
Uploading a Model

Before uploading a model, be sure to review Known Issues and Limitations.

Upload a Part Design

From Configurator 360

  1. Administrator view Designs tab New Design .
  2. Enter a name. This name displays in your catalog for your end users. It can contain spaces, and can differ from the file name or any contents of the uploaded file.
  3. Browse to and upload an IPT file. A Pending message sometimes displays. Depending on the size and complexity of the design, or how busy the server is, it can take a few moments to upload your design. Refresh the browser to see the generated URL.
    The uploaded design displays in the list on your Designs page. Only administrators can view this design until you change the access.

    When you upload a new design, verify that it works correctly. Go to the catalog to view and configure your model.

From Inventor

  1. In a part file, on the ribbon Autodesk 360 tab Configurator 360 panel, select Upload to Configurator 360 .
  2. In the Autodesk Configurator 360 dialog box, enter a name for the design and click Upload to launch Configurator 360.

Upload an Assembly Design

Before uploading

Before uploading a design, follow these guidelines so your models function correctly in Configurator 360.

  • Configurator 360 supplies its own IPJ file and does not use an IPJ file from an assembly.
  • If an assembly has rules to suppress components, run it in a user-defined level of detail, and save it while this level of detail is active. In Configurator 360, it runs in a user-defined level of detail.
  • In an assembly, appearance overrides on components do not display. Change the appearance of the part.
  • You can have code in a DLL in the project folder.
  • iLogic An uploaded assembly can contain external iLogic rules as long as they are in the same folder as the top-level assembly.

From Configurator 360

  1. Add your assembly files into a single zip file using 7-zip. Include any associated IDW or DWG files in the zip file so they are available to the end user for download. Match the folder structure within the zip file to the original folder structure. Right-click Send to before uploading the model to a Configurator 360 Compressed (zipped) folder or WinZip folder.
    Note: Configurator 360 does not support WinRAR.

    Do not exceed 500 MB in a single folder.

  2. To minimize upload time, remove unnecessary files from the zip file. An assembly file that is less than 500 MB typically uploads in a few seconds and the URL displays.
  3. On the Administrator view Designs tab, select New Design .
  4. In the File to upload bar, select the required folder and browse to the assembly file.
  5. Choose Inventor Assembly or Assembly with Skeleton, and enter a design name. The top assembly name must be unique within the zip file.
  6. Note: The 3D interactive display contains only solid bodies. Thumbnail images display all visible unconsumed sketches, work features, and surfaces. Hide these design elements before uploading the model to Configurator 360.

From Inventor

  1. In an assembly file, on the ribbon Autodesk 360 tab Configurator 360 panel, select Upload to Configurator 360 .
  2. In the Autodesk Configurator 360 dialog box, enter a name for the design and click Upload to launch Configurator 360.

About Formats

Inventor Part (no external references)
Requires no additional information. While you can upload most IPT files, there are some limitations and restrictions. Since the Configurator 360 server is getting only a single IPT, it cannot reference other files in your Inventor project. IPT designs can include iLogic rules, but cannot support methods, which are stored in a separate file.
Inventor Assembly (zipped)
Requires a single zipped archive of at least one IAM (assembly) file, and any related IAM and IPT files. You can include IDW or DWG files and any other related files. Requires that you enter the name of the top-level assembly file (including the .iam extension) that Configurator 360 creates.

You can use standard Windows right-click -> Send to -> Compressed ( zipped ) folder, or third-party compression tools like WinZip, or WinRAR. Use a single folder at the top level of the zip file. Match the folder structure in the zip file to the original folder structure.

To minimize upload time, remove any old versions or other unnecessary files from your zip file.

If External iLogic rules are included in the project folder, they are OK. You can have code in a DLL. The IPJ file, if any, is not used. Configurator 360 supplies its own.

Assembly with Skeleton (zipped)
Similar to the zipped IAM, but in addition, it uses a skeleton or master IPT file from which to obtain parameters.
Inventor ETO (zipped)
Uses Autodesk Inventor ETO files. ETO projects do not require a skeleton or top-level IAM. Instead, they require a top-level or root design, a project file, and any files that Inventor requires for a full application.

Setting up an ETO project to use with Configurator 360 is beyond the scope of this document. Briefly, include in the root ETO design UiPartMixin. Only UI elements generated by UIProperty children (such as NumberProperty) are shown. ETO Apps do not use Inventor parameters directly.

This upload format requires that you include the IPJ file.

For more assistance, contact your Inventor ETO support channel.

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