
Frequently Asked Questions in InfoWater Pro

This section addresses some of the common questions that you might have pertaining to the InfoWater Pro model creation, data elements, result analysis, and project maintenance.

How do I start an InfoWater Pro session?

Click on the InfoWater Pro  icon on your desktop to start InfoWater Pro or alternatively launch InfoWater Pro from your Start →  Programs →  ArcGIS Pro →  Open Another Project. Choose from one of the three options specified. Choose  to open a new project, to launch your template project, or the command to open an existing map. If you choose this option, then choose the project that you want to open. Finally initialize your InfoWater Pro project by clicking on the InfoWater Pro initialize   icon on your Edit Network group in InfoWater Pro ribbon.

How do I specify a coordinate system for an InfoWater Pro project?

Refer to the section Create New InfoWater Pro Project to learn how to specify a coordinate system for an InfoWater Pro project.

What does an InfoWater Pro project consist of?

An InfoWater Pro project consists of a drawing file and a database folder. For instance, a project named Model will contain a Model.aprx (ArcMap drawing file) and a Model.IWDB (InfoWater Pro Database). The .aprx file contains your network map while the IWDB folder contains all the data associated with your model.

After a successful model simulation another folder called Model.Out is created. This folder contains all the output data related to the InfoWater Pro project Model. It is important to note that the Database folder (Model.IWDB), the drawing file (Model.aprx) and the Out folder (Model.Out) need to reside within the same parent folder such as say C:\Data.

What are the different Data Elements in InfoWater Pro and how do I create and modify them?

Refer to the section on Data Elements

What are Junction Nodes & how do I create them?

Refer to the section on Junction Nodes to learn more.

What are the different types of Pumps in InfoWater Pro? How do I create and edit them?

Refer to the section Pumps to learn more.

How are Storage nodes modeled in InfoWater Pro?

Refer to the section on Storage Nodes for details.

What are Valves? How will they be represented in my Model?

Refer to the section on Valves for more details

How are Pipes modeled in InfoWater Pro? Tell me more about them.

Refer to the section on Pipes for details.

How do I digitize my model quickly?

Use the Network creation process.

How do I select a sub set of my model to display results, modify data etc.?

Use the Domain feature of InfoWater Pro to select a subset of your model for display and data edit purposes. The Domain Methodology section explains all the different stages in the Domain Creation process.

How do I activate a sub set of my model for analysis? What are Facility Sets?  Can you explain the Facility Set creation process?

Facility sets may be used to activate a portion of your mode for your network analysis. Refer to the section on the Facility Methodology to learn about creating Facility Sets.

How are Facility Sets different from Domains?

Facility vs Domain section of the help file highlights the difference between facility sets and domains.

  How do I edit data related to a selected group of elements?

Use  the Group Edit option to modify data related to a group of elements in InfoWater Pro. Refer to the section on Group Editing Methodology to learn more about the process and how it can be used in InfoWater Pro.

Teach me more about Curves.

Refer to the section on Curves

Teach me more about Patterns.

Refer to the section on Patterns

I want to create Database Queries. Please explain the procedure.

The DB Query Methodology section explains the process and how you can use it to query your InfoWater Pro Database.

Can you explain the process of creating Query Sets and how they are different from DB Queries?

Refer to the section on the Query Sets Methodology to learn more.

Can I save a domain in InfoWater Pro? How do I create Selection Sets and how can I use them in InfoWater Pro?

Use Selection Sets to save domains for later retrieval. A step by step process for creating selection sets is included in the Selection Set Methodology section. Also advantages and applications of Selection Sets in InfoWater Pro is explained.

How do I create Output Relates? What are the uses of Output Relates?

Refer to the section on the Output Relate Methodology to learn the Output Relate creation process.

How can I use an Output Relate with my DB Query? Can I query my Output results?

Refer to the section Query Output relate Methodology for step by step instructions on creating Output Relates and using them.

I want to create a Customized Report but I don't know how to create it.

The Customized Report methodology section shows a detailed schema for creating Customized Reports.

How do I create a Query Report in InfoWater Pro?

Refer to the section on the Query Report Methodology to learn more.

Can you explain the process to create Query Summation Reports in InfoWater Pro?

The Query Summation Report Methodology contains instructions to create Query Summation Reports in InfoWater Pro.

How do I look at my InfoWater Pro Reports?

Refer to the Output Report Methodology section to learn more.

How do I Compare Data in InfoWater Pro?

The How to Compare Output Data section contains the different methods and tools available in InfoWater Pro to compare data.

What is a Graph Settings Template File? How do I use it to create graph templates?

Refer to the section Graph Settings Methodology. This section will explain the process of creating templates and loading them in InfoWater Pro.

I want to set Initial Controls on my Data Elements. How do I go about it?

Use the Initial Status Methodology section to learn more about setting initial status on your different InfoWater Pro data elements.

What are Rule Based Controls and how do I create them?

The details and the creation process is explained in Rule Based Control Methodology section of the InfoWater Pro Help file.

Can you help me create and assign Simple Controls to my project?

Refer to the section on the Simple Controls Methodology to learn more about creating simple controls and using them in InfoWater Pro.

How do I conduct an Energy Management Simulation?

The Energy Management Modeling section will walk you through the different steps required to perform an Energy management simulation in InfoWater Pro.

What is an Extended Period Simulation and How do I run an EPS model in InfoWater Pro?

The EPS Modeling section will help you create and run an EPS model.

Can InfoWater Pro run Fire Flows and if so how?

For detailed step by step fire flow model creation and run process refer to the section on Fire Flow Methodology.

What is a Hydrant Curve and how do I conduct a Hydrant Curve analysis?

Refer to the Hydrant Curve Methodology section to learn more.

Can I run a Pressure Dependent Demand analysis in InfoWater Pro? Can you give me some more information on that?

The Pressure Dependent Demand Methodology section of the InfoWater Pro help file will walk you through the different steps necessary to run a Pressure Dependent Demand analysis.

I want to run all my scenarios together. How do I do it?

The Batch Run Manager can be used to run all your scenarios at the same time. Refer to the section on the Batch Run Methodology to learn more.

How do I run simulations in InfoWater Pro?

The Run Manager Methodology section will give you step by step instructions on "running" a model in InfoWater Pro.

I want to use the Real Time Connection command but don't know how to do it?

The Real Time Data Connection Methodology explains the procedure and uses of the Real Time Data Connection command in InfoWater Pro.

How do I conduct a SCADA analysis?

Refer to the section on SCADA Integration to learn more.

Please explain the steps necessary to run a Steady State Model in InfoWater Pro?

The Steady State Modeling Methodology explains the different steps required to run a steady state model in InfoWater Pro.

Can I create System Curves in InfoWater Pro?

Refer to the section on the System Curve Methodology to learn more.

What are Variable Speed Pumps and how do I model them in InfoWater Pro?

The Variable Speed Pumps Methodology section will walk you through the process of creating VSPs and using then in InfoWater Pro.

Can you help me run a Water Quality Simulation in InfoWater Pro?

The Water Quality Simulation Methodology section will walk you through the process of running a Water Quality Model.

How do I Compare Scenarios in InfoWater Pro?

Refer to the section on Compare Scenarios Methodology to learn more.

How do I create Data Sets in InfoWater?

The Data Sets Methodology section explains the data set creation process in detail.

What are Facility Sets and how do I use them in InfoWater Pro?

Refer to the section on the Facility Sets Methodology to learn more.

Can I customize the Simulation Options for my scenarios and if so how?

The General Options Methodology section contains step by step instructions to help you customize your Simulation options.

How do I create Scenarios in InfoWater Pro?

Refer to the section on the Scenario Creation Methodology to learn more.

Can I create a model from my Polylines?

Use the Convert Polyline and Append Nodes Methodology section to learn the procedure for creating pipes and nodes from your AutoCAD polylines.

How do I export/Import to/from an EPANET file?

The EPANET v2.x Methodology section contains step-by-step instructions for you to Export or import to or From an EPANET file.

What are Generate Files and how do I bring them in to my InfoWater Pro project?

The Generate File Methodology  section contains step by step instructions for you to Export or import to or From a Generate file.

I would like to use the InfoWater Pro ODBC command but don't know how?

The ODBC Methodology section will help you understand and use the Open Database Connection tool of InfoWater Pro to import or export to a third party data source.

How can I create animations in InfoWater Pro?

Refer to the Animation Viewer Methodology section to learn more. This section contains detailed instructions to help you create animations and view them in InfoWater Pro.

How do I color code my Data Elements in InfoWater Pro?

Use the Map Display Command to color code your Data Elements. For step by step instructions refer to the Map Display Methodology section of the InfoWater Pro help file.

Can I create annotations in InfoWater Pro? Can you help me create them?

Refer to the section on Annotation Methodology to learn the annotation creation process.

Can I create c ontours in InfoWater? Can you help me create them?

The Contour Methodology section contains step by step instructions that will walk you through the contour creation process.

I would like to work with Geodatabases. Can you explain the procedure?

Refer to the section on Working with ESRI Geodatabases to learn more.

How do I model a groundwater pumping well?

Represent the well as a reservoir whose head equals the piezometric head of the groundwater aquifer. Then connect your pump from the reservoir to the rest of the network. You can add piping ahead of the pump to represent local losses around the pump. If you know the rate at which the well is pumping then an alternate approach is to replace the well - pump combination with a junction assigned a negative demand equal to the pumping rate. A time pattern can also be assigned to the demand if the pumping rate varies over time.

How do I size a pump to meet a specific flow?

Set the status of the pump to CLOSED. At the suction (inlet) node of the pump add a demand equal to the required pump flow and place a negative demand of the same magnitude at the discharge node. After analyzing the network, the difference in heads between the two nodes is what the pump needs to deliver.

How do I size a pump to meet a specific head?

Replace the pump with a Pressure Breaker Valve oriented in the opposite direction. Convert the design head to an equivalent pressure and use this as the setting for the valve. After running the analysis the flow through the valve becomes the pump's design flow.

How can I enforce a specific schedule of source flows into the network from my reservoirs?

Replace the reservoirs with junctions that have negative demands equal to the schedule of source flows. (Make sure there is at least one tank or remaining reservoir in the network, otherwise InfoWater Pro will issue an error message.)

How do I model a reduced pressure backflow prevention valve?

Use a General Purpose Valve (GPV) with a headloss curve that shows increasing head loss with decreasing flow. Information from the valve manufacturer should provide help in constructing the curve. Place a check valve (i.e., a short length of pipe whose status is set to CV) in series with the valve to restrict the direction of flow.

How do I model a pressurized pneumatic tank?

If the pressure variation in the tank is negligible, use a very short, very wide cylindrical tank whose elevation is set close to the pressure head rating of the tank. Select the tank dimensions so that changes in volume produce only very small changes in water surface elevation.

If the pressure head developed in the tank ranges between H1 and H2, with corresponding volumes V1 and V2, then use a cylindrical tank whose cross-sectional area equals (V2-V1)/(H2-H1).

How do I model a tank inlet that discharges above the water surface?

Use the configuration shown below:

The tank's inlet consists of a Pressure Sustaining Valve followed by a short length of large diameter pipe. The pressure setting of the PSV should be 0, and the elevation of its end nodes should equal the elevation at which the true pipe connects to the tank. Use a Check Valve on the tank's outlet line to prevent reverse flow through it. There should be another small length of pipe (a dummy pipe) separating the tank and check valve.

How do I determine initial conditions for a water quality analysis?

If simulating existing conditions monitored as part of a calibration study, assign measured values to the nodes where measurements were made and interpolate (by eye) to assign values to other locations. It is highly recommended that storage tanks and source locations be included in the set of locations where measurements are made.

To simulate future conditions start with arbitrary initial values (except at the tanks) and run the analysis for a number of repeating demand pattern cycles so that the water quality results begin to repeat in a periodic fashion as well. The number of such cycles can be reduced if good initial estimates are made for the water quality in the tanks. For example, if modeling water age the initial value could be set to the tank's average residence time, which is approximately equal to the fraction of its volume it exchanges each day.

How do I estimate values of the bulk and wall reaction coefficients?

Bulk reaction coefficients can be estimated by performing a bottle test in the laboratory. Wall reaction rates cannot be measured directly. They must be back-fitted against calibration data collected from field studies (e.g., using trial and error to determine coefficient values that produce simulation results that best match field observations). Plastic pipe and relatively new lined iron pipe are not expected to exert any significant wall demand for disinfectants such as chlorine and chloramines.

How can I model a chlorine booster station?

Place the booster station at a junction node with zero or positive demand or at a tank. For the selected node in the Source Concentration Data dialog box, set Source Type to SETPOINT BOOSTER and set Baseline Source Strength to the chlorine concentration that water leaving the node will be boosted to. Alternatively, if the booster station will use flow-paced addition of chlorine then set Source Type to FLOW PACED BOOSTER and Baseline Source Strength to the concentration that will be added to the concentration leaving the node. Specify a time pattern ID in the Time Pattern field if you wish to vary the boosting level with time.

How would I model THM growth in a network?

THM growth can be modeled using first-order saturation kinetics. Select Options - Reactions from the Data Browser. Set the bulk reaction order to 1 and the limiting concentration to the maximum THM level that the water can produce, given a long enough holding time. Set the bulk reaction coefficient to a positive number reflective of the rate of THM production (e.g., 0.7 divided by the THM doubling time). Estimates of the reaction coefficient and the limiting concentration can be obtained from laboratory testing. The reaction coefficient will increase with increasing water temperature. Initial concentrations at all network nodes should at least equal the THM concentration entering the network from its source node.

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