
Share Revit Models

Teams can share Revit models from Design Collaboration (as part of the BIM Collaborate Pro offering) with other project teams using three methods. These methods offer flexible ways for other teams to access your models:

  1. Controlled Sharing - Consume models from packages
  2. Controlled Sharing - Link from the shared folder
  3. Live Linking

Method 1: Controlled Sharing - Consume Models from Packages

The first of two controlled sharing methods involves the Consumed folder in the Files tool (in Docs or Build). To share using this method:

  1. Publish your models from Revit to Design Collaboration using Revit Cloud Worksharing.

  2. Create a package and share your models with other teams.

  3. Other teams choose to consume the shared models.

  4. The teams who have consumed the shared model use Revit to link to the model from their Consumed folder in the Files tool.

    Tip: When your team has consumed a shared model and wants to link to it in Revit, navigate to your team's Consumed folder in the Files tool:

    (Docs/Build://Project Name/Project Files/Your Team Name/Consumed/Team Name/FileName.rvt).

The second of two controlled sharing methods involves the shared folder in the Files tool (in Docs or Build). To share using this method:

  1. Publish your models from Revit to Design Collaboration using Revit Cloud Worksharing.

  2. Create a package and share your models with other teams.

    After the model is shared, a copy is created (or updated to a new version if it already exists) in your team's shared folder in the Files tool.

  3. Your team or other teams can link directly to the models in this shared folder from Revit, to see the latest work shared from other teams.

    Tip: When adding a link to the shared model in Revit, navigate to the sharing team's shared folder in the Files tool:

    (Docs/Build://Project Name/Project Files/Shared/Team Name/FileName.rvt).

Method 3: Live Linking

The third method of sharing models involves linking directly to the model in the Files tool. Since you're linking to the model that is actively being updated, it is referred to as live linking.

To share using the live linking method:

  1. Add all teams and members you're sharing the model with to your Team folder in Design Collaboration.

  2. Make sure that each member has at least View only permission for the Team folder.

  3. Make sure that each member has at least View + Download permission for the folder containing the model in the Files tool.

  4. Link directly from Revit to the model in the Files tool.

    Tip: When adding a link to the model in Revit, navigate to the owning team's live model in the Files tool:

    (Docs/Build://Project Name/Project Files/Team Name/FileName.rvt).

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