
Dataset Manager

The Dataset Manager allows you to create, edit, clone, copy, and delete datasets in a single location.

To do any operations about datasets, go to the Model Explorer, click Command Center tab on the bottom, navigate to the Scenario group, and click Dataset Manager.

Data Set Icons

  •   New - Creates a new folder.

  •   Clone - Clones the existing folder to a new folder.

  •   Delete - Deletes the folder from the dialog box. Pack will permanently delete the folder from the hard disk (unless autopack is turned on).

  •   ID Counter - Use this to specify the ID options as shown below:

  •    Edit Description - Edits the description of the folder.

  •     Copy - Copies the contents of one folder to a buffer file. The buffer remains in place until either the replace or merge icons are initialized.

  •     Replace - Replaces the contents of one folder with the contents of a buffer file created from the copy command.

  •     Merge - Appends the contents from a file being copied to the highlighted folder.

  •    OK - Saves all changes and exits the dialog box.

Note: When cloning the current dataset, please use the ACTIVE dataset in order to include any changes made during the current working session. Cloning another dataset, even if it is the one associated with the currently active scenario, may not store the latest changes made to the dataset. The ACTIVE dataset stores all changes made to the current dataset being used, and is only committed to the actual dataset name after the project has been saved or the scenario has been changed to one with a different dataset. Alternately, creating a new dataset will produce an empty table that would need to be populated from scratch.

Data Set ID and Description

The ID and Description are displays the ID and Description of the currently defined data sets. The currently active data set folders will be indicated by a red check mark before the folder ID.

Data Sets

  • Demand Set - Modeling data associated with junction nodes. Demand sets are used to save modeling data on junction node demands and demand pattern identifiers and retrieve those data as part of a scenario. The only attributes stored in a demand set are the baseline demands and the associative pattern. The Auto-Demand Reset preference governs how demands are assigned when activating demand sets.

  • Tank Set - Modeling data associated with storage nodes. Tank sets are used to save modeling data on storage nodes and retrieve those data as part of a scenario. Tank sets contain modeling information including type of storage node (tank, fixed-grade reservoir, variable head reservoir, and variable-area tank) and related storage node characteristic data such as bottom elevation, initial water level, tank dimensions including diameter, minimum and maximum levels, minimum volume, curves defining variable area tanks, and patterns defining grade in variable-head reservoirs.

  • Reservoir Set - Modeling data associated with Reservoirs.  Reservoir sets are used to save modeling data on reservoirs and retrieve those data as part of a scenario. Reservoir sets contain modeling information including type of storage node (fixed-grade reservoir or variable head reservoir) and related storage node characteristic data such as head and patterns defining grade in variable-head reservoirs.

  • Pump Set - Modeling data associated with pumps. Pump sets are used to save modeling data on pumps and retrieve those data as part of a scenario. Pump sets contain modeling information including pump curve type and pump curve parameters.

  • Valve Set - Modeling data associated with control valves. Valve sets are used to save modeling data on control valves and retrieve those data as part of a scenario. Valve sets contain modeling information including valve type and related valve characteristic data such as pressure setting for PRVs, flow setting for FCVs, tank grades for float valves, etc.

  • Pipe Set - Modeling data associated with pipes. Pipe sets are used to save modeling data on pipes and retrieve those data as part of a scenario. Pipe sets contain modeling information including pipe diameters, lengths, roughness coefficients, minor loss coefficients, and presence or absence of check valves and flow totalizers.

  • Control Set - Initial link status (open, closed, setting) and any operational control rules defined at the time the control set was created. Controls apply to links, pumps, and valves.

  • Energy Set - Energy data for pumps including pump efficiency, energy charging rate patterns, and demand charge patterns.

  • Fireflow Set - Fireflow demands for junction nodes.

  • Logical Set - Logical controls used for rule based logic controls. Logical controls are created and maintained with the Rule-Based Control command (see InfoWater Pro Model Explorer- <Command Center- < Edit - > Rule-Based Control). Use the Edit Logic Set to store logical controls in a logic set and to maintain those logic sets.

  • SCADA Set - All the SCADA information for the InfoWater Pro project.

  • Pattern Set - All pattern data in the InfoWater Pro project.

  • Curve Set - All Curves data in the InfoWater Pro project.

  • Quality Set - Water quality modeling parameters including quality source nodes, initial water quality at junction and storage nodes, and reaction rate coefficients for pipes and tanks. Water quality parameters are maintained with the Create, Edit, or Edit Group commands. Use the Edit Quality Set command to create and manage quality sets.

  • Surge Set - All surge data in the InfoWater Pro project. Surge sets are used in simulating transient events caused by turbine operation, and Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV)/Flow Control Valve (FCV) responses to transients.
  • Leakage Set - This dataset includes all pressure-driven outflow data, including the Junction Emitter, Junction Leakage, and Pipe Leakage tables.

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