
REVCLOUD (Command)

Create rectangluar or polygonal rev clouds (revision clouds).

To create a rectangular rev cloud

  1. Click REVCLOUD. alt

  2. Choose Rectangular.

  3. Click in the drawing area to specify the opposite corners of the rev cloud.

To create a polygonal rev cloud

  1. Click REVCLOUD. alt
  2. Choose Polygonal.
  3. Click in the drawing area to specify the corners of the rev cloud.
  4. When finished, press Enter.

To create a rev cloud using an existing object

  1. Click REVCLOUD. alt
  2. Choose Object.
  3. Select an existing object.

To change the arc length

Before you create a rev cloud, you can specify the minimum and maximum values for the arcs.

  1. Click REVCLOUD. alt
  2. Choose Arc length in the command options.
  3. Click two points in the drawing area to specify the minimum length of a rev cloud arc.

Are rev clouds not displaying correctly?

If rev clouds are displaying as lines instead of a series of arcs, it is because the minimum rev cloud distance is too small. Try changing the arc length.

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