Create a Word document template to produce PDF documents for clients to download.
Create a customized quotation document
Configurator 360 allows you to prepare customized documents from master documents created in Microsoft Word. Special fields in the master document are replaced with values or images from the Configurator 360 model. The result is a downloadable PDF viewable by your end user. This document is used for quotations or other text-oriented communication with associated images.
Most of this master document is static text and images. Whatever you put in the master Word document is included in the downloadable PDF document. Not all formatting in Word is supported. When working in the Word document, assume that simple features work and complex features do not.
Test your master document before exposing it to end users.
Example document
Example of a Word document used as a quotation document:
- Standard text and images are used as they are.
- Text formatting is allowed. For example, bold, colors, and center-justification.
- Model data is inserted using a MergeField, which is shown with << C360.Parameter1 >>.
- MergeFields are used inside a table, or formatted in other ways.