Preferences Class Reference

Preferences Class Reference
+ Related help topics:

#include <preferences.h>

Class Description

Holds Mudbox application preferences.

Most of the data members will be removed from the SDK in future releases. For more information about adding an item to preferences see Preferences::Integer.

Definition at line 70 of file preferences.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for Preferences:


class  Bool
 This class is a simple boolean preference, appears as a checkbox. See Preferences::Integer for details. More...
class  Color
 This class represents a color item in the preferences. See Preferences::Integer for mode details. More...
class  Enum
 This class represents a enum item, appears as a combo box. See Preferences::Enum for mode details. More...
class  Float
 This class represents a float value, appears as an editbox and a slider. See Preferences::Integer for mode details. More...
class  Integer
 This class holds a simple integer preference. More...
class  String
 This class represents a string preference value. See Preferences::Integer for mode details. More...
class  Vector
 This class represents a 3d vector item. See Preferences::Integer for mode details. More...

Public Types

enum  HighlightEdgeBleedOverlapMethod { eNone = 0, eImage = 1, eGeometry = 2 }
- Public Types inherited from Node
enum  DiagnosticLevel { dgnLevel1, dgnLevel2, dgnLevel3 }
 Indicates the level of validity checking that is performed in CheckValidity() More...

Public Member Functions

 Preferences (void)
 ~Preferences (void)
void Serialize (Stream &)
 Serializes the node. More...
void ProcessLine (QString &sSrc, QString &sName, QString &sValue)
void SavePaths (void)
bool LoadPaths (void)
QString FindSettings (QString &sDir)
QString DefaultDataPath () const
AttributeRegisterVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, Attribute::AttributeType eType, const QString &sDefaultValue)
afloatrRegisterFloatVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, float fDefaultValue)
aboolRegisterBoolVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, bool bDefaultValue)
astringRegisterStringVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, const QString &sDefaultValue)
acolorRegisterColorVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, const mudbox::Color &cDefaultValue)
aintRegisterIntegerVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, int iDefaultValue)
avectorRegisterVectorVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, const mudbox::Vector &vDefaultValue)
aenumRegisterEnumVariable (const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, int iDefaultValue)
void OnNodeEvent (const Attribute &, NodeEventType)
 This function is called if an event occurs with any of the attributes of the node. More...
const ClassDescSelectedMeshRenderer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Node
 Node (const QString &sStringID="", const QString &sDisplayName="")
 Standard constructor. More...
virtual ~Node (void)
virtual void Initialize (void)
void LoadTemplate (const QString &sFileName="", bool bStartEvent=false)
 Use an external XML file to initialize the attributes. More...
void SaveTemplate (const QString &sFileName="", bool bSaveOnlyVisible=false)
 Save current attributes as an XML template. More...
unsigned int Version (void) const
 Returns the current version of the node. This number increases when the content of the node changed (when ContentChanged() called). More...
void SetVersion (unsigned int iVersion)
 Sets the current version number for the node. More...
unsigned int ReferenceCount (void) const
 Returns the number of pointers referencing this node. More...
AttributeReferencePointer (unsigned int iIndex) const
 Returns the address of an attribute which refers to this node. The type of the attribute is always aptr. More...
NodeReferenceNode (unsigned int iIndex) const
 Returns the address of a node referencing this node. More...
virtual QString Name (const ClassDesc *pClass=0) const
 Deprecated. More...
virtual void SetName (const QString &sName)
 Deprecated. More...
virtual QString StringID (const ClassDesc *pClass=0) const
 Returns the string id of the node. More...
virtual void SetStringID (const QString &sStringID)
 Sets the string id of the node. More...
virtual QString DisplayName (void) const
 Returns the display name of the node. More...
virtual void SetDisplayName (const QString &sDisplayName)
 Sets the display name of the node. More...
virtual QString HelpID (void) const
 Returns the help entry id of the node. Can be overwritten in derived classes. More...
virtual void SetHelpID (const QString &sHelpID)
 Sets the help entry id of the node. More...
void Annex (Node *pSource, const QString &sCategory="")
 Relink all the attributes of the source node to this one. More...
bool IsKindOf (const ClassDesc *pClass) const
 Returns true if this node is derived from the pClass class. More...
void ContentChanged (void) const
 This function must be called if the content of the node is changed. More...
virtual void CheckValidity (DiagnosticLevel iLevel=dgnLevel2) const
 Checks the validity of this node. More...
virtual void CopyTo (Node *pNode) const
virtual NodeDuplicate (void) const
virtual void OnEvent (const EventGate &cEvent)
 This function is called when a generic event occurs. See EventGate class. More...
void RequestDeferredEvent (Attribute &cAttribute)
 Request for a deferred event, which will occur only in the main loop. More...
unsigned int AttributeCount (void) const
 Returns the number of attributes owned by the node. More...
AttributeAttributeByIndex (int iIndex) const
 Returns a specified attribute (or 0 if iIndex is greater than the number of attributes). More...
AttributeAttributeByName (const QString &sName) const
 Returns a specified attribute by its name. Returns 0 if the attribute not found. More...
AttributeAttributeByID (const QString &sID) const
 Returns a specified attribute by its ID. Returns 0 if the attribute not found. More...
void SetAttributeValue (const QString &sAttributeID, const QString &sNewValue)
 Set the value of an attribute from a string. More...
QString AttributeValue (const QString &sAttributeID) const
 Returns the current value of an attribute as a string. More...
void LogAttributes (void) const
 Write all attributes into the log file. More...
virtual QWidgetCreatePropertiesWindow (QWidget *pParent)
 Create a window which displays the attributes of the node. Can be overriden to provide a custom interface. More...
AttributeAddAttribute (Attribute::AttributeType type, const QString &id)
 Allows SDK users to add attributes at runtime. More...
NodeNext (void) const
 Returns the next node in the chain. Used to enumerate the current nodes. See also First(). More...
int ID (void) const
 Returns an ID for the node. The ID is unique in the whole application life. More...
bool SetID (int iID)
 Set ID for the node. More...

Public Attributes

abool m_bCheckFrustum
abool m_bMultiThreadRender
abool m_bHighlightBrushArea
aint m_iFastBrushLevel
abool m_bFocusWhenEmpty
abool m_bFocusWhenNotEmpty
abool m_bZoomWhileFocus
abool m_bPickBothSide
abool m_bUseVideoMemory
abool m_bRemoveLevels
abool m_bRemoveOctree
abool m_bSmoothPos
abool m_bCreateUVs
abool m_bSmoothUV
abool m_bPreserveBorders
abool m_bPreserveUVBorders
abool m_bEnableCreasing
abool m_bPreserveHardEdges
abool m_bCreaseHardEdges
aenum m_iBoundaryRule
aenum m_eDefaultMaterial
abool m_bDisableLODChange
abool m_bNoPaintUndo
aenum m_eSoloLayerVisibility
aint m_fMinPenPressure
aint m_fMaxPenPressure
aint m_iGridSize
aint m_iGridSteps
aint m_iDoubleClickTime
abool m_bWireOnShaded
aenum m_bWireframeType
abool m_bShowPickedFace
aint m_iWireLevel
aenum m_eImportAutofocus
bool m_bFlatLighting
bool m_bFacetedShading
bool m_bLighting
abool m_bDisplayCreaseNormals
afloatr m_fCameraDollySensitivity
afloatr m_fCameraTrackSensitivity
afloatr m_fCameraRotateSensitivity
abool m_bOptimizeMeshes
abool m_bShowLayerMask
abool m_bUseDraftRender
abool m_bShowFrozenVertices
aint m_iPointRenderRarity
aint m_iDraftRenderMinFaceCount
abool m_bHUDProjectedSubdiv
abool m_bHUDSelected
abool m_bHUDVisible
abool m_bHUDFPS
abool m_bHUDRendered
aint m_iHUDProjectedXSubdivisionLevel
aint m_iMinutesToAlarm
aint m_iBuildUpRate
afloatr m_fPressureTreshold
afloatr m_fStencilRotateSensitivity
abool m_bForceVidmemRender
abool m_bUseLocalYForCameraRotation
aenum m_iCameraControlMode
afloatr m_fRollArea
abool m_bSaveIndicator
abool m_bSelectPicked
abool m_bLocalFocus
aint m_iMirrorPlanes
Store< mudbox::Vectorm_aMirrorPlaneNormals
Store< mudbox::Vectorm_aMirrorPlanePositions
abool m_bMirrorLocal
abool m_bUseQtFileDialog
afloatr m_fSmartFocus
acolor m_cViewportCenter
acolor m_cViewportTop
acolor m_cViewportBottom
acolor m_cViewportFlat
acolor m_cGrid
acolor m_cGridAxis
acolor m_cLocked
acolor m_cSelection
acolor m_cMask
acolor m_cActiveLayer
acolor m_cInactiveLayer
acolor m_cLayerMask
acolor m_cMirrorGrid
acolor m_cSceneInfoBg
acolor m_cFalloffCurve
acolor m_cFalloffHull
acolor m_cFalloffFill
acolor m_cExpandedUV
aenum m_eUnitLinear
aenum m_eFaceSelectionMode
aenum m_eObjectSelectionMode
float m_aLinearUnitRates [4]
astring m_sDefaultObjDir
astring m_sDefaultMudDir
astring m_sDefaultStampDir
astring m_sDefaultStencilDir
astring m_sDefaultIconDir
astring m_sDefaultImagePlaneDir
astring m_sDefaultTextureLayerDir
astring m_sDefaultPSDDir
astring m_sDefaultSaveScreenDir
astring m_sLogPath
astring m_sTempPath
astring m_sSettingsPath
astring m_sDataPath
astring m_sTexturePath
astring m_sMayaInstallPath
abool m_bPathsChanged
abool m_bExpertHidesWest
abool m_bExpertHidesNorth
abool m_bExpertHidesSouth
abool m_bExpertHidesEast
abool m_bExpertHidesMenu
abool m_bExpertHidesStatus
aint m_iDragBoxSize
abool m_bShowLearningMovies
abool m_bShowWelcomeDialog
abool m_bWhatsNewHighlight
aenum m_eWhatsNewVersion
abool m_bWhatsNewBoxOnStartup
acolor m_cWhatsNewHighlightColor
abool m_bShowViewCube
abool m_bEnableMTGestures
aenum m_eTouchPadMTSupport
abool m_bHUDInfoMessage
abool m_bHUDHelpMessage
aenum m_iHelpType
astring m_sHelpLocation
abool m_bCompressFiles
abool m_bOBJThumbnail
abool m_bMUDContainsView
abool m_bMUDContainsBrush
abool m_bCull
abool m_bCreateBackup
abool m_bShowTileInfo
aenum m_bRenderSelectedPerFace
aint m_iMapWidth
aint m_iMapHeight
astring m_sOutputDir
abool m_bExtractNormal
abool m_bExtractDisplacement
abool m_bSmoothNormals
aint m_iSmoothLevel
aint m_iNormalSpace
afloat m_fRayTravel
aint m_eRayCenter
abool m_bPickBothSides
aint m_iEdgeBleed
aint m_iNormalFormat
aint m_iDisplacementFormat
aint m_iSubdivLow
astring m_sNormalFileName
astring m_sDisplacementFileName
abool m_bSkipEmptyMaps
aint m_iExtUDim
aint m_iUStart
abool m_bSelectedFacesOnly
astring m_sLowObjectName
astring m_sHighObjectName
abool m_bInvertTangent
abool m_bInvertBinormal
afloat m_fAreaTreshold
astring m_sTileRange
afloat m_fMiddleValue
aint m_iFirstTileIndex
aint m_iDispUDim
aint m_iMaskChannel
aint m_iNegativeDisplacementChannel
aint m_iPositiveDisplacementChannel
aint m_iXSubdivisionLevel
astring m_sObjectName
astring m_sDisplacementFileMask
astring m_sMaskFileMask
aenum m_eTextureRatio
afloat m_fTextureRatio
aenum m_eTiffCompression
avoid m_lExpertModeLabel
abool m_bMultisampling
astring m_sNextCommand
Store< Attribute * > m_aPluginAttributes
aenum m_eMeshRenderers
afloatr m_fPaintBleedDistance
 Specifies a distance how far the edge bleeding should go over UV edges during painting. More...
abool m_bRenderEdgeBleed
aenum m_eHighlightEdgeBleedOverlap
abool m_bBleedRejectOverlap
afloatr m_fPaintBrushOffset
abool m_bFastDryBrush
astring m_sExportFilter
abool m_bUse16bitinternalformat
abool m_bHideEULANag
aint m_movieWidth
 movie-recording preferences More...
aint m_movieHeight
aint m_movieRecordFps
aint m_moviePlaybackFps
abool m_moviePauseWhenIdle
abool m_movieUses3dView
astring m_sPaintLayerFormat
 Paint layer dialog preferences. More...
aint m_iPaintLayerSize
AttributeLocale m_langui
 i18n More...
AttributeLocale m_langhelp
AttributeLocale m_locale
abool m_bUseGigatexelEngine
 Gigatexel engine. More...
afloatr m_fPaintBufferMemoryBudget
abool m_bLoadProxyTextures
astring m_sUILayoutPath
 UI layout preferences. More...
abool m_bLockUILayout
aenum m_eInteractionModeSelected
abool m_bUseTwoChannelTextures
abool m_bDisplayCurvePoints
astring m_sSelectedBrushName
bool m_bLoadingPaths
abool m_bInitialized3DConnexion
 3DConnexion More...
aint m_iSpeed
aint m_iInputThreshold
aint m_iDollyMode
abool m_bKeepSceneUpright
abool m_bCenterPivotOnSelection
abool m_bPanZoom
abool m_bTiltSpinRoll
- Public Attributes inherited from Node
AttributeThisPointer m_pThis

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Node
static void StartHashing ()
 This is called once in main once static ctors are done. More...
static NodeFirst (void)
 This function will return the first node in the memory. Used to enumerate all the current nodes. See also Next(). More...
static NodeByID (int iID)
 Returns the node with the specified ID, or zero if such a node does not exists. More...
static NodeByName (const QString &sClass, const QString &sName)
 Search for a node with the name sName. More...

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 257 of file preferences.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

~Preferences ( void  )

Member Function Documentation

void Serialize ( Stream s)

Serializes the node.

Override this function in your plug-in to save and load attributes and custom data with the Mudbox file.

Reimplemented from Node.

void ProcessLine ( QString sSrc,
QString sName,
QString sValue 
void SavePaths ( void  )
bool LoadPaths ( void  )
QString FindSettings ( QString sDir)
QString DefaultDataPath ( ) const
Attribute* RegisterVariable ( const QString sName,
const QString sCategory,
const QString sNameTr,
const QString sCategoryTr,
Attribute::AttributeType  eType,
const QString sDefaultValue 
afloatr* RegisterFloatVariable ( const QString sName,
const QString sCategory,
const QString sNameTr,
const QString sCategoryTr,
float  fDefaultValue 

Definition at line 85 of file preferences.h.

85 { return (afloatr *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeFloat, QString("%1").arg(fDefaultValue) ); };
Attribute * RegisterVariable(const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, Attribute::AttributeType eType, const QString &sDefaultValue)
AttributeFloatRange afloatr
Definition: node.h:1053
Standard float, 4 bytes.
Definition: node.h:191
abool* RegisterBoolVariable ( const QString sName,
const QString sCategory,
const QString sNameTr,
const QString sCategoryTr,
bool  bDefaultValue 

Definition at line 86 of file preferences.h.

86 { return (abool *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeBool, bDefaultValue ? "true" : "false" ); };
Attribute * RegisterVariable(const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, Attribute::AttributeType eType, const QString &sDefaultValue)
Standard bool, 1 bytes.
Definition: node.h:193
AttributeInstance< bool > abool
This type has to be used instead of the general bool type.
Definition: node.h:531
astring* RegisterStringVariable ( const QString sName,
const QString sCategory,
const QString sNameTr,
const QString sCategoryTr,
const QString sDefaultValue 

Definition at line 87 of file preferences.h.

87 { return (astring *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeString, sDefaultValue ); };
Attribute * RegisterVariable(const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, Attribute::AttributeType eType, const QString &sDefaultValue)
String attribute, can store any UNICODE text.
Definition: node.h:195
AttributeInstance< QString > astring
This type has to be used instead of the String type.
Definition: node.h:533
acolor* RegisterColorVariable ( const QString sName,
const QString sCategory,
const QString sNameTr,
const QString sCategoryTr,
const mudbox::Color cDefaultValue 

Definition at line 88 of file preferences.h.

88 { return (acolor *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeColor, QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(cDefaultValue.r).arg(cDefaultValue.g).arg(cDefaultValue.b).arg(cDefaultValue.a) ); };
QString arg(qlonglong a, int fieldwidth=0, int base=10, const QChar &fillChar=QLatin1Char(' ')) const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Attribute * RegisterVariable(const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, Attribute::AttributeType eType, const QString &sDefaultValue)
Color attribute, 4xfloat, See Color.
Definition: node.h:199
AttributeInstance< Color > acolor
Definition: math.h:806
float b
Definition: math.h:783
float g
Definition: math.h:783
float a
Definition: math.h:783
float r
Definition: math.h:783
aint* RegisterIntegerVariable ( const QString sName,
const QString sCategory,
const QString sNameTr,
const QString sCategoryTr,
int  iDefaultValue 

Definition at line 89 of file preferences.h.

89 { return (aint *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeInt, QString("%1").arg(iDefaultValue) ); };
Attribute * RegisterVariable(const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, Attribute::AttributeType eType, const QString &sDefaultValue)
Standard integer, 4 bytes.
Definition: node.h:189
AttributeInstance< int > aint
This type has to be used instead of the general int type.
Definition: node.h:524
avector* RegisterVectorVariable ( const QString sName,
const QString sCategory,
const QString sNameTr,
const QString sCategoryTr,
const mudbox::Vector vDefaultValue 

Definition at line 90 of file preferences.h.

90 { return (avector *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeVector, QString("%f %f %f").arg(vDefaultValue.x).arg(vDefaultValue.y).arg(vDefaultValue.z ) ); };
float z
Definition: math.h:340
QString arg(qlonglong a, int fieldwidth=0, int base=10, const QChar &fillChar=QLatin1Char(' ')) const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Attribute * RegisterVariable(const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, Attribute::AttributeType eType, const QString &sDefaultValue)
float y
Definition: math.h:340
AttributeInstance< Vector > avector
Definition: math.h:588
Vector, 3xfloat, see Vector.
Definition: node.h:201
float x
Definition: math.h:340
aenum* RegisterEnumVariable ( const QString sName,
const QString sCategory,
const QString sNameTr,
const QString sCategoryTr,
int  iDefaultValue 

Definition at line 91 of file preferences.h.

91 { return (aenum *)RegisterVariable( sName, sCategory, sNameTr, sCategoryTr, Attribute::typeEnum, QString("%1").arg(iDefaultValue) ); };
AttributeEnumeration aenum
Definition: node.h:1122
Standard enum attribute, 4 bytes.
Definition: node.h:203
Attribute * RegisterVariable(const QString &sName, const QString &sCategory, const QString &sNameTr, const QString &sCategoryTr, Attribute::AttributeType eType, const QString &sDefaultValue)
void OnNodeEvent ( const Attribute cAttribute,
NodeEventType  cType 

This function is called if an event occurs with any of the attributes of the node.

All derived classes should override this function to be able to handle attribute events.

cAttributeThe attribute which caused the event. The attribute has a special == operator to make it easier to implement this function. You can write the following:
void MyClass::OnNodeEvent( const Attribute &cAttribute, NodeEventType cType )
if ( cAttribute == myAttribute0 )
else if ( cAttribute == myAttribute1 )
This comparison will check the address of the two attributes and NOT their values.
cTypeType of the event occured.

Reimplemented from Node.

const ClassDesc* SelectedMeshRenderer ( )

Definition at line 95 of file preferences.h.

95 { return m_pSelectedMeshRenderer; }

Member Data Documentation

abool m_bCheckFrustum

Definition at line 97 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bMultiThreadRender

Definition at line 97 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bHighlightBrushArea

Definition at line 97 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iFastBrushLevel

Definition at line 98 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bFocusWhenEmpty

Definition at line 99 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bFocusWhenNotEmpty

Definition at line 99 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bZoomWhileFocus

Definition at line 99 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bPickBothSide

Definition at line 100 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bUseVideoMemory

Definition at line 101 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bRemoveLevels

Definition at line 103 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bRemoveOctree

Definition at line 103 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bSmoothPos

Definition at line 104 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bCreateUVs

Definition at line 104 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bSmoothUV

Definition at line 104 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bPreserveBorders

Definition at line 104 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bPreserveUVBorders

Definition at line 104 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bEnableCreasing

Definition at line 105 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bPreserveHardEdges

Definition at line 105 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bCreaseHardEdges

Definition at line 105 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_iBoundaryRule

Definition at line 106 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eDefaultMaterial

Definition at line 108 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bDisableLODChange

Definition at line 109 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bNoPaintUndo

Definition at line 110 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eSoloLayerVisibility

Definition at line 111 of file preferences.h.

aint m_fMinPenPressure

Definition at line 113 of file preferences.h.

aint m_fMaxPenPressure

Definition at line 113 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iGridSize

Definition at line 114 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iGridSteps

Definition at line 114 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iDoubleClickTime

Definition at line 115 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bWireOnShaded

Definition at line 116 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_bWireframeType

Definition at line 117 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bShowPickedFace

Definition at line 118 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iWireLevel

Definition at line 119 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eImportAutofocus

Definition at line 120 of file preferences.h.

bool m_bFlatLighting

Definition at line 121 of file preferences.h.

bool m_bFacetedShading

Definition at line 122 of file preferences.h.

bool m_bLighting

Definition at line 123 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bDisplayCreaseNormals

Definition at line 124 of file preferences.h.

afloatr m_fCameraDollySensitivity

Definition at line 126 of file preferences.h.

afloatr m_fCameraTrackSensitivity

Definition at line 127 of file preferences.h.

afloatr m_fCameraRotateSensitivity

Definition at line 128 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bOptimizeMeshes

Definition at line 130 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bShowLayerMask

Definition at line 131 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bUseDraftRender

Definition at line 132 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bShowFrozenVertices

Definition at line 132 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iPointRenderRarity

Definition at line 133 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iDraftRenderMinFaceCount

Definition at line 134 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bHUDProjectedSubdiv

Definition at line 135 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bHUDSelected

Definition at line 135 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bHUDVisible

Definition at line 135 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bHUDFPS

Definition at line 135 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bHUDRendered

Definition at line 135 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iHUDProjectedXSubdivisionLevel

Definition at line 136 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iMinutesToAlarm

Definition at line 137 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iBuildUpRate

Definition at line 137 of file preferences.h.

afloatr m_fPressureTreshold

Definition at line 138 of file preferences.h.

afloatr m_fStencilRotateSensitivity

Definition at line 139 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bForceVidmemRender

Definition at line 140 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bUseLocalYForCameraRotation

Definition at line 141 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_iCameraControlMode

Definition at line 142 of file preferences.h.

afloatr m_fRollArea

Definition at line 143 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bSaveIndicator

Definition at line 145 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bSelectPicked

Definition at line 145 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bLocalFocus

Definition at line 145 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iMirrorPlanes

Definition at line 147 of file preferences.h.

Store<mudbox::Vector> m_aMirrorPlaneNormals

Definition at line 148 of file preferences.h.

Store<mudbox::Vector> m_aMirrorPlanePositions

Definition at line 149 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bMirrorLocal

Definition at line 150 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bUseQtFileDialog

Definition at line 152 of file preferences.h.

afloatr m_fSmartFocus

Definition at line 153 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cViewportCenter

Definition at line 154 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cViewportTop

Definition at line 154 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cViewportBottom

Definition at line 154 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cViewportFlat

Definition at line 154 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cGrid

Definition at line 154 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cGridAxis

Definition at line 154 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cLocked

Definition at line 154 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cSelection

Definition at line 155 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cMask

Definition at line 155 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cActiveLayer

Definition at line 155 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cInactiveLayer

Definition at line 155 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cLayerMask

Definition at line 155 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cMirrorGrid

Definition at line 155 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cSceneInfoBg

Definition at line 156 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cFalloffCurve

Definition at line 156 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cFalloffHull

Definition at line 156 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cFalloffFill

Definition at line 156 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cExpandedUV

Definition at line 157 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eUnitLinear

Definition at line 158 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eFaceSelectionMode

Definition at line 159 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eObjectSelectionMode

Definition at line 159 of file preferences.h.

float m_aLinearUnitRates[4]

Definition at line 160 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sDefaultObjDir

Definition at line 161 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sDefaultMudDir

Definition at line 161 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sDefaultStampDir

Definition at line 161 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sDefaultStencilDir

Definition at line 161 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sDefaultIconDir

Definition at line 161 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sDefaultImagePlaneDir

Definition at line 161 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sDefaultTextureLayerDir

Definition at line 161 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sDefaultPSDDir

Definition at line 161 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sDefaultSaveScreenDir

Definition at line 161 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sLogPath

Definition at line 163 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sTempPath

Definition at line 163 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sSettingsPath

Definition at line 163 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sDataPath

Definition at line 163 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sTexturePath

Definition at line 164 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sMayaInstallPath

Definition at line 165 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bPathsChanged

Definition at line 171 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bExpertHidesWest

Definition at line 172 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bExpertHidesNorth

Definition at line 172 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bExpertHidesSouth

Definition at line 172 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bExpertHidesEast

Definition at line 172 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bExpertHidesMenu

Definition at line 172 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bExpertHidesStatus

Definition at line 172 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iDragBoxSize

Definition at line 173 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bShowLearningMovies

Definition at line 174 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bShowWelcomeDialog

Definition at line 175 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bWhatsNewHighlight

Definition at line 176 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eWhatsNewVersion

Definition at line 177 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bWhatsNewBoxOnStartup

Definition at line 178 of file preferences.h.

acolor m_cWhatsNewHighlightColor

Definition at line 179 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bShowViewCube

Definition at line 180 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bEnableMTGestures

Definition at line 181 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eTouchPadMTSupport

Definition at line 182 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bHUDInfoMessage

Definition at line 183 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bHUDHelpMessage

Definition at line 184 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_iHelpType

Definition at line 185 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sHelpLocation

Definition at line 186 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bCompressFiles

Definition at line 187 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bOBJThumbnail

Definition at line 188 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bMUDContainsView

Definition at line 189 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bMUDContainsBrush

Definition at line 189 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bCull

Definition at line 190 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bCreateBackup

Definition at line 190 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bShowTileInfo

Definition at line 191 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_bRenderSelectedPerFace

Definition at line 193 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iMapWidth

Definition at line 197 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iMapHeight

Definition at line 198 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sOutputDir

Definition at line 199 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bExtractNormal

Definition at line 200 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bExtractDisplacement

Definition at line 201 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bSmoothNormals

Definition at line 202 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iSmoothLevel

Definition at line 203 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iNormalSpace

Definition at line 204 of file preferences.h.

afloat m_fRayTravel

Definition at line 205 of file preferences.h.

aint m_eRayCenter

Definition at line 206 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bPickBothSides

Definition at line 207 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iEdgeBleed

Definition at line 208 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iNormalFormat

Definition at line 209 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iDisplacementFormat

Definition at line 210 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iSubdivLow

Definition at line 211 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sNormalFileName

Definition at line 212 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sDisplacementFileName

Definition at line 213 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bSkipEmptyMaps

Definition at line 214 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iExtUDim

Definition at line 215 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iUStart

Definition at line 216 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bSelectedFacesOnly

Definition at line 217 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sLowObjectName

Definition at line 218 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sHighObjectName

Definition at line 219 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bInvertTangent

Definition at line 220 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bInvertBinormal

Definition at line 221 of file preferences.h.

afloat m_fAreaTreshold

Definition at line 222 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sTileRange

Definition at line 228 of file preferences.h.

afloat m_fMiddleValue

Definition at line 229 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iFirstTileIndex

Definition at line 230 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iDispUDim

Definition at line 230 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iMaskChannel

Definition at line 231 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iNegativeDisplacementChannel

Definition at line 231 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iPositiveDisplacementChannel

Definition at line 231 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iXSubdivisionLevel

Definition at line 232 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sObjectName

Definition at line 233 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sDisplacementFileMask

Definition at line 234 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sMaskFileMask

Definition at line 235 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eTextureRatio

Definition at line 238 of file preferences.h.

afloat m_fTextureRatio

Definition at line 239 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eTiffCompression

Definition at line 241 of file preferences.h.

avoid m_lExpertModeLabel

Definition at line 243 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bMultisampling

Definition at line 244 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sNextCommand

Definition at line 245 of file preferences.h.

Store<Attribute *> m_aPluginAttributes

Definition at line 247 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eMeshRenderers

Definition at line 249 of file preferences.h.

afloatr m_fPaintBleedDistance

Specifies a distance how far the edge bleeding should go over UV edges during painting.

Definition at line 252 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bRenderEdgeBleed

Definition at line 253 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eHighlightEdgeBleedOverlap

Definition at line 262 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bBleedRejectOverlap

Definition at line 263 of file preferences.h.

afloatr m_fPaintBrushOffset

Definition at line 264 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bFastDryBrush

Definition at line 265 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sExportFilter

Definition at line 266 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bUse16bitinternalformat

Definition at line 267 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bHideEULANag

Definition at line 269 of file preferences.h.

aint m_movieWidth

movie-recording preferences

Definition at line 272 of file preferences.h.

aint m_movieHeight

Definition at line 273 of file preferences.h.

aint m_movieRecordFps

Definition at line 274 of file preferences.h.

aint m_moviePlaybackFps

Definition at line 275 of file preferences.h.

abool m_moviePauseWhenIdle

Definition at line 276 of file preferences.h.

abool m_movieUses3dView

Definition at line 277 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sPaintLayerFormat

Paint layer dialog preferences.

Definition at line 280 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iPaintLayerSize

Definition at line 281 of file preferences.h.

AttributeLocale m_langui


Definition at line 284 of file preferences.h.

AttributeLocale m_langhelp

Definition at line 285 of file preferences.h.

AttributeLocale m_locale

Definition at line 286 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bUseGigatexelEngine

Gigatexel engine.

Definition at line 289 of file preferences.h.

afloatr m_fPaintBufferMemoryBudget

Definition at line 290 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bLoadProxyTextures

Definition at line 291 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sUILayoutPath

UI layout preferences.

Definition at line 294 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bLockUILayout

Definition at line 295 of file preferences.h.

aenum m_eInteractionModeSelected

Definition at line 298 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bUseTwoChannelTextures

Definition at line 307 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bDisplayCurvePoints

Definition at line 309 of file preferences.h.

astring m_sSelectedBrushName

Definition at line 311 of file preferences.h.

bool m_bLoadingPaths

Definition at line 313 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bInitialized3DConnexion


Definition at line 316 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iSpeed

Definition at line 317 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iInputThreshold

Definition at line 318 of file preferences.h.

aint m_iDollyMode

Definition at line 319 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bKeepSceneUpright

Definition at line 320 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bCenterPivotOnSelection

Definition at line 321 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bPanZoom

Definition at line 322 of file preferences.h.

abool m_bTiltSpinRoll

Definition at line 323 of file preferences.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: