
Calibrator: User Interface

To start the Calibrator, go to InfoWater Pro > Apps > App Manager  > Calibrator and click on the Run button.

The Calibrator comes equipped with a series of tabs in which you can specify data parameters and view simulation results. The tabs will vary depending on the calibration mode being employed.  

  • Roughness Group  - This tab allows you to specify ranges for pipe roughness coefficients during the EPS, Steady State, and Fire Flow Test calibration simulation.

  • Demand Group  - This tab allows you to specify ranges for nodal demands during the Steady State calibration simulation.

  • Pipe Status Group  - This tab allows you to vary the pipe status of a selected pipe or series of pipes in order to more accurately correlate the Steady State calibration.

  • Junction Pressures   - This tab allows you to enter known field measured pressures for specific junction nodes across the distribution system for the EPS and Steady State calibration simulation.

  • Pipe Flows   - This tab allows you to enter known field measured flow for specific links (pipes, valves, pumps) across the distribution system for the EPS and Steady State calibration simulation.

  • Fire Flow Measurement   - This tab allows you to specify fire flows and residual pressures at select fire flow nodes as well enter multiple pressure recording locations that may have been taken during a fire flow test for the Fire Flow Test calibration simulation.

  • Tank Head/Level  - This tab allows you to enter the know field levels for specified tanks across the distribution system. Time values must also be entered for an EPS calibration simulation.

  • Run  - This tab allows you to view the simulation parameters as the model is being calibrated,

  • Run Summary  - Once the calibration simulation is complete, click on this tab to view the simulation results to see how well the model correlated with field values.

  • Export Results  - After running the calibration simulation, you have the option of exporting calibration results data back to the hydraulic model.

Once you have configured the Mode of calibration simulation to be conducted, from the Run menu, select the Start button to begin the calibration process. To modify calibration options, select the Options command. 

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