
Auto Associate Hydrant

Links each hydrant within the specified searching distance to the nearest pipe. If Apply to Domain is selected, only the pipes selected by the domain will be linked. 

To draw a connecting line from the hydrant to the associated pipe, click on the Auto Associate Pipe button. The associated pipe can be over-written by typing the pipe ID in its corresponding data field in the Pipe Information Table or by clicking your cursor in the attribute browser and selecting the desired pipe. 


InfoWater Pro UDF provides the ability to automatically associate fire hydrants to the closest pipeline. Fire hydrants are normally connected to distribution pipes that are typically 16-inch diameter or less. Therefore, it is important to have the ability to exclude larger diameter pipes from being considered as candidates for auto-association. InfoWater Pro UDF provides the user with considerable flexibility in auto-associating hydrants to pipes. The user can place the appropriate diameter pipes in a Domain for consideration in the auto-association determination. 

Data Source - Displays the current hydrant data source.

Searching Distance - Maximum searching distance to nearest pipe. Use to show distance on map view.

Apply to Domain - If checked, the association will apply only to the pipes in the current domain.

Auto Associate Pipe -  Select this button to start the association process.

Close -  Close this dialog box and discard all changes.

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