
Data Tables - Tank Mixing Data

This table contains the Tank Mixing data such as 0: Complete Mixing, 1:Two-Compartment etc. Refer to the section on Water Quality for more information.

ID - The tank ID.

MODEL - The quality source type.

  • 0: Fully Mixed - Completely stirred tank reactor.  This options assumes that all water that enters a tank is instantaneously and completely mixed with the water already in the tank.
  • 1: Two-Compartment - Divides the available storage volume in a tank into two compartments, both of which are assumed to be completely mixed.  With this option, the user must specify the decimal volume that represents the fraction of the total tank volume devoted to the inlet/outlet compartment.
  • 2: First In First Out - First In, First Out.  Assumes that there is no mixing of water at all during its residence time in a tank.  Water parcels move through the tank in a segregated progression where the first segment of water to enter the tank is also the first segment to leave.  Physically speaking, this model is most appropriate for baffled tanks that operate with simultaneous inflow and outflow.
  • 3: Last In First Out - Last In, First Out.  Assumes that there is no mixing of water at all during its residence time in a tank.  Water parcels move through the tank in a segregated progression where the last segment of water to enter the tank is also the first segment to leave.  This type of model might apply to a tall, narrow standpipe with an inlet/outlet pipe at the bottom and a low momentum inflow.

VOLUME - Enter the decimal volume that represents the fraction of the total tank volume devoted to the inlet/outlet compartment in the case of a 1: Two-Compartment type tank.

Important: InfoWater Pro reports tank or reservoir water quality at the inlet / outlet of these nodes. Separate analyses, such as computational fluid dynamics modeling, may be warranted to evaluate actual mixing conditions or constituent growth and decay reactions within tanks or reservoirs.
Note: You may add rows to this table using the Insert  or the Append  icon. You may also delete rows from this table by using the Delete  icon.

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