The Open Notes field displays all Notes linked to that record, such as Assets or Shots, that have the status “Open.”
Typically, a Note is created during a review session. The “Open” status indicates that the Note has not yet been addressed. After the Note is addressed, it is set to the status “Closed.”
You can modify these statuses to fit your workflow, but the Open Notes field will always key off the “Open” status.
Managing Read and Unread Threaded Entities
What is a Threaded Entity?
Threaded entities are Tickets and Notes, places where an original message or issue is stated and a conversation can then take place within the context of the replies section of each entity. Flow Production Tracking provides a visual indicator to denote if activity has occurred on that entity (such as someone replying) by flagging it as "unread." This distinction is on a per-user basis, meaning the user currently logged in can see what is read and unread by them, but not what is read or unread by others who may be on the same thread.
Unread Tickets or Notes are denoted by the title font being bold. If the font is normal, then it has been read. In the image below, Tickets 1 & 2 have been read by the currently logged in user, while Tickets 3-5 have not.
Where is this data stored?
A field exists on the Note and Ticket entities called "Read/Unread" (field code read_by_current_user
). This column can be exposed and utilized like any other field (like sorting, grouping, or conditional formatting). It has to predefined values, either "Read" or "Unread."
How do I quickly mark a number of Notes or Tickets as read or unread?
- Highlight the Notes or Tickets you wish to mark as read or unread.
- Right click on one of the highlighted rows.
- Select either, "Mark Selected as Read", or "Mark Selected as Unread."
- The Notes/Tickets titles will then unbold/bold as appropriate.
If Notes are drafted outide of Flow Production Tracking, you can import them with this steps.