
Data Tables - Rule Detail Table

The Rule Detail Table defines the rule based controls that are used to change the status of the network facilities. The rules are broken up by logical phrase and accessed in sequence order. See the Rule Data Edit dialog box for additional information.

ID - Rule ID. Note: ID must be upper case alphanumeric with no spaces or symbols (dash (-) and underscore (_) are OK).

DISABLED - Disable/Enable status. Disabled = No - rule is enabled, Disabled = Yes - rule is disabled.

SEQ - Sequence value sets the order of operation of the rule clause.

CLAUSETYPE - Type of clause associated with this portion of the rule.

KEYWORD - keyword operator function of the rule clause.

OBJECT - Type of facility that is the object of the clause.

OBJECT_ID - ID of the object facility.

VAR_TYPE - Type of system variable associated with the object ID.

OPERATOR - Logical operator

VALUE - Comparison value for the logical operator.

STATUS - Status of the object ID. Normally open unless Status is set to closed by the rule Action

CLOCKTIME - Clock time.

TIMETAG - Use 24 hour clock time or AM and PM clock time.

VALUETAG - Not in use at this time.

TARGET_ID - Not in use at this time.

Note: You may add rows to this table using the Insert  or the Append icon. You may also delete rows from this table by using the Delete icon.

See below for field type and enumerator values used in this table.

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