
Usage Data

The usage data table is used to correlate the different classification types with water duty factors and then to assign those values to the desired InfoWater Pro demand database field. 

Usage Type:

Usage type refers to the different class/classification types in the InfoWater Pro project. The values specified here relate directly to those classes/classifications assigned to a 1:Secondary polygon coverage. In the Usage data table, all the different unique land use types listed in the polygon layer are displayed so long as the Check Usage Type icon has been selected. You may also enter values manually, however, they must correlate with known values in the GIS coverage to ensure proper allocation.

Water Duty:

The water duty factor is a function of the classification type. The values specified here will be used to apply water demands to the InfoWater Pro project during the allocation process. Use the Water Duty Calculator to correlate water duty factors with a known Average Day Demand (ADD).  The allocation process involves multiplying the water duty factor by a composite acreage generated by the spatial intersection process. The Water Duty Developer may be a useful tool in creating these factors.

Demand Field:

Demand fields are used internally by InfoWater Pro when running a hydraulic simulation. During the allocation process, you can dictate which results are written to which demand field. InfoWater Pro allows for up to 10 unique demand fields per junction node. If you would like to segregate demands according to land use classifications, merely assign the demand field that shall be the recipient of the intersected demand value after the allocation process.


A description may be entered to classify and differentiate the different classes/classifications.

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