
Formatting text fields with Markdown

Flow Production Tracking currently supports Markdown rendering in the following places:

  • Note bodies, Note replies, and Note email notifications, and
  • Ticket descriptions, Ticket replies, and Ticket email notifications

The Markdown implementation on Flow Production Tracking follows the widely-used Github Flavored Markdown (GFM) specifications.


Visit the GitHub basic writing and formatting syntax documentation to learn more about Github Flavored Markdown (GFM) specifications.

Styling text

Style Markdown formatting syntax Output
Bold **This is bold text** or __This is bold text__ This is bold text
Italic *This text is italicized* or _This text is italicized_ This text is italicized
Strikethrough ~~This text is styled with a strikethrough~~ This text is styled with a strikethrough
Bold and nested italic **This text is bold and _italicized_** This text is bold and italicized
All bold and italic ***This text is all bold and italicized*** This text is all bold and italicized
Subscript This is <sub>subscript</sub> text This is subscript text
Superscript This is <sup>superscript</sup> text This is superscript text

Flow Production Tracking will auto-link URL patterns it recognizes for you, but if you want to specify a link text, use:

Markdown Output
[Example Site]( Example Site


Markdown Output
![Title/Alt Text](URL) Spaceship


Markdown Output
This is the `source` variable This is the source variable

Block-level styling


First paragraph

Second paragraph
with manual line-breaks

Third paragraph


Headings begin with a # and a space:

Heading syntax

# Title

## Subtitle

### 3rd level

#### 4th level

##### 5th level

###### All the way up to 6th level

Heading outputs



Unordered list syntax

- First item
- Second item
- Third item

Unordered list output

unordered list

Ordered list syntax

1. First item
2. Second item
    - Unordered item
    - Unordered item
1. Third item 
    1. Ordered item one
    2. Ordered item two
1. Fourth item

Ordered list output

Ordered list

Task lists


- [x] First task
- [ ] Second task
- [ ] Third task


Task list



> First line of a quote.
> Second line of the same quote.

Break from the quote.

> You can also **add markdown** to a quote.


Task list


Three dashes (---) are required to separate each header cell, and colons (:) can be used to align columns.

| First Header | Second Header | Third Header  |
| ------------ |:-------------:| -------------:|
| Value 1      | centered      | right-aligned |
| Value 2      | centered      | right-aligned |
| Value 3      | centered      | right-aligned |



Code blocks

Code blocks are delimited by triple back-ticks (```) on their own line:


No language indicated, so no syntax highlighting. 
var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";
s = "Python syntax highlighting"
print s


Code blocks

Supported languages

Language name Alias
Apache apache, apacheconf
Bash bash, sh, zsh
CoffeeScript coffeescript, coffee, cson, iced
CPP cpp
CS cs
CSS css
Diff diff, patch
Dockerfile dockerfile, docker
Go go, golang
HTTP http, https
INI ini
Java java, jsp
JavaScript javascript, js, jsx
JSON json
Less less
Lua lua
Makefile makefile, mk, mak
Markdwon markdown, md, mkdown, mkd
NGINX nginx, nginxconf
Objective-C onjectivec, mm, objc, obj-c
Perl perl, pl, pm
PHP php, php3, php4, php5, php6
Python python, py, gyp
RIB rib
RSL rsl
Ruby ruby, rb, gemspec, podspec, thor, irb
SCSS scss
SQL sql
XML xml
YAML yml

Horizontal rules

Use three or more of these to create a horizontal rule:







Additional resources

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