges if you wish. If you do, select Recalculate Asset Count to update the counts.
    3. Enter a score for each range or value.
    4. The value '--' means no data.
    Note: It is useful to be familiar with your data when setting these scores.
  8. Click Create.
  9. Select a weighting for the component.
  10. Repeat for your other categories and components and make sure everything adds up to 100%.
  11. Save the configuration.

'Use highest score from components as overall category score'

This option can be used for categories with multiple components. If checked, when calculating overall risk scores, it will use the single highest component score instead of adding the scores for each component. For example, if you have components for proximity to different critical facilities (schools, hospitals, etc.) you may want to use this option so that the asset scores highly if it is close to any of these facilities.