
Selecting a storage location for uploaded files overview

  1. Why would I change the storage location for uploaded files?

    Having media files stored geographically close to your users will mean faster transfer times (uploads and downloads).

    For downloads, this means much less issues when playing back media. It also means faster page loads for pages that contain thumbnails.

  2. How can I change where files are uploaded?

    Select a new location from the dropdown menu in the 'Storage location for uploaded files' under Site Preferences > Advanced.

  3. What will this change do?

    This change will indicate where new files will be uploaded. Existing files will remain in their current storage location.

  4. Which uploaded files are impacted?

    All new files (media and others) that are uploaded to Flow Production Tracking will be uploaded to the selected storage location.

    Media created by Flow Production Tracking's transcoder (e.g., media files associated with Version entities) will also be uploaded to the selected storage location.

  5. Will my existing files be moved?

    No, existing files stay where they are.

  6. Will any of my files be offline during or after the transfer?

    No, your storage location can be updated while users are using the site. This change will not cause any files to go offline, not even temporarily.

    The only thing to double check is whether or not there are firewall restrictions that need to be modified when making the change. See the Technical Details section below.

  7. Which storage location should I pick?

    Typically, selecting a location that is geographically closer to the site users’ location is the best thing to do. In some cases it might be difficult to know.

    A web search for “speedtest for AWS” should point you to tools that can help you make the decision.

  8. Can I store files in multiple locations?

    You can only choose one current storage location at any time for a given Flow Production Tracking site. However, because existing files will not move locations, Flow Production Tracking will continue to provide access to files that were uploaded before you selected a closer storage location.

Technical Details

  • Flow Production Tracking media is stored on Amazon S3.

Flow Production Tracking uses a different S3 bucket for each region:

S3 region URL of Flow Production Tracking S3 bucket
Dublin, Ireland eu-west-1 S3 region URL:

Accelerated S3 URL:

Regular S3 URL:
Oregon, U.S. us-west-2 S3 region URL:

Accelerated S3 URL:

Regular S3 URL:
Tokyo, Japan ap-northeast-1 S3 region URL:

Accelerated S3 URL:

Regular S3 URL:
Sao Paulo, Brazil sa-east-1 S3 region URL:

Accelerated S3 URL:

Regular S3 URL:
Mumbai, India ap-south-1 S3 region URL:

Accelerated S3 URL:

Regular S3 URL:
Sydney, Australia ap-southeast-2 S3 region URL:

Accelerated S3 URL:

Regular S3 URL:
  • S3 acceleration is controlled by the Flow Production Tracking team. It is typically turned on for all hosted sites. However, in some extreme cases, the Flow Production Tracking team may turn it off without prior notification.
  • Some companies have firewall restrictions in place which means that you may only have access to the S3 bucket you are currently using. If you are having issues:
    • Verify with your IT department if this is the case and ask them to allow access to the URL of the new region where you want to store media.
    • Since existing media is not moved, make sure the IT department keeps allowing access to the S3 URL you are currently using.
    • Also, make sure access is allowed for accelerated S3 URLs and regular S3 URLs.

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