Share Drawing (Share URL)
Share a link to a copy of the current drawing to view or edit in AutoCAD on the web ( or AutoCAD on mobile. All related DWG xrefs and images are included.
For drawings that aren't saved to Autodesk Docs, share works similar to ETRANSMIT in AutoCAD desktop. The shared file includes all related dependent files such as xrefs and font files.
Anyone with the link can access the drawing in the a web browser or in the mobile app. The link expires seven days after it's created. You can choose between two permission levels for recipients: View only and Edit and save a copy.
View only
Anyone with the link can view the drawing, including all xrefs. Recipients cannot make changes to the drawing, and cannot save or download a copy.
Edit and save a copy
Anyone with the link can edit the drawing and save the drawing and all its xrefs as a copy. Recipients cannot make changes to the original drawing file that is owned by the sharer.
Can Edit (drawings saved to Autodesk Docs)
Drawings saved in Autodesk Docs include the option Can Edit instead of Edit and save a copy, which allows recipients to make changes directly to the drawing itself, instead of creating a new copy of the drawing.
File Size Limits
- The host drawing or any single referenced drawing can't exceed 50MB
- The total size of all uploaded drawings can't exceed 200MB