
Scenario Comparison

The Scenario Comparison tool allows you to compare two selected scenarios and display the differences between those two scenarios.

The Scenario Comparison tool details all specific data sets and their inheritance property for each scenario, and shows the differences within all element hydraulic tables between those two scenarios. The differences are highlighted in a color of your choice. The elements with different values can be saved as a your defined selection set. 

To bring up the Scenario Comparison tool, go to the Model Explorer, click Command Center tab on the bottom, navigate to the Scenario group, and click Compare Data Scenario.

Scenario #1 - The first scenario to be compared.

Scenario #2 - The scenario to compare against Scenario #1.

Save As Selection Sets: You can save selection sets based on the three analysis results. These can be used for later reference if you wish to make amendments based on these results.

  1. Elements only in Scenario #1:  For any elements that exist in the first scenario, but do not have a matching element in Scenario #2.

  2. Elements only in Scenario #2:  For any elements that exist in the second scenario, but do not have a matching element in Scenario #1.

  3. Elements with different values: When comparing elements in either scenario, a value is found to differ. This may not be undesirable, but will serve to highlight specific data items, such as different pipe diameters or junction demands between the two scenarios, for checking purposes.

Reset SS: Stands for Reset Selection Set.  You may want to use a regular set of selection sets for Compare Data Scenarios.  If this is the case, each time the Compare Scenario command is carried out, the existing selection set is cleared.

Report Color: You can select how the elements will be displayed in Compare Scenario’s output report. This provides a quick way of comparing data between scenarios.

Compare: When two scenarios have been specified, click on the Compare button to perform the comparison.

Cancel: Cancel the compare operation.

Comparing Scenarios:

Once the Compare Data Scenarios dialog box appears, you will see that the Active scenario (in this case, BASE) is selected.  You can compare the Active scenario and another scenario in a model.  Alternatively, you can select another scenarios other than the Active scenarios to compare to another scenario.

To compare two scenarios, perform the following:

  1. Select the first scenario you wish to compare from the Scenario #1 drop-down list.

  2. From the Scenario #2 drop-down list, select the scenario you wish to compare to the first scenario.

If you wish to save the location of any elements that have data flagged by the Compare Scenario feature, you can save selection sets to refer to at a later time (i.e. from the Domain Manager). For information on creating a selection set, refer to selection sets.

Save As Selection Sets:

You can select an existing Selection Set to use, or you can create a new selection set.  To save the Selection Sets, perform the following:

  1. If you wish to save a Selection Set based on the elements that are in Scenario #1, but not in Scenario #2, check the Save elements that exist in Scenario #1 only option.

  2. If you wish to save a Selection Set based on the elements that are in Scenario #1, but not in Scenario #2, check the Save elements that exist in Scenario #2 only option.

  3. If you wish to save a Selection Set based on elements that differ between the two scenarios, check the Save elements that have different values option.


You must have different selection sets selected for each comparison result that is to be reported.  If you wish to reset an existing Selection Set, ensure that the Reset SS option is checked.

Changing Report Colors:

To alter the colors selected for each of the Compare Scenario outputs, click on the color swatch you wish to change, and a color pick dialog box will appear for you to select a new color.  Each color that is selected in this dialog box will be reflected in the Data Scenario Comparison Report legend.

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