Scenarios may contain specific simulation options, report options, and simulation time settings.
To change simulation options, report options, and time settings for a scenario, open the Scenario Explorer, and select the General tab.
The Simulation Set is defined by the following:
Report Option Set – Standard reporting options associated with a scenario.
Simulation Option Set – Simulation options associated with a scenario, including hydraulic and water quality modeling options, whether or not logical controls will be used during the next simulation run, etc.
Time Option Set – Simulation duration and timesteps associated with a scenario.
Each scenario may be customized to have different simulation options such as the Type of simulation, the duration of simulation and other options pertaining to running of a simulation including the simulation report.
Use Specific Report Option
Select the simulation report options to use for this scenario from the pull-down menu or use the Browse
button to open the
Simulation Report dialog box.
Use Specific Simulation Option
Select the simulation options to use for this scenario from the pull-down menu or use the
button to open the
Simulation Options Dialog Box.
Use Specific Simulation Time Setting
Select the simulation time options to use for this scenario from the pull-down menu or use the
Browse button to open the
Simulation Time Dialog Box.